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Everything posted by rpcolosi

  1. that sanchez deal really effed everything up
  2. awesome 5th post dude. really, just full of insight and intelligence. yes, once we all realize that, THEN the curse will be lifted. that, or we need a real GM and scouting department, and an owner willing to spend money on players, and a coach that has a history of winning. you know, it might be the MCM curse, or the fact we are lacking in those 3 things listed above...
  3. uh huh.... the parker brothers hate the bills and vice versa. this is going to get nasty, and heres hoping that if maybe does pan out we convince him to at least go to rosenhaus as an agent over these guys. they just love dragging clients on
  4. from watching training camp yesterday I have to admit this - Keith Ellison works much, much harder than either Bowen or Harris. If I had to assign each a number based upon their effort, performance and demeanor from 0-100, bowen was about a 50, harris a 65 and Ellison a 95. This is coming from a guy who HATES having ellison as a starting linebacker, but I can not deny what I saw. Ellison ran every drill like poz did - hard and full speed head with emotion. harris and more specifically Bowen kinda just did it and even half assed it at points. More importantly, as practice ended, Bowen was kinda mouthing back to Ellison as Ellison and some other UDFA kept running suicides. Bowen, of all people, should have been the guy after practice working harder. No, it was Ellison. The guy just went the extra mile all day in camp. Bowen was just a sad excuse in my opinion, for some people to have hope that he amounts to something. Harris has natural skill, certainly but just didn't seem to execute well, which is probably because he is a rookie. I hate admitting it, but I was actually impressed with Ellison and he also looked to have bulked up some. also - I was really impressed to see Fine and Nelson working much longer after practice. encouraging sign.
  5. wow. bledsoe in his prime blew away romo. had the patsies had TO when bledsoe was younger that team would have been pretty nasty. irvin is an idiot and never should have been in the HOF. coke addict....
  6. I didn't see this linked anywhere in the archives, so if i missed it just re-direct, but this is a great article from PFW on how good Tasker was and the impact he had on some of those huge bills wins. the "77 second miracle" is one i still remember seeing in the headlines of the News that next morning. such a great game against Elway. http://profootballweekly.com/2009/07/20/ta...in-hall-of-fame
  7. how could you not read between the lines of his initial reaction to losing peters and being shifted to LT? he basically said he'd do what the team asked him to - not exactly a ringing endorsement. I might be crazy but i actually liked Kirk Chambers whenever he played LT. He isn't flashy, but if he does as good (or as bad) as peters last year, it shouldnt kill us. The guys who really hurt were preston/fowler and dockery. we had far too many guys come inside during the rush. also, if we use the no huddle more frequently it can take away teh teams best pass rusher. im hoping jauron/schonert are wise enough to see this can mask our O-line problems. that or they better make a play for levi jones cause no way langston makes it the whole season at LT IMO.
  8. im sorry how is this a snub? mort is the worst. even my friends with ESPN the Mag tell me the guy gets all second and third hand info and his "contacts" are basically ex coaches and admin that is now in the media. he's honestly a complete tool bag.....
  9. where did you guys go to get your tickets? I might make it to the game itself but not to the ceremony.
  10. The peter kind comment you have is NOTHING on your Macchiavelli quote. Way to tell it like it is man. excellent quote and one of the most insightful, non-football things I've seen on here. more people should be aware of such truths.
  11. wehn you dont sign free agents and can't keep your own players you end up with starters in every round, whether you like it or not. hence why ellison is still starting. heres hoping harris is legit.
  12. um likewise. gholston won't be as bad as he was his first year. a lot of people ripped mario williams too. problem with gholston is he really is a 4-3 end, not a OLB... but gholston was an absolute beast at OSU and was not a one move guy. he beat guards inside, he beat tackles outside, he played coverage. i normally like PFW a lot, but this guy seems a little bit like he is an SEC or PAC 10 fan and is just ripping the big 10 big time and using these two as his talking points.
  13. thats such an obama thing to say. the bills wouldn't do anything to put any added pressure on Trent. he is the apple of Ralph's eye. Keep looking elsewhere. And Fitzgerald isn't as bad as everyone claims he is. Hamdan, though, is.
  14. for those of us not able to attend - please, if at all possible, keep these updates coming. certainly appreciated
  15. theres this thing called the suburbs. buffalonians move there
  16. not really true. If trent has a great year, the bills will break bank for him. it's clear Ralph will dish out $$$ for guys he likes. He will over pay Trent just as he has in the past - see schobel, kelsay, dockery, etc. I just hope this becomes a questions we even need to have - that trent becomes an above average, stable QB.
  17. thats exactly what i wanted to know. I think its considerably more to watch it live (like $200+ for the year) but thats really what I needed to know is that you can access all the games. Thanks a ton.
  18. um ya... polian, butler, aj smith. any of them and we'd be so much better off. i love ralph and all, but c'mon. this team was legit with the hiring of Polian, those guys came from his lineage and he has an insane ability to rate talent. granted he has only one SB win and had a world class QB at buffalo and indy, but the guy is a HOF no doubt about it. oh well... lets hope brandon learns well on the job!!!! (ok totally kidding there)
  19. Just curious if anyone on here has lived overseas and used NFL game pass. I'm going to be in Okinawa for the next 2 years and was wondering if you can get access to ANY NFL game through it or not. Sadly, the NFL doesn't have a ton of info on it here, since it's only allowed in specific countries internationally. If you have used it at all while living overseas please let me know. As much as I like John Murphy, I don't want to miss the one year of TO playing in the BLO
  20. whittle is pretty good. i saw a chris watson one once. had to be custom made
  21. on a bills board you ask for a debate? c'mon you know it will all be biased... that said - it has to be bruce. He played in a 3-4 for all those years and dominated, as opposed to a 4-3. That said, we did often shift a LB to the line, but he still had to beat a ton of double teams. AS for as DE go, hes probably better than Reggie, those Deacon Jones is surely up there. As for as sacks, though, I am pretty sure that will always go to LT. No offense to bruce, but the entire game changed because of LT. Just read the Blind Side if you want an explanation.
  22. still not sure why SO many people on here like Mike Florio. The guy really has no credentials at all. I have no idea why NBC is buying out his website other than he must get a ton of hits, but they guy has rarely given me any ground breaking info that would prove he has "sources." He's no different then a guy like Mortensen scrounging what he can from mainstream sources and attempting to spin it as his own info. here's his bio" Aside from his work on the website, Florio works as a lawyer. He resides in West Virginia. Before creating the site, Florio worked at ESPN.com for a week so what there tells you he has some sort of "network" of NFL contacts? heck there isn't even an NFL team that close to him. I just don't get everyones infatuation with him....
  23. clutch doesn't exist. look at his resume, he's been above average since getting here. i hated him at first, and didnt like him at seattle, but he has really improved in the 40-50 range, as opposed to earlier in his career and i think credit goes to april for that. The guy is a top 15 kicker, and thats good enough for me. his major weakness is not enough boot to kick it out of the endzone , but we could do worse. sure the Browns kick was a killer as was indy one but thats going to happen no matter what. just sucks they were close games.
  24. pretty confident we did not collect on them and wiped them away as part of our "agreement" to discuss his contract over the year. sorry no link, just going from my good ol skull....
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