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Everything posted by mousetrap08

  1. Assembler welder tube 3 what a small world eh?
  2. I am 47 and lived in Dansville New York and worked as a welder for 15 years till the company closed the plant and moved to China in 2003. My 1st game was in 1984 against the Broncos but then had season tickets from 1988 to1997. I do not get to go to many games now due to health problems my last game was about 3 years ago my ex son in law drove my car and some hot shot parking lot attendant chewed us out for parking in the handicap lot even though I had my tag hanging in my car. I haven't been to a game since.It just isn't worth the hassle.
  3. I do not wear any Bills jersey and do not plan on buying one in the foreseeable future until this team proves to me that they are committed to put a contender on the field. I am tired of spending good money on something that turns out to be completely worthless after just one season. :angry:
  4. That was 2 grandsons and 2 heart attacks ago.
  5. I think the replacement refs did a good job last night and yea there was some blown calls but tell me at least one game that was ever called perfect.
  6. Just like that bad penny I guess
  7. So do I but I am more looking forward to this coming Sunday because I am bored as hell!!
  8. I hear what you are saying and agree with what you said to a certain extent but I can also see why others are complaining. They do go off the beating path and talk about some screwball topics at times. WGR is listed as sports talk radio just click on the listen live button and you will see that they are listed as that. I know that they want to be more of what guys would talk about in a bar kind of show but shouldn't that be listed under something else besides sports talk?
  9. I usually just listen to the audio vault segments that way I can chose what to listen to and when and that way I don't have to hear all that other STUPID S T that them 2 afternoon dumb dumbs try to pass along.
  10. My brother in law is a Jets fan and he is talking more trash about the Jets then he is about the Bills. I guess he is just discouraged in what his team has done lately. Just to much talk and not enough results.
  11. Gee! I wish my chickens would lay as many eggs as the Bills do
  12. Maybe he should be the Pats went to the last SB the Bills have not made the playoffs in 12 years and I am not sure that this year will be any better for the Bills they will have to show me because talk is cheap and I am not buying all the hype.
  13. I was planning on it but 4 new tires on the car put a end to those plans becuase now I am broke so now I have to be satisfied by listening to the game on the radio.
  14. Why that much? Even used footballs has some sort of value.
  15. It is getting so you have to pay to get on the internet so you can pay for any thing on the internet WHAT A BUNCH OF GREEDY !!!!!
  16. He is a no talent over hyped bumm that never had a chance in the nfl and I can say I was never a fan of his. So Jasper you fat slob don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you I will not miss you at all what a waste of a 7th round pick.
  17. Do not pay for it because it is a total rip off ! I feel like a complete sucker I AM PAYING FOR IT AND I AM STILL STUCK LISTING TO THE GAME BECAUSE IT IS BLACKED OUT!
  18. All I know I feel a whole lot worse that the Bills have any kind of future in Buffalo than I had before. Thanks Chuck for your worthless informatiom. Please don't waste your time or mine you pile of pig something else.
  19. Just like anyother thing that a worthless polition says it is nothing but a complet joke. I don't believe a word they say they say anyway and is a complete waste of time. Srew you CHUCK!
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