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Posts posted by mrags

  1. Just think. Since your a chain smoker, hopefully the cancer infiltrates your entire body and you won't be here when the team moves to LA. Or turns it around. Well make sure to write a nice post when you take that final puff "here lies Twist_to_open, he really loved the worst Buffalo Bills uniforms of all time....... Almost as much as his Camel's"

    night ;-)

  2. I'm not saying that I disagree with some of your (and many others) thoughts about these millionaires and billionaires fighting over more money and less work. The truth is the argument on either side is dumb. But at the end of the day, the NFL is a business. Don't think for 1 minute that they really care about us fans. They care about money. It's the biggest and most popular sport in the US and it's not even close. Of course everyone wants and thinks they deserve more money. The thing that really annoys me about people like yourself complaining about this and then saying the Sabres are so much better to watch anyway. Hockey is at best the 5th most popular sport in this country behind football, NASCAR, basketball, and baseball. And I would like to ask what all the hockey lovers were sayi g when there was a lockout back a few years ago. The NFL is the largest stage in sports entertainment and we as Buffalonians should feel priveladged to be part of it. When this thi g is over there is no doubt that there will be some fan casualties but it won't make a dent into the overall fan base.

  3. I do like Moorman and think he is still pretty good. However his play has taken a HUGE hit in the last few seasons. Similar to Schobel, his wall hit like a freight train. He is in the wrong side of his career. Still, who do we replace him with? He's still better than any punter available.

  4. I'd have to think real hard if I wanted to see another 12, 32, 34, or 78 on the field in a Bills uniform. I wonder what Jim Kelly would say if we drafted a first round QB and he asked Jimbo if he could wear good ole #12. If the retired player gives permission I think it is alright. Personally I think Kelly and Thurman would t have any problems with it. Bruce was a little more cocky, I wonder if he would feel disrespected.

  5. One thing you have to remember is that you do not know any of these routes like the back of your hand like most of the posters on this board. You could listen to any one of thier suggestions, but if you don't know the stadium traffic, speed, and little tricks like driving very aggessive in certain areas or making your car fit into places it just shouldn't like most everyone is used to because they know that particular route, then you are screwed. My advise would be not to take the chance, book a later flight and enjoy the tailgate experience after the game. Do not rush because you can only get yourself in trouble of you do. But it's your call.

  6. I personally think we need to drop additional weight in the WR department but for s & g's I'll play along.

    If were going to spend money to pick up a FA WR I would break it down 2 ways. If you are sure your not going to resign Evans when his contract is up and you don't think anyone else on this roster can start opposite Stevie, or you might think Evans and Parrish are nearing the end of thier careers for productive football the. You take a young guy that can give you something for years. From your list, I'd spend the Money on Simms Walker first and foremost. After that, it would be Sidney Rice, Lance Moore, Johnny Lee Higgins, and then, Greg Lewis in that order.

    IF you are just adding another piece for temporary veteran leadership along with production I think the list is a little different. I don't think any one of those guys brings veteran leadership. They haven't been playing nearly long enough to be leaders. Your looking at more of those problem child WRs that nobody wants to sign. Personally I'd take TO back in a heartbeat. He is still better than anyone on that list with the exception of maybe Simms Walker and we have had him in our locker room and know he really isn't a distraction, that's it's all the media blowing things out of proportion. But that's only if were using him for a year or 2 at the most.

  7. I was at all of those home games and that 56-10 game really sticks out as being one of the most embarrassing games I've ever been to. I hate Boston now for what the Pats have done to us over the past decade or so. Thier chowder head bandwagon fans crowd Ralph Wilson Stadiu. And disrespect the City, the team, the people and make everyone hope that Boston is the first City to be sunk when the ice caps finally melt. I hate Boston and the people from the city even more. Everytime I hear the words; Caw, wataw, baw I want to punch a baby I'm so furious. Die Boston, DIE!!!!!

  8. For anyone that says Lee is better than Johnson, your living in lala land. How bout you just look at Lees best year and compare it to Stevies best year. Has Lee ever had 10 TDs? Has Lee ever been a true #1? has Lee ever been able to take away coverage from another WR? Has Lee ever had more than one move? No, no, no, and not only no, he never had any move. His only move he ever had was speed and he was never good at that. He's small, slow for a true burner, not physical, can't seperate, and doesn't scare a single DB in the entire league. Johnson did more in 1 year as a true #1 than Evans ever has.

  9. A pic at 100 would be in the 4th round. Honestly that is all Lee is worth and I'd take a 4th rounder without thinking about it. He is pushing 30, has a large cap number(for the amount of production he brings to the team) and he has never been anything more than a burner. If the guy would even think about going over the middle he would be the best slot reciever in the league and would produce so much more than he does now. Picture Wes Welker with more god given talent. The fact is that he won't go over the middle and he's really not that fast. He's not big at all. All he can do is make a few pretty catches going deep and honestly he hasn't done that well since JP left. Its not suprising that since then his statistics have been below average for even a 2nd or 3rd WR in the league. The only reason why he ever had 1000+ yard seasons is because JP would only throw deep balls to Evans all game. Unfortunately Lees speed has never been breakaway against good CBs and he's about as physical as a ballerina dancer. I've been an advocate of trading him for some time. If we would have done it 3 years ago we might have recieved some decent value for him. Unfortunately now we would be very lucky to get a 4th or at best a late 3rd rounder. I do agree with many posters that he is the only veteran of the young group at the position and could help with experience and mentoring the young guys, however I also agree with some posters when they say there is no one on this team that could fill his shoes. At least right now. At the end of the day, I'd rather turn the #1 spit over to Stevie J and try and get the young guys involved, Hoping they contribute and continue to learn. And spend that 4th rounder next draft to trade our 3rd and 4ths into the 2nd and get a starter on the OL or at LB. Or take it and use it for depth on either if those positions or possibly another CB to replace McGee after his career is ended by the end of this season because he can't finish 4 games now without having to take a break for 6.

  10. What's wired is he's wearing a normal Tee shirt except it looks lime a vneck because if his glasses hanging from the collar. What are his glasses made of to do that? I've got 3 pairs of Oakleys in different years and models and a few other no name brands that I wear and none of them do that to any of my shirts. WTF!!! And why is he at Subway eating fresh? He needs to be out in Arizona kicking kids in the balls and riding away on a huffy giving them the finger, making many sandwichs, and inviting Billy Bob Thornton over to his house to bang a hot Gilmour Girl. Oh and don't forget to get your advent calenders and ask Billy for a Fragglestick Car for Xmas.

  11. I've always been a fan of Losman and believe his failure in Buffalo was mainly due to poor coaching. I'd be on board.

    I do agree with the fact that Losmans coaching was the main reason why he was horrible. I can still picture JP running for his life in the same way that Trent used to. Dick Jauron was a quarterback killer. Dick and his staff singlehandedly ended the careers of JP and Trent right out of college. I think either one of these guys could have been solid, if not good starting QBs in this league and I myself was a huge JP advocate. The guy had it all and could have been really good under a coach like Gailey. However as we saw last year with Trent, you can't fix someone that was so destroyed for so many years. The answer is, I really liked JP. Thought h le could have been the QB of the future for us, but I don't think he can be fixed. No I don't want him back. Why not make a play for Pryor?


    I agree about the poor coaching but why has he not been successful elsewhere?

    Jauron perminantly broke him. Just like Cinco

  12. Problem is:


    We haven't fixed the line


    Had marshawn and FJ last year, so is Spiller going to be that big an improvement this year?


    Everyones young 4-8 receivers matured another year.


    Almost 100% of starting qbs have this offseason to improve. It's not even a real offseason honestly.






    I think fitz will be a good stop gap but to say he could be a probowler for those reasons seems like a stretch.

    First off, the line got much better as the season went on. Wood is the potentially the starter at C this team has been waiting for since Hull left. Bell got much better and showed that he is good enough to start. He might not be pro bowl like Peters but he's not horrible either. Levitre is a solid starter at LG. The right side of the line is still a possible question mark but the rookie will probably start from day 1 at RT and the young guys they picked up from practice teams last year will battle it out for RG. It's actually similar to last season except the left side will be more experienced and the C position is a strong point. You also have Hangartner as a quality backup at all 3 interior line positions.


    Freddy will be the usual Fred Jackson and Spiller WILL be better after a season under his belt. Lynch was an average RB at best and an even worse teamate and person. This position got stronger by trading him.


    The WRs showed that they could get it done last year. Fitz and Johnson have a great chemistry. Roscoe had his best year yet before the injury. Nelson is a 3rd down master. Let's not forget Easley never played a down and was looking good in camps. He could be an additional threat for nothing this year.


    Most important is your point about all other QBs that got another year under his belt. This is true. Except with Fitz, he has never been penciled in as the starter from day 1. This year he can take full advantage of being the starter from day 1 and build on the chemistry he developed with the young WRs last year. Mainly Johnson, Nelson, And Jones.


    To say that Fitz could be a probowler might not be as much as a stretch as you might think.

    He threw for 3k yards and 24 tds (I think) and only 14 ints (again, I think) while only starting 13 games as well as not having preseason or camps as the starting QB. As the year went on he got stronger and seemed to develope with his young WRs. He was at one point listed as one of the top QBs as far as ratings is concerned. And I might add with 3 more games (the games he missed as starter) he would have had very close to 30 tds, and within possibility of 4k yards. Match that with the probowler from last year and you don't see much of a difference. Actually the Super Bowl champion Aaron Rodgers statistics weren't far off. Fact is, it all comes down to wins. If Fitz can squeeze out 3-4 more wins and bring this team to even 8-8 and has the statistics he did last year he will be in the running for the probowl.


    I'm not saying this will all take place, but with the team growing, becoming more experienced and Fitz getting the start from day 1 it's not out of the question. Truth is, so e of is are optimistic and sone are pessimistic. Choose yours. I'd rather go into the season hoping to bring this team out of the gutter.

  13. He lives in Fl not NY. So I think the reports are correct that he would continue to reside in FL if anything. The possibility of him having to stay in NY as part of his parole would most likely mean that he couldn't leave the state of NY for anything. So the chartering of helicopters or traveling across a bridge I to another state might be out of the question. Also, I do not want him on our team anyway but if he played for the Bills he would most likely have to excuse himself from the Toronto game as he would most likely not be allowed out of the country as well as Canadas law that felo s are not allowed into the country. Anyone who has had a DWI knows this story.

  14. I also think you lost everyone with final piece to the puzzle. I do t think you meant it in that way honestly, but your def going to catch hell for it. Personally I don't mind bringing a veteran at any position in for at least a look. Unfortunately I think WR might be the worst position to do that with right now. You just had a great year out of Stevie J and the best year of Roscoes career before the injury. You also had solid play out of Nelson (the 3rd down king) and Jones, and we will not forget Easley or even Roosevelt. If you bring in another veteran then you take time away from the growning young kids at the position. It's just not the year to do it brother. And honestly, if I had the option, I'd rather make a play for a second tour with TO than Plax.

  15. A few things that stand out and possibly scare me about this:

    1st in the article they are claiming it will be more than 1 team, that up to 6 teams need to be relocated to compete in the league.


    2nd is the comment about LA potentially fielding 2 teams or at least being able to support it.


    3rd is more of a standout, how can LA claim that they can fund and fill a stadium when thier own Dodgers have had to recieve help from MLB just to pay for the monthly checks and upkeep if the team? I'm not I to baseball at all, but if you can't even sell out a 30,000 seat stadium what makes you think your going to sell 80k+ tickets for the NFL? I know it's a far superior product. But if the town is such a sports town, and with 6+ million people you should have no problems selling out a baseball game. Not to mention that the town has had it's shot multiple times and it always fails.


    Just my .02

  16. I don't care what anyone says. Howard the Duck was a great movie!!!


    I'd have to say only current players on the team for Star Wars characters so here goes:


    Fitz is defenately a wookie with that beard.


    Stevie Johnson is Vader (he'd enjoy playing the heel) or at a 2nd thought, maybe Dareus


    Fred Jackson is Han Solo (you can always count on Fast Freddie)


    CJ is Luke (Jedi in training but not quite there yet)


    Donte is like CP3O (so damn annoying and won't shutup)


    Buddy is like Yoda


    Chan is Obewan


    Ralph is the Emporor

  17. People have this stupid idea that CJ is ONLY a waterbug RB. It's not true. The guy has some decent size for a RB. Sure he's not 215+ like a Lynch but he's no different from guys like C. Johnson. He will be more of a future back with time when he learns the playbook, NFL defenses and blocking schemes. He has all the talent to be a special player and there is no doubt that he will be good to very good once all that talent and his experience comes together.

  18. A few names come to mind for me on this one.


    Bo Jackson, could have been the most dominant RB of all time. The guy was just amazing. Ha it all. Strength. Speed. Could have been a really fun career to watch.


    Derrick Thomas, although he was not injured early in his career, he could have been potentially the best defender of all time. Very sad.


    Barry Sanders, although it wasn't due to injury, his career was cut between 3-4 years early due to his retirement. He could have set the RB records so high that they would have never been broken.


    Sean Taylor, another very sad situation. Had the potential to be one of the better DBs in the game.


    Robert Edwards, another rough situation. Who would have guessed a sand flag football game could end a career the way it did. Sure he came back but was never the same. I had him in his rookie season on my fantasy team and I remember wondering what this kid could have been.


    Priest Holmes, It didn't happen in his career to end it really, but at the beginning he never got a fair shot. His career really took off under Vermiel and if he had even 3 more years at the level he was playing at the tine with the Chiefs, there is no doubt in my mind that he would be a first ballot HOFer.

  19. Can we really stop with the Andrew Luck talk now? There's an entire season to be played before we should even bring it up. We will not be the worst team in the league this year. Far from it. But I'll play along. Here's the teams that I think we will be better than not in any order.












    San Fran



    there might be more but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

  20. I really miss the good ole days when we used to light people up on a weekly basis. In the late 80s to early 90s we were similar to the 2000s Pats teams. I can really understand Every teams frustrations with us now even more. Teams like the Pats got beat by us for years. Now it's completely reversed. I can really see a turnaround coming soon though. Let's hope our 10 year pains are coming to an end.

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