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Everything posted by mousetrap08

  1. ah no that makes her the great grandmother and it was my duaghter who is the mother. I am the grandfather and i did say my grandson.
  2. no iam not serious. cant you take a joke or what. Apeartally you can't read anyway I said he was my grandson not my child so get a life.
  3. I don't know what has felt longer the 10 years of no Bills playoffs or the last 4 days of having my mother in law staying here. I GOTTA SAY IT FEELS AWFULLY CLOSE. lol. She came in from Florida this past Sunday to see my grandson who was born last March, 3 months premature and just came home from the hospital this past Thursday. The reason I have posted this is to thank this board and all the posters for helping me keep my sanity while she is here. At least this gives me a chance to escape.
  4. I am not a fan nor a hater of Trent Edwards but I would like to see him succeed as well as I would like all 4 Qb's because if they do well it makes the team better. That's the most important thing the w-l column
  5. Boy oh boy that Trent Edwards really sucks and I wish the Bills would have drafted Tim Tebow. Just think how good Tebow and the Bills could be if Ralph had hired Bill Cower. LOL! Welcome to the club of bad posters. I too have been blasted for something dumb or boring. Take it like a man I think it's kind of funny because some of the other posters come up with some really good remarks that make me laugh.
  6. newsome of the ravens said there hasn't been a good offer for gaither.
  7. I don't buy Bills merchandise or NFL Sunday Ticket but it has nothing to do with the Bills performance or their won lost record. After my 2nd heart attack in 2007 at age 42 I can no longer work so I can not afford to do so. I have been a Bills fan all my life and was a season ticket holder for 15 years and now because of health and money issues I can no longer attend any games and I sure do miss it a lot. So I say if your a fan and enjoy it and can afford it go ahead and get the Bills stuff you want. Don't take things for granted you just never know what may happen I would love to have a new Bills jersey and have Sunday Ticket but I just can't.
  8. Give me a reason to start listening to sports talk radio again. I stopped a few years ago. I just can't stand Schopp and the Bulldog. Mike Schoop thinks he is smarter and better than any body else. So be more down to earth and the listeners will connect with you better. The people of Buffalo, Rochester and the surrounding area are mostly hard working honest people who will see through a prima donna.
  9. you should where a paper bag over your head after this thread.
  10. Don't get your panties in a bunch I didn't say I wasn't rooting for the home town kid all I said is he is training fodder. We will find out come training camp. I hope I am wrong about him because that would be great if he made the team. I just don't think I am. Thanks for your offer but I am disabled and can't attend the games anymore after having my second heart attack 3 years ago. Come home from Iraq safely.
  11. All that means nothing in the NFL they don't care where your from or how much of a fan you are of the team. It's how you stack up against the big boys in the league. If I offended you with my comment Iam sorry but this post asked if he makes the team and I gave my opinion like everyone else has and Iam sticking to it. he is only training camp fodder.
  12. Come on now Lets not get stupid now. The draft is over and we have our QB's.
  13. Don't you just like being able to express your own opinion on this board with out being trashed for it. Just be careful that the moderators don't send you a nasty e-mail threatening to kick you off this board because you believe in the constitution that you have a right to your opinion. I don't agree with your opinion on this draft but it's still your opinion and your stuck with it. Like the old saying goes an opinion is like a hole and everybody has one.
  14. I sure did you just beat me to a post that I put on the board. That's not going to go over very well with the people of Buffalo knowing how proud Buffalo is of their polish heritage.
  15. Matt Millen called Jaws a polock from Buffalo on ESPN's coverage of theNFL draft.
  16. what are you talking about the bills already made there pick and picked up a wr in the 4th rd. :wallbash:the raiders picked up campbell went with the pick before bills
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