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Posts posted by DPowlus

  1. You're dumber than a 3rd grader. I didn't say one thing about land, and furthermore, I didn't say I agreed with helping the Jews either. You just made that up and then accused me of something I didn't say. The free flow of oil is in our interest, dumbass. I don't want any part of their deserts and camel dung.


    Now let's talk about who Don Powlus really is. You've supposedly been a member here for over 2 years but never posted until a few days ago. Then you post up a storm and make it obvious that you've been at least lurking for quite some time. You're just another one of the banned posters that set up multiple accounts some time ago because you knew you'd probably get banned. You come on acting like a street thug but if you tried this **** in real life you'd be pissing your pants the first time anyone challenged you. I've got a pretty good idea who you are and I dealt with you pretty effectively in the past.

    Writing styles are pretty difficult to change.



    You couldn't be more wrong on all levels.

  2. No, I'm not reading Wiki or Google; I'm going of my very considerable history education and knowledge of linguistics. The Vikings colonized the greater Dnepr/Dnestr region around the 9th century, founding the Kievan Rus principalities, which were subsequently destroyed by the Mongol invasion, leading to the Turkic domination of the Ukraine and Belorussia until the 15th century, when they were overthrown by the Slavic Muscovites, who would be the actual precursors to modern Russia. The Jews, on the other hand, migrated eastwards to Eastern Europe in the 14th century, NOT the other way around...which is the biggest reason why Yiddish is considered Germanic (having developed in the Rhine valley as a hybrid of Old German and Hebrew - North Germanic and Semitic languages, respectively, with nary a bit of Slavic between them).


    And the only time Europe was "Germanic" was the Frankish kindgoms of the 700's...and even then, your very next statement belies that, since if by that judgement Europe was "Germanic", then Russia wasn't Slavic when the Vikings founded it, but Nordic.


    And you're still confusing geography and culture with linguistics. The Franks ruling France in the 700's doesn't make French a Germanic language - quite the contrary, it's a Romantic language. That's very easily verified, if you could be bothered to have a clue.




    Stop confusing race, culture, geography, and linguistics. Really, for someone who claims to be "educated", you haven't got even the smallest inkling of a clue of what you're talking about.



    Interesting on how someone who has been proven wrong multiple times(YOU) is an authority?


    I'm done with you. So run along scamp.

  3. Stop confusing linguistics with geography, moron. You can't argue that most of Europe was "Germanic" since 1) it wasn't, and 2) it's a linguistic term, not a geographic or cultural one.


    And Kievan Rus is not the precursor to the modern Russian state - it was destroyed by the Mongols; there's a two-century gap between the Nordic principalities of Kiev and the slavic Muscovy, which incedentally puts 400 years between the germination of the Yiddish language and Slavic Russia.


    Seems like I'm not the one that needs to read a history book, nitwit. :rolleyes:



    Tom YOU'RE READING WIKI or GOOGLE, you're reading a sentence on a page and think you are correct? You're an idiot. A gap between empires doesn't mean the chinese left and russians took their place. THOSE PEOPLE ARE GENETIC LINKS, they shared culture you moron! And GERMANIC TRIBES DID DOMINATE EUROPE YOU IGNORANT PUP! The Roman Empir was constantly fighting the Germanic TRIBES! MOST OF EUROPE WAS GERMANIC in the ETHNIC SENSE. Which is why ENGLISH, FRENCH, SOME IRISH AND MANY SPANIARDS look pretty much the same! Vikings and other peoples were at war for hundreds of years which explains the eventual mix! When they stopped being nomadic war tribes and had definable boundaries their ethnic make up was refined to what you see TODAY.


    STOP USING SLAVIC AS IF IT WERE a people that magically appeared in the 1600's! The term "Slavic" dates as far back as the 5th century if memory serves me correct. The PEOPLE THAT I CALLED RUSSIANS (BY CULTURE and DOMINANT GENETICS are those that had that land throughout the last 1300 years! Stop arguing to argue, you're and idiot. A complete and total moron.


    Stop confusing linguistics with geography, moron. You can't argue that most of Europe was "Germanic" since 1) it wasn't, and 2) it's a linguistic term, not a geographic or cultural one.


    And Kievan Rus is not the precursor to the modern Russian state - it was destroyed by the Mongols; there's a two-century gap between the Nordic principalities of Kiev and the slavic Muscovy, which incedentally puts 400 years between the germination of the Yiddish language and Slavic Russia.


    Seems like I'm not the one that needs to read a history book, nitwit. :rolleyes:




    Hey Tom what was your Great-Great-Great Grand Mother's maiden name?


    By your reasoning you're of no relation to her(I'm assuming your folk inbreed so it applies to our debate)



  4. ZIONISTS are the problem over there. Those Acidic Jews don't belong there but why wouldn't the US protect its own interest in the Middle East. Why should they help the ARABS?



    Protect "It's" interests? Since when is someone else's land your interest? That is as valid me saying I have a right to be interested in what time you leave home and where your valuables are. You're an idiot. I'm tired of trying to be nice with some of you because you don't have the intelligence to understand simple fact.


    Also if by your belief that "Jews Don't Belong There", then why is it okay to help them and not the Arabs?


    It seems as if you favor those very Zionist's you hate rather than a people our nation has wronged dearly. The Oil reserves in the Middle East don't belong to us anymore than our reserves belong to them, perhaps those ignorant bastards who drew up 9/11 were just managing their interests on our soil? Doesn't sound sane does it? Sure doesn't fella, you're an idiot, you need to go back to school and I suggest you take DC Tom with you. Now run along scamp.

  5. There's no such linguistic family as "ANATOLIAN". I think you mean Turkic...which would be correct, Yiddish is not a Turkic language, it's Germanic. But you're the assmunch that said the Jews came from Anatolia. :rolleyes:





    In the time frame you're discussing (11th century AD), "Russia" didn't even exist - in as much as it did, it was Viking settlements (The "Rus'" were Scandanavians who made their way down trade routes from modern St. Petersburg to Kiev, and ultimately founded the first Rus' state centered on Kiev). Poland at the time (as well as Hungary - hence, most of Eastern Europe) were independent kingdoms. Russia, in any approximation of the sense you're using it in, didn't exist until the Crimean Tatars were defeated as a political power in 1480.





    Your point that it went by a different name thus is invalid? So what was Italy to Rome? America once was nothing but a handful of colonies BUT the branch that created them spawned neighboring regions to become their own (Thus giving validity to any reference of them as "American". Kievan Rus was the 3rd empire that created and developed the "Modern" Russian culture, custom and layout of historical sense.


    So yet again Tom, pick up a book and STOP reading a 1000th of a book in some internet article.


    Also Tom one could argue that most of Europe was GERMANIC at SOME POINT, as much as those "Kingdoms" as you had put it were uninfluenced by The PEOPLES that settled what is NOW Russia.


    How many kingdoms existed in England before total rule by one King?

    How many Kings held title in these Germanic areas?


    I tried to put it in terms MOST would understand, I wouldn't refer to Germany today by digging up some ancient name for folks 1000 years ago, the idea is to trace roots and Tom you're missing the point. Names of Nations & Cities change often throughout history, perhaps the next time we talk about Pyramids and such it'd be best to refer to Egypt as Mizraim?

  6. Poland? So Jews only lived in Poland? Lsten up scamps, it wasn't disney land and i never said it was strongly influenced by either language(german or russian) I said it was developed in RUSSIA while JEWS had been there following conflicts with the Western Roman Empire. THESE ARE FACTS, you CANNOT ARGUE FACTS YOU IDIOT and please run along now.


    Consult a Jew? How brilliant! Where should we go to look for one?


    I'm retired! I play golf with the rest of the AARP crowd, I have many Jewish friends and have a close friend who speaks Yiddish. Listen up pup, Alzheimer's has robbed me of more knowledge than you've got tinking around in wasted mind. Get a clue scamp and run along.

  7. Whaaat? Yiddish is more Russian than German?


    Here's a hint, a successful troll at least knows the trade that he trolls.


    There were no Russian Jews in the 16th century that migrated to Prussia you numbskull. The migration was eastward.




    What in the world is a Jewish dialect? AFAIK, there is no "Jewish" language for it to be a derived dialect.





    So what is a "Jew"? Is it a religion? Is it a race/ethnic group?


    Answer: The Jews are an ETHNIC GROUP THAT SHARES A RELIGION IN MAJORITY. Their ancestors began to flee the area known as "Israel" formerly a territory of the Old Roman Empire(Old meaning Eastern-ASIA MINOR), they began to flee during the 4th century A.D., after the Empire began to be heavily(not completely) influenced by Christianity. As Constantine became Emperor Jews became frowned upon in Rome(Italy first then points North)PLEASE DO NOT BRING UP KHAZARS-They were TURKS mostly who converted to Judaism(Though some Khazars were JEWS about 75% of them were TURKS who CONVERTED to JUDAISM(RELIGIOUS JEWS BUT NOT ETHNIC). By the 6th and 7th centuries JEWS were being run out of Northern Italy and driven into France & What is now Germany. When Pepin(Father of Charles the Great-CHARLEMAGNE The FIRST Holy Roman Emperor) took power mid 8th century he ran the "JEWS" out of his kingdom and into hiding(Most converted for public display but remained "Jews" in private, those that didn't were jailed or executed.


    Charlemagne following in his Father's footsteps was harsh to the Jews and drove many "Public" Jews points north in Russia and far eastern Europe. Now most people call Khazars the Jews that fled Judea first but that's not true, the "Khazars" (Now a mixed group on religious Jews for the most part) were pushed into Russia in the 13th & 14th centures. The Ethnic Jews were there several centuries before and FIRST began using "YIDDISH" according to record a few hundred years later. When the Roman Empire fell during the early-mid 15th Century many Jews began returning to areas such as Turkey, Italy, France, England, Germany and the Middle East/Northern Africa. Through many centuries of exile one could argue the Yiddish language is a mix of them all, but is far more influenced by Russian than it is anyother language, German is SECOND(Only because much of modern Yiddish slang was sharpened in Germany and Eastern Europe following the fall of the Roman Empire).


    The Romans were harsh on Jews, they taxed them and not the Christians(Before Christianity became the dominant religion of the upper class), Jews were hounded in Spain, France, Germany, England and Russia for much of the last 500 years, Yiddish is a DIRECT causes of their forced migrations. These are facts fellas, stop being hard headed and accept facts.


    Whaaat? Yiddish is more Russian than German?


    Here's a hint, a successful troll at least knows the trade that he trolls.


    There were no Russian Jews in the 16th century that migrated to Prussia you numbskull. The migration was eastward.




    What in the world is a Jewish dialect? AFAIK, there is no "Jewish" language for it to be a derived dialect.



    No "Jewish" Language? What do they speak in Israel? ANSWER: HEBREW


    What is Yiddish? A morphed mix of Russian, German, Turkish & you guessed it HEBREW. Haven't you read the Torah? Nope? I guess you think it was written in Chinese originally right?


    Run along scamp


    Because it came from Anatolia. :wallbash:




    Do I smell pork?







    Whaaat? Yiddish is more Russian than German?


    Here's a hint, a successful troll at least knows the trade that he trolls.


    There were no Russian Jews in the 16th century that migrated to Prussia you numbskull. The migration was eastward.




    What in the world is a Jewish dialect? AFAIK, there is no "Jewish" language for it to be a derived dialect.



    WHAT IS NOW EASTERN EUROPE WAS RUSSIA. Pick up a history book fella, letters grouped to make words, put the together from left to right and it's called reading.


    Anymore ways you chaps want to be proven wrong?


    I thought your teachers were supposed to teach you this stuff or atleast scratch close enough so as to encourage you to venture further out scholastically?


    40,000 a year and they can't even teach you poor misguided scamps how to read...

  8. No, linguisticly, Yiddish is Germanic, not Slavic.


    I understand not knowing that. I don't understand how anyonc can claim to know anything about languages and not know that. :rolleyes:







  9. Having studied - among other languages - Latin and German, I don't need a book to tell me the difference between Romantic and Germanic roots.


    By the way...Yiddish is GERMANIC, scheisskopf.


    Actually you do, YIDDISH is more RUSSIAN than GERMANIC putz. Russian Jews brought it with them to Prussia in the 16th century.


    Read a book before you get involved. I'm done with debating anything with you, you're ignorant and that's that. Sorry.

  10. This debate is hilarious, Like anyone on this board is an expert on normal. Here's a pretty girl to talk about normal.





    OK after watching the video I think Tom might have some knowledge of the subject seeing how he is bent in a right angle stoop.


    BTW none of you guys is sexy.



    Dames. The reason the world goes 'round.


    Let's just skip German and go straight for Latin...Fatuus


    If you're going to use latin, please use it correctly. By just saying "Fatuus" it's the same as saying idiot without leading with "You're an". In Latin it doesn't translate to what you think it means. Got to love the 1950's, Latin, German & French were all MANDATORY courses in Junior High School as well as High School.

  11. You were PERSONALLY involved with the Balfour agreement and the Taft administration? :lol:



    PERSONAL in the sense I was alive while it was a topic of conversation in many American households, namely our neighbors The Baum's. My father worked in D.C. for a lobbyist and politics was always a well traveled debate for us growing up. YOUR generation on the other hand listens to whatever charlatan is the flavor os the week for you "Personal" views on pretty much everything, do you know that our schooling in those days wasn't geared towards passing a test so as to get federal aid? That we learned PRACTICAL knowledge that had sustained the engine that drove this nation during it's best years. What have you done Sir? Besides "Trolling" (Not sure if that's a real word, or something that has just entered the English language lately) the forums looking to pick a fight without any real stance other than, "Mama's basement is getting damp".


    Run along scamp

  12. Which is why I usually "conveniently" leave the discussion...when it turns out that I'm talking to someone who hasn't bothered to inform themselves.




    For the record, I still refuse to acknowledge you as a legitimate poster. :P




    No it didn't, schmuck. Norma is a Latin root, not a Germanic one. Shut the !@#$ up already - either stop trolling, or learn to be a better one.


    Tom if you're going to run all over Google to prove me wrong why don't you pick up a copy of the 1967 version of Linguistics by Taylor & Francis for the English Language. GERMANS during the 18th Century popularized NORMALCY as a term, over the next 100 years it had been adapted into OUR AMERICAN ENGLISH LANGUAGE. I still have the copy for college on my shelf if you'd like to borrow it.


    Run along scamp


    PUTZ is YIDDISH by the way

  13. Yeah...uh, no. History actually began before 1945, dumbass.



    Sure did. I was born a few years before that so I think I have just a bit more PERSONAL knowledge on the matter. Balfour agreement, President Taft's agreement with Ludwig & Otto Wiltz in 1909...the list my friend is quite long.


    Stop trying to be a pest and understand facts pal, I know you're all used to arguing as much as possible about nothing but this JOKE is quite serious. Though I'd like to blame you for your lack of knowledge I too share the blame due to thinking we'd have a real conversation here.


    Well gents I've spent my last shell so say what you say and say what you will but you're the ones who'll be stuck with the bill.

  14. What the !@#$ are you talking about? Are you making reference to the fact that all language evolves, or are you referencing a specific word that was misused that led to "normality"? Please explain because although you know a lot of facts you come off as a bit of a mediocre genius when it comes to reason and application. And when you get yourself in a corner you conveniently disappear from the discourse.


    It's father's day. I'm 68. I have a life outside of these digital walls friendo.


    As for a word "Working" it's way into the dictionary...That's pretty much how all words made it there SCAMP. The "English" language has evolved drastically in the last 250 years and us Americans have nudged that process along with our various dialects. Also something being a word for 280 years is pretty solid and it also wasn't added nor created out of ignorance. (STUDIED ENGLISH IN COLLEGE-Not 7th Grade English but origins and such dating back to the 11th Century). It found it's way on our tongue because of the Germans in the 17th century.




    ALL variants of "normal" entered colloquial English in the mid-19th century, thus making "normality" as bogus as "normalcy".


    If you think otherwise, you're just a partisan liberal hack who hates Warren G. Harding. Retard. :wallbash:


    When you're right you're right.


    Bravo scamp

  15. Our fault? How about it being the ZIONISTS fault?





    Israel being in the Middle East isn't soley a Zionist vision, it's was backed by the U.S. & The U.N. so it's a shared blame. Here is where the FAULT lies, in the continued role the U.S. has played in the Middle East as a clandestine police force that ONLY gets involved to serve AMERICAN interests rather than the interests of ARAB peoples. So "GelMibson" it is in fact our fact, if you have an issue being able to read and sort through facts to grasp this concept then you should go back to school or leave these conversings to those who can.


    Zionists are no conspiracy, neither is OUR role in that region so isn't it NATURAL they are of the same sort?


    Ask intelligent questions, research for answers THEN and ONLY THEN should you place yourself in the crossfire of such a topic in PUBLIC. You're wrong.

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