Should his wife have stayed in the car? Yes. But in that situation, I'm sure the last thing on her mind was sitting there while her husband got a traffic ticket "Sorry Mom I know you're one your way out, but.............." there really are very few if any things that would come close to being appropriate to finish that sentence. Did Moats react properly, yes, he responded as respectfully as he could considering the situation, and is seen explaining that his mother in law was in there very close to death. I personally understand that the officer has to look out for his own safety first, and then the public, but all it would have taken was a simple "lets go inside so I can verify this story" before; and almost definitely after the hospital staff iand off duty officer (or showver he is) are seen talking to the patrolman. It probably won't go beyond his slap on the wrist and whatever time they feel is justified on desk duty, but really, c'mon........... if the officer were in the same situation, I'd like to see a white, purple, black, orange, whatever color you can think of person try to stop him from seeing his loved one as they were passing on. Illegal? Probably not, Cold, heartless, and pretty much as cruel as you can be? I'm going to have to say yes.