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Posts posted by Amstel

  1. I'm a little confused here. Wasn't it mentioned earlier that they were cleaning house and wanted to bring in a strong football guy to run things? How the hell can you zero in on HC candidates before hiring a GM? Isn't that what Lerner did in Cleveland? And I can't believe I'm hearing the name Gilbride. That guys a jackass. Didn't Buddy Ryan punch him on the sidelines in Houston? Wasn't it rumored that Ruben Brown almost came to blows with him in a meeting preceding the end of Browns career with the Bills.....

  2. I agree with the aforementioned criticisms of mort and pastabelly. However, I definitely see part of this move aimed at creating some sort of stir and selling tix. They can afford to pay him $6.5 mil for one year because no one else is signing with them and they have cap space. No one will want to sign here until they get a real GM in the fold to right the ship.....

  3. It has to do with possibly appeasing Peters? I know he was making too much for his performance but the money the Bills saved is no big deal. I know they avoid paying him a 1.5 mil bonus or something but in renegotiating Peter's contract when they get around to it, having Dockery gone and not the highest paid lineman anymore won't hurt.....also sends a message that they will rid themselves of people who don't live up to their contracts. Just an idea. For what its worth I don't think the Bills are going to make a huge splash in FA. My guess is they sign a number of moderately priced FA's who are good but not great.....

  4. I don't know why people are freaking out and complaining. The first three picks look to be excellent. I must admit I was expecting a TE in the third but apparently no one worth taking at that slot was there. I trust the scouts we've had a couple of really good drafts the last couple years and seem to find talent in the later rounds so I trust them.......As far a center goes perhaps there was no one of value at the slots we've picked at.....

  5. Stewy- hop on the LIRR to Penn Station. There's a bar on the LIRR level called Tracks that's owned by a huge Bills fan. He usually attends the Bills draft party at McFadden's on 2nd and 42nd. I got the email and the special runs from 4-11 or something like that. It's $25 all you can drink domestics and $30 all you can drink import with unlimited wings. Check out their site at www.nycbbb.com. I used to go all the time but have been out of the loop. I plan on going. Let me know if you are and I'll give you instructions or let you know when I'll be going thru Penn so you can get to McFaddens by subway.


    Just an idea.

  6. I've been reading PFT for years. Florio has consistently been saying the Bills are on the rise and will take a lot of teams by surprise. In his ten pack about the NFL scheduling he throws the Bills a bone.


    At least he's honest even about teams he likes personally. On top of that he's hilarious. The names he creates for people and pics he alters of coaches and players......

  7. That would be funny. He went to my HS although I think he was a freshman (if that) when I was a senior. He's very full of himself. He was Mr. Irrelevant and drafted by Chicago originally. No joke his hometown in NJ actually has a "Jim Finn" day. I used to live in a neighboring town and read about it in the local community newspaper.....actually OSI UMENYIORA was at my friends wholesale car dealership today. I had no idea who he was. I had a Bills hat on the whole time. He seemed nice enough but wasn't very big for a DE. He bought a porsche cayenne I think........

  8. I can't believe I read that McGahee blamed the line. WR's and QB for his performance. While I agree a better line would've helped, why not leave it alone? Talk about your new home not make excuses about your performance with your former team. He should be grateful Donahoe selected his ass in the first round THEN he was able to SIT OUT a year and rehab. What a jerkoff. I don't wish bad things on him (and I HATE the ravens) but if he should make a highlight reel with an injury can't say I won't smirk....

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