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Posts posted by Amstel

  1. I wouldnt blame it all on Trent and maybe Fitz will provide a "spark" and I hope he does however, I would caution all not to expect too much different of an outcome. The bottom line is he's no better than what everyone was clamoring for- a stop gap. He's no more the QB of the future as a FA journeyman would've been even if he manages to win a few games along the way. I was hoping (against hope) Trent would've pulled it all together so that at least we'd have been settled at the QB position next year and could concentrate on picking the best Tackle on the board......

  2. I don't think Nix/Galiey thought they had many choices. There werent any major FA's available and apparently they didnt think there was a QB or Tackle worthy of the number 9 pick. While I hate to think we're playing for a draft pick thats likely what its going to end up. Nix was part of a regime that wasnt afraid to take Manning number one to trade for Rivers who went at number 4. Hopefully he learned from that and wont be afraid to pull the trigger if they like one of the guys thats there at our pick....

  3. The difference is, I'm not part of the give it to me now generation. I've been through worse and haven't left the team. I'm a Bills fan, good bad or otherwise. The difference between you and me is that I enjoy being optimistic.



    And the retard rollercoaster goes up up up..


    You are so right! We have become a "drive thru" society. We want quick fixes to everything be it the economy or football team- situations that took years of miscalculations and mistakes to get into we want to get out of overnight!


    And that last line is classic!

  4. They had drafted Wood and Levitre to the be the starters at G for the future. They brought Incognito in out of desperation because Wood was out for the year and we were decimated on the line. I doubt they were going to give Incognito a longterm contract to have him here for depth and I doubt they were going to sit a first and second round pick for Incognito to start. I doubt he wanted to be here as a backup. If we had let a dominant tackle go then I'd say Nix screwed up. Even if they tendered him he didnt have to sign and even if he ultimately did, if he signed against his will who would want him in the lockeroom? And I doubt they'd have gotten anything in trade for his rights......

  5. More than Coaching right now I think this team is a mess because of a decade of bad drafting. At best our good draft choices have become "solid" players but no stars. I can see why Nix didnt bring in any big name free agents. Whats the point? We're probably a few years and a couple more (good) drafts away from contending for anything. We're not a "Karlos Dansby" or "Jake Delhomme" or whomever away from contending. Sign them now and they're three years older by the time we're ready to contend for the division. Even if Peyton Manning had been available and we signed him we wouldnt contend. Sure the offense would be better but he'd still be playing behind the same line, with the same receivers and no tight end.


    I admit I was wrong. I thought the team would be better and we'd surprise a few people. I thought they looked decent in preseason and based on no particular rationale I guess I blindly hoped things would be looking up.


    I'm not giving anyone a pass. I just think that more than "Ralph's cheap" or "Nix doesnt know what he's doing" that even though they won't and can't admit it, they didnt go on a signing spree because we're more than a few players away and its going to take another two or three seasons. Anyone remember TO last year....we were a heck of a lot farther away from serious contention than a star wideout....


    I know there are few teams that have turned things around in short order but those teams either had more talent than we do or were a total fluke


    I'm down like everyone else but not in "panic" mode. We all want a quick fix to something that took the better part of a decade to get into. Its going to take some time.....

  6. I'm sure I'll get blasted for this. However, I know we're not that good but if you think we suck and arent NFL caliber etc., why watch? Why call yourself a Bills fan and post here? I'm as sick of losing as anyone else. I've complained publicly and privately. I've come to the realization that either I deal with it and ride it out till things turn around or walk away. Today didnt go as I or anyone here wanted it too. I expected more adjustments on offense by Chan etc. But there were a few signs of change if only by Chan and decisions he made and not the players. I'm glad we lost by 5 and not three. That call to take the safety showed our coach has balls.........

  7. The two total anti-jauron moves I liked were trying to kick the fg at the end of the first half with one second left and taking the safety deliberately. The safety was a ballsy move that didnt work however at least he said f%*k it took a stand and said I'm going to go for it whereas dicky wouldve rather have lost by 3 than 5 even if the safety might have given them a better chance at recovering the kick and winning the game....

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