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Everything posted by mousetrap08

  1. I am not so sure this is good news or not because everything that the Bills do always have some sort black cloud hanging over it so Iam not very excited over this lease at all. Only time will tell if the Bills leave town or not so I will just wait and see.
  2. oooouch! just when you think that they hit rock bottom they sink to another low. Talk about running for the bus.
  3. WYDC from Elmira/Corning is not showing the game so now I have to watch something else.
  4. I see what you are saying but the Giants won the Super Bowl with just a 9-7 record so 8-8 doesn't really matter much.
  5. I can't say I would be any kind of football fan because it was the Bills that got me interested in watching football when I was growing up.
  6. Dear jbsabers do us all a favor and do not ever apply for the job as GM for the Bills.
  7. You where burned when you bought that Fits jersey. A FITS JERSEY? come on.
  8. I for one is not very optimistic but I guess anything is possible if I bought a lotto ticket I could win a million dollars to.
  9. Just give Buddy a call and tell him that you want to be a bad QB.
  10. I am optimistic that the Bills will lose. But the weather report looks good for Sunday so I think I will do some yard work before the snow starts to fly.
  11. A few years back someone started up a collection to put up a billboard on the NY. state thruway to fire D.J. and company. I was just thinking is it time for C.G. and company to be relieved of their duties .I for one is not a big fan of firing coaches but there does come a time when you have to fish or cut bate.
  12. Me to but I have been a fan for over 40years. Watching a Bills game is for me like eating a stale bag of potato chips. They just leave a bad taste in my mouth.
  13. Never lived in Buffalo but been there a few times. I think it is a nice city with good hard working down to earth people. I don't get why the city is bashed so much. I know Buffalo has it's problems but can you name any city, town or village that doesn't.
  14. And that is a surprise to you? Why do you think that this team has not made the playoffs in a dozen years.
  15. As a Bills fan for as long as I can remember and I am 47 years old. I have seen my share of the ups and the downs of this team. The 70's had some really bad teams but still had some years where O.J. (COUGH) had some great games and the Bills made the playoffs. The beginning and the ending of the 80's the team was very good the middle was just plain awful and so was attendance you could go to a game and pay $15.00 and sit where you wanted. My first game I went to had a whopping 25000 fans. In my opinion the 90's were the golden age of the Buffalo Bills and I am aware that the 60' s had some great years also but I was way to young or not born yet to remember. This past decade+ I will admit has been the most frustrating and I can understand the fans negativity because I have been guilty of the same thing. Just because a fan on this board rites a negative post does not mean they are not a fan. I think they are just venting. I for one is a great fan of the Bills and will always be I just got to keep a positive attitude and hope that they get this thing turned around because I am a fan thats is all I can do.
  16. I have to agree with you 100%. There is nothing funny about the defense at all. So what is your point. ha ha
  17. I don't know what is more ugly those uniforms or that defense that the Bills are trying to show us.
  18. Go buy a blocking sled and give it to Dave Wannstedt it would probably do a better job playing defense than them stiffs he has playing for him.
  19. I will not be watching the game on Sunday but not by choice. I get get them worthless Corning/Elmira stations that decided not to televise Sundays game.
  21. I think I figured out who you are from from Foster wheeler. Did you work in the x-ray dept.

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