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Posts posted by mrags

  1. true enough. as long as he brings the heat (the pre-2007 heat, that is) come september...


    I agree with that on Schobel and think he has a chip on his shoulder to show everyone hes not done. The only thing im worried about is LW getting a real passrusher to work with. If hes used to Schobel dogging it in practice then hes not getting his practice in either as we may notice in the first game when he gets extremely blown over or around by a stud DE. Lets hope that Schobel is talking to him alot and helping him pick up certain things, and that when Maybin gets here he makes LW work for his money.

  2. Nope, sorry, but I can't claim to have ever electrocuted a dog.


    Thoughts on the suspension: the people who didn't think he should face any further discipline won't like this decision. Neither will the ones on the other side of the argument who suggest that the death penalty's too good for him. Both sides will be sure to let the rest of us know of their unhappiness, so I'd say that means Goodell drove the ball right down the middle of the fairway.


    Well put Lori

  3. If you're going to spew this kind of crap then please provide the college education and NFL working experience backgrounds for ALL 32 GMs in the league, please. I'm sure we'd all feel much better informed and be able to agree with your low account of Brandon after we see how the other 31 are so superior. I look forward to your research.


    GO BILLS!!!


    PS - I forgot to add that Brandon has nothing to do with contract negotiations. RW leaves that up to Littman (sp?).


    ROFL. Im so very looking forward to this information as well.

  4. Roscoe's only value to anyone is as a punt returner. He's generously listed at 5'9" 171 lbs, has yet to prove he can provide anything more than 1 to 2 gadget plays a game. Why people think any team would want that midget to line up as a starter on offense is beyond me.


    The horrible thing is that we have him in our line up. LOL.


    Really though, Parrish is a great punt returner but people need to get off the whole thought of him becoming a decent WR. The guy isnt anything more than a slot WR. And a bad one at that.

  5. The no huddle allows our offense to dictate the tempo of the game and puts our young and inexperienced O-line at an advantage, especially with all the weapons at TE's disposal.


    Defense's will have no alternative, but to back off and play conservatively or get burned.


    So in my opinion the no huddle does offset our young O-lines inexperience and should go a long ways in helping make our offense as a whole one of the best in the league.


    I completely agree with this dog. However if the O'line is REALLY bad (which i dont expect). I think they should be fine mixing it in now and again. The linemen we have are intelligent maulers, this should play to their strenghts if they can work together as a unit.

  6. I must say that Im mixed on this in multiple ways. First of all, I think its good to have the 1st round at least on primetime but a Thursday night just sucks. Why not make it Fri, Sat, Sun? I think the 2nd day will be better as you will get the majority of good rounds in and be done with it. 2,3,4 are all exciting rounds where a lot of trades happen and I think the move is good for these rounds as well. The rounds 5,6,7 is absolutely rediculous. No one will want to watch that. The fact is that a lot of good draft picks happen in these rounds, but most fans are not that knowledgable to know who Nic Harris or Steve Johnson is (that includes myself). Its just hard to sit through the late rounds as it is, let alone on a Saturday when there is many other things to do outside.


    Overall I think its a good move but I think the 3rd day will be a waste. I am concerned with making it to the draft as I did this past years. I dont have issues with making it, but everyone has freinds that cant get off, or cant afford to take off and extra day or 2 just to make the NFL draft. Having all day Sunday to do some different things in NYC will be nice though.


    Does anyone have any idea how they will be handing out tickets now? This past draft they gave out wristbands on Friday night and everyone could come back on Sat morning. Does this mean we have to show up on Wed Night now? Or will it be first people to line up on Thursday? These are things we need to know.

  7. IMO, a players ability extends to the other areas of a football team. JP was a distraction who let his play slip due to contract concerns and that affects his abilities on the field and in the lockerroom.


    After the draft his value would have plummeted. Teams in desperate need of a LT would have already filled the position in the draft. IMO







    Asked if the contract situation affected his play, Peters said: “A little bit. I was thinking about it sometimes. If you get beat on a play and you think about your contract. It doesn’t affect me that much. I thought about it some early in the year but later on in the year it wasn’t a big deal.”


    Peters was asked to respond to the stat that indicated he gave up 11.5 sacks last year.


    “That’s the first time I’ve heard that stat. I don’t recall giving up that many. If they charged me with that many, so what? I’m an Eagle now. If I give up 11.5 sacks, I’m only human. I’m going to give 100% on every play.”


    Thanks Steely, I knew it was out there but didnt feel the need to prove myself. Im also at work and pretending to be busy. LOL

  8. We saw something in Peters we didn't like?


    Then why did we offer him the highest contract in Bills history, according to Russ. How do these two facts go together?


    And I would be a lot more supportive of getting rid of Peters if I thought we had replaced him adequately. I don't. Time will tell.


    Anyway, I'm out of here for the evening. Have a good night, or morning for you folks living anywhere near Buffalo.


    You have me at a loss as to why we offered him as much as we did. I have no idea why/how they go together. I personally think we had good starters at both T positions (if JP just shows up and works) but our interior line sucked. That was addressed in the off season. We picked up a new center, LG, and RG in FA and the draft. We also picked up McKinney who is a previous starter in this league for depth. I feel the interior of the line is more important than the exterior. Obviously you cant just throw anyone in at LT, or RT, but with a beefed up interior and decent T's the line SHOULD be better. I think we played alright with Walker at LT last year which would make him decent. Is he the best in the league? No, hes not, but he should be enough to get the job done. At least this is what were hoping.

  9. It doesn't. It also doesn't make him a bad, or average, LT. I think his exceptional ability is recognized by most who follow the game. It's the other things that have proven to be problematic, for Jason.


    If Ive ever come right out and said hes a bad LT then I apologize. I have never thought he was a bad LT. I just think that with the issues that have come out of him and his attitude towards his contract I dont feel he is worth the money. I do however like to pull out the stat that he did give up more sacks than any starting LT in football a year ago. I know this stat is no official, but then again there is no official stat that says hes a god like LT either. It is what it is. Its a fact that his side of the line gave up 12+ sacks last year.

  10. Man, you guys kill me. You seem to just make up quotes saying whatever you feel like and putting them into people's mouths without ever actually checking whether the guy said that.


    LET'S SEE A LINK having Peters saying that he didn't want to work because he wasn't getting paid. You won't be able to find one, of course, because he never said that.


    It kills me. You guys are all the time going off with a thought process like


    1) I hate Peters

    2) Therefore he must have said something horrible

    3) So I'll make up something and say he said it.


    And yeah, he was fat and lazy and didn't want to work, which is why he was the second-best run-blocker of all LTs in the league. In an off-year, a year in which he didn't attend training camp. He was the best run-blocker on the Bills. But yeah, doubtless that was because he didn't want to work. This is so pathetic. Again the thought process is just that you hate the guy so you say whatever you want regardless of whether there is anything to back it up, and then you pretend that it's a fact.


    I really should just ignore such nonsense, but I so enjoy shredding it.


    Check the stats on footballoutsiders.com if you doubt what I said above about his run blocking this year. Which was, again, a bad year for him. 2nd best in the league.


    It was in the Eagles press conference that he said that he absolutley was effected by his contract issue looming over head. I think its pretty funny that in both of the last 2 seasons that as soon as the Bills were out of playoff contention that the fat s*@t head came down with a boo-boo and couldnt play.


    Im not looking for the link, its there. There are plenty of other posters on this board that have seen and heard it just like I did. I dont need to justify that your wrong on that. Its a fact. It happened.


    If you really want to play the sarcasm game in your long drawn out post I will add to it. He was extremely in shape after missing all of OTA's, Training Camp, Mini Camp, and Pre-Season. He missed the first game because he wasnt in football shape. He sat out half of the 2nd game of the season because he was too winded and not in football shape. He sat out full quarters throughout the middle of the season because he was out of football shape. He missed the last 2 games of the season because he had a boo-boo that just happened to come about as soon as the Bills were out of the playoff hunt. Oh, and if you want to check stats on sites, why dont you check the stat that he also gave up the most sack of any starting LT in the league? Thats right, you want to praise what he did well (allegedly) and forget about the rest.


    Give me a break. We can go on all day about this. The fact is that he didnt care about the team enough to practice with them in the off season, and when we tried to re-sign him he complained that he wanted more and more money, and ended up signing for Philly for close to the same that we offered. He didnt want to be here so get over him.

  11. Just because teams weren't knocking down our doors to give their high 1st round picks for Peters doesn't mean that Peters MUST be just a decent tackle. It probably doesn't even have much to do with his play. It could be more because they don't want that type of attitude on their football team, or because they don't have the cap money to sign him, or they don't want to handicap their salary cap future. None of that has to do with how good Peters is. So to say that since teams woudn't give us their high first rounders, and instead wanted younger, cheaper guys with extremely high potential, somehow leads to Jason only being a decent player, is absolutely ridiculous, and a horrid way to set up an argument and make an unjustified conclusion.


    What were you trying to prove here? That Peters wasnt wanted because of his poor attitude? rediculous cap number? This is exactly the point that Peters lovers should look at. He wasnt good for this team just like he prolly wasnt for many other teams looking for LT's. They saw something in him that they didnt like, just like us. So why does that make us so bad for getting rid of him?

  12. Living in Delaware my brother is a Redskins fan.I go to games with him and the fans there wear the 3rd string QBs jersey Colt Brennan.You can buy this guys jersey in the stadium store.Who the hell has a jersey for the 3rd stringer.They call it the cult of Colt.


    I own a Sam Cowart Jersey


    OMG, I want a Colt Brennan jersey. I happened to be a huge fan of his in college and hope he gets a shot at some point in the NFL.

  13. You do realize the Bills are one of two teams to have missed the playoffs nine straight years, right?. Oh sure, they'll get one personnel move right every now and then, but that ain't enough kitty kat.


    Frankly, it needs to happen on the field for me before I rubber stamp these moves. You talk about the franchise as if they're a perennial success story but they're not.


    Hope, change, and optimism don't mean crap to me pal and I know the casual uninformed fans will latch onto anything to make themselves feel good, but not everyone thinks your way.


    OMG!!! The Bills havent made the playoff in 9 years?!?!


    That cant be true. We had Jason Peters on the team and hes the best LT in the history of football and he should have single handedly taken us to at least 4 playoff games.


  14. Oh, yes they will. They will try to tell themselves they don't, but unless they get an actual LT, and soon, and if Peters looks all-World in Philly for the next ten years, which is what the entire rest of the football world expects to happen, not only will they, but deep in your hearts, so will you. Especially when next year three or four more LTs get contracts as high as Peters's "astronomical" one.


    I will not miss Peters ever. He was fat, lazy and didnt want to work. He proved that by his play in 08' and then he followed it up with his comments that he didnt want to work because he wasnt getting paid.

  15. I agree they are stockpiling picks, however they have lost some very important figures in the personel evaluation dept. Pioli this year and Dimitrof lastyear. Dont get me wrong i am not saying they will completely implode. But their last two drafts have not been anything that outstanding.


    I do agree, that I think and hope that they will start to decline. Everything in the NFL pretty much goes in cycles so its inevitable that it will happen sooner or later. They havent had amazing drafts by any means, but they might be going for quantity over quality. If they get enough guys to choose from they will sure enough find someone that will fit really well into what they are all about. I just worry that with how good they have been in recent years that they might have enough talent to carry them and grow their younger talent for years even w/o having Pioli or Dimitrof. Bill and Tom might be the most important pieces, I just fear that it wont end until they both do.


    Im still gonna say the Bills put a hurtin on them on the first game of the season and it will give this team the confidence it needs to thrive.

  16. Unfortunately after seeing this years draft the Pats are in a possition to stock pile draft picks for another year or two and still be very competitive. They picked up so many draft picks this year for next it almost made me sick. They may be losing some players to free agency but they should be able to replace them within a year. At the same time they have enough pieces in place to continue their tear through the AFC. IMO Tom Brady is the key, If Brady doesnt come back 100% and very close to the way he was before the injury then they may be in serious trouble. Personally I would have signed Cassell and tried to trade Brady and get as much as you possibly could for him.


    On the question regarding a capless 2010 and how it would effect 2011. To my knowledge any team over the cap would have to cut as much as possible to get under the cap. Thats most likely why you will see huge 1 year contracts. Teams dont want to get into trouble in the event there is a salary capped 2011. This maybe be a good thing depending on how you look at it. There will be lots of high profile players that will be FA's the year after an uncapped 2010. It all depends on if that even happens. I would think its in the best interested of everyone (with the exception of rookies since there will be a rookie salary cap) that there is new contract in place.

  17. Two good solid football players though.



    Cecil was a Pro Bowler and a real head hunter at safety so that's passable.


    I have nothing against gays but I remember when NFL Properties refused to print jerseys with Randall Gay's last name on back. They finally caved in as I recall because he is an actual NFL football player but apparently many gays were actually ordering his jersey.


    Cecil maybe have been a Pro-Bowler but to me it just seemed odd.


    I have one more that I forgot. When I was at the draft there was a huge guy with a custom Tampa Bay Bucs jersey. One side was away, and one side was home, I think the number was 33, and the name on the back read... "BLACK NASTY". Even Commissioner Goodell commented that he liked it. It was funny.

  18. Very nice post. I agree with just about everything, except the "chicken little" comment. As you can tell from this thread, there are a few "chicken little's" or "the sky is falling" posters, but the majority are more positive, or at least require facts or a legitimate sourse before making assumptions. So I really have a hard time when people let the negative posters or negative attitudes of some determine the mind set of Buffalo as a whole. I am usually one of the more positive posters, or maybe it's just blind optimism, but at any rate the majority of Buffalonians are not chicken little's. The chicken little's may be a bit louder and stand out a bit more, but there are people like that everywhere. And actually most of the chicken little's and sky is falling people have left they area, yet they still continue to bash Buffalo on a regular basis. Ok, I am done with my rant. Again, nice post minus one sentence...GO BILLS!!!! GO BUFFALO!!!!


    I agree with JW's post as well as yours Rico,

    I think that the "chicken littles" on here have nothing better to do than bash the team and the city. I say why bother even following the Bills if you are that negative about them? Why not just jump on the Pats or Steelers band wagon where you know you have a winning franchise? And the same "chicken littles" that arent in the area anymore are the same ones that cant hack the winter weather here.

  19. I'd think San Antonio would come up against the same problem the Jaguars have faced - trying to gain football fan allegiance in an established market. In Jacksonville, the locals were/are already wrapped in Gator blue and orange, and the NFL team is always the Dolphins.


    In San Antonio, the Cowboys are the longtime heros, and they've got the Aggies and Longhorns nearby too.

    I don't believe the NFL team would do much better in San Antonio.


    Dallas isn't that far to the north, and the expansion Houston Texans are even closer to the east.


    Not much south (maybe Mexico?) or west of San Antonio to draw from. By all accounts, San Antonio is a really nice city, but I can't see they'd get great support, unless there are plenty of deep corporate pockets who will gladly fill the lucrative luxury suites and make it worthwhile. (sad, if that's what it's really come to)


    Portland - it's about the same distance from Seattle as Buffalo is to Syracuse. Don't think the Seahawks would be too happy about a Portland team.


    L.A. seems like the logical choice, if they have to go anywhere.


    O.K. by me - that would be one more city we could cross off the list as a potential home to the Bills.


    The USA metro areas are about saturated, and I think the NFL is running out of cities to run to. I think team owners are running out of places to use as a bargaining chip for new digs and other municipal concessions.


    I just don't believe Toronto could support an NFL team. They can barely sell out the Bills games. Didn't they just about have to give away tickets for the Dolphins game last year?


    getting off track here, but......

    The more I hear, the more I think the Bills are safe and should be in the Buffalo/Niagara market for many more years.


    I love the Niagara Falls stadium idea. A retractable dome (could be used for conventions, superbowls, etc.) in the falls would be convenient for Canadian fans, tourists, WNYers, and I believe would attract wealthy business people from NY, Toronto, Buffalo, and elsewhere to buy up the necessary luxury suites to keep the team competative. What a great weekend for entertaining clients - the background of Niagara Falls, wining and dining, and topped off with a catered NFL luxury box, with views of the falls from the suite. Picture that! Can you imagine the panoramic shots from the Metlife blimp?

    That would be a must see venue for NFL fans doing the stadium circuit.


    The Bills future could be very bright if handled properly. Jacksonville - screw 'em.



    Strongly agree. I believe the NF stadium idea is absolutely great for the exact same reasons as well.

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