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Posts posted by Amstel

  1. That was a great article. I think he'll be good. He's truly a football guy. I don't see him getting caught up in business and politics associated with being a GM. I love the fact that even though they offered him the chance to live out of state he insists on living in Buffalo. I must add that as much as I'd like it to happen turning it around is not going to happen overnight. I think we need to cut them some slack and not trash Nix/Gailey if success doesn't happen right away as long as we see progress....

  2. We can only hope all the changes pan out. I don't know what kind of GM Nix will be but I don't doubt his ability to run a draft and pick decent players. No idea how Gailey will be but I doubt he can be worse than DJ and I agree there was no way we were gonna land one of the "big boys." I hope the Coaches he surrounded himself turn out to be good. I hope Whaley is the real deal and a possible succession plan at GM......

  3. Its hard to say what it would take because we don't know what other teams are willing to offer. All it takes is one other team to offer a first round pick to make the deal not worth doing. Personally, I know we need an upgrade at QB but we don't have the supporting cast to put around this guy. I would rather see the Bills invest their picks in some new young talent and develop a QB. This guy would only be a stop gap for a couple years and I doubt thats what he's looking for.... I want to win now as much as anyone however I'd rather see the Bills develop some young core players even if it makes us take our lumps for another season or two. The way I look at it is its been ten awful years whats another one or two if it means being consistently good for a number of years after. I'd hate to try and bring in guys to bandaid the thing and be a slightly over 500 team on the cusp of the playoffs for a couple of years before going back down the tubes....

  4. PFT is Florio right? ugh this guy bothers me a ton. Nice to see whoever this DB "insider" is really doesn't know squat. I have a feeling a LOT more people like Buddy in this league then we are lead to believe....



    Florio isn't a bad guy. He makes fun of every team at one point or another and it usually is funny. He doesn't take as many shots at the Bills as he probably could. A lot of time he's quoting someone else if its negative about the Bills. He actually lauded the Gailey hiring and I'd provide the link if I wasn't so lazy......

  5. Based upon what I've read thus far it seems like a great move and that Buddy does possibly have an eye towards the future and stability. If Bill did suggest this guy and Gailey works out we owe him some thanks. Everyone was up in arms about how he shunned us when he may have actually been pretty cool about it offering his opinions on who might be a good fit. I'm glad we got some new blood for evaluating talent that comes from the outside.....

  6. I'm not against a 3-4 however while some of our guys might fit well into it overall I don't think we have the personnel suited for it. Like everybody else around here I'm hoping we draft some talent and get some FA's but I think it would be a stretch to try and get all the bodies necessary and have depth to run 3-4. I hope whomever becomes our d coordinator adapts his scheme to who we have (keep) and who we get rather than jamming square pegs into round holes. Supposedly thats what Chan's good at doing on O so I imagine he'd want someone who thinks the same way running his D....all that said it would be cool if we could run some variations of the 3-4 at times to give confusing looks if we could pull it off in a less than part time basis.......

  7. I wouldn't compare Josh to Andre. That said, I like Josh and wouldn't mind him resigning with the team. He has converted a lot of third downs for us.....


    When Andre hit FA they signed Quinn Early to a 7mil contract. Marv had guys like Bruce Jim and Thurman call Andre to show him the love and talk him into returning to the team......

  8. I dont like this at all. Nix can scout players but can he run the whole show? This to me is Brandon making sure he keeps all his power and still mettles in the football side of the business where he absolutely Does Not Belong. They'll get some other moron in to coach that will be no better than the last three. Marty? Please how many playoff games has he won? In three tries with three other teams he has zero superbowls. I hope Im wrong because after 26 years of being a Bills fan I'm about done if this nonsense continues......They needed a young up and coming guy with new ideas. They couldve kept Nix as national scout no one else was going to make him a GM.....

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