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Posts posted by mrags

  1. and you're wrong about Moulds. sure, Evans had a great season alongside Moulds, but he also had a good season in 2006 without him. the trouble is, Evans hasn't consistently had a credible or consistent guy playing opposite him. it was Moulds for a year. Peerless Price for a couple of years. Josh Reed. T.O. during what was a dysfunctional year for the offense altogether, and now Stevie Johnson's emergence last year.


    Fitz not having a good rapport with Lee? how do you know that. i've seen them hook up in practice numerous times.


    and why is it that Evans struggles to get open? might it be opponents continue to swing coverage his way?


    Thanks for the reply John. I feel like a big shot now that you have replied to one of my posts.


    Look, agree with you that Lee does not get enough credit for being a "good" reciever, however there's a huge Butt:

    you are right that Lee hasn't had a solid WR opposite him all these years. But he still couldn't do it with TO, couldn't do it as a #1, and couldn't do it opposite anyone else that has been here. And when I say "do it" I mean be the true #1 that everyone loves to give him credit for. The fact is, that true #1's don't need other WRs taking away coverage so they can get open. They attract double coverage and STILL get the ball. Lee hasn't shown that ever.

    I cannot prove that Fitz and Lee don't have a good repor with each other. I just find it funny that Fitz is able to make a 7th round WR look like a true stud in just one year as a starter. He put up better numbers than Lee has ever put up and did it as his first year as a starter.vivek seen him do it in practice too, it still doesn't show on game day though. "WE TALKIN BOUT PRACTICE MAN!!!"

    I've said that I feel that Lee does pull the coverage to his side more often than not. I acknowledge that but your paying hi. And expecting him to be a true #1 WR and as I mentioned earlier, True #1's don't get bothered by double coverage. They get the ball no matter what. Guys with as much talent as Calvin Johnson all the way down to Hines Ward. They just beat doubles and they do it on a regular basis.


    I just think were making excuses for a guy cause he is the typical Bill. Everyone likes him. It's not a suprise that he's been our best player on offense for years. I agree with that. But that doesnt exactly make him good. It just shows that we have settled for sub par talent for so long. If you ask me, this team had nothing hut losers on it's roster and Nix and Gailey are doing thier best to get rid of them. Poz, Whitner, Lynch, Stroud, Etc... They are cleaning house of the old regimes small, but high motor guys. I'm ok with it.

  2. This is exactly what's wrong with the national media and thier view about Buffalo. They obviously didn't do thier homework before talking about it. If they did, they would have noticed that we had 4 wins last year, with 3 losses in OT and the Bears game coming close. And then you have 3 games that Fitz didn't play in. That was with the 30th ranked defense in the league. It is known, by ALL media outlets that we couldn't stop the run last year. Then we picked up the best DL in the draft and an ILB and we picked up Barnett (a starting caliber ILB for a Superbowl winner). At the worst case scenario, it's an even trade for Poz. Then we have Merriman who is healthy at least now and nobody gives any respect his way. The only thing that MIGHT be worst from defense last year is losing Lil Donte, but we all know that's not true.


    It's ok though. I listen to all these NYC stations while I'm away at work and they are just as ignorant as us fans are. They actually believe that the Jets were active in FA because they picked up 2 of thier own players went FA in Cromartie and Holmes. They didn't recognize they got worst after losing Smith, Edwards and Jenkins. They've done nothing to better themselves except take a a flyer on a old Plaxico that has been in prison for the last 2 years and nobody knows what kind of shape he's in. Oh wait, it's gonna be a while to find out too because he's already getting nicked up.


    It's all ok. I'd rather be the team nobody is thinking about than the loud mouth Jets that every dumb ignorant New Yorker things is going to win the Super Bowl every year. When was the last time they went?????? Oh yeah! Joe Namath took em there in the 3rd Superbowl.


    F@&K Mike and Mike!!!

  3. Yup--remember who he's had throwing him the ball the last few years when you consider his numbers. I've heard several GM-types (including Mike Lombardi) say that Lee is the "real deal" and draws lots of coverage that opens up everyone else. Looks like we'll find out the hard way. My prediction--if he goes to a team with a good O, he'll catch 60-70 balls, 7-8 TDs and about 1000 yards. Stevie J, meanwhile, will see his numbers drop 20-30%......

    Lol. So what you saying is that Stevie J will still have a better year than Lee.


    It's just a fact. Evans numbers are horrible over the last 2 years. I don't understand all the love on this board for him at all. He's on the wrong side of 30. He's never produced like a first round stud we all hoped he would. And we now get a chance to get something in return for an aging WR that has never really been great and hasn't done anything besides draw coverage for the last 3 or 4 years. He did t get it done when TO was on the team, he didnt get it done with Stevie at #1. He's only really produced when we had Moulds and when JP thought he was playing catch with his best friend all season. Let's not forget that Lee wasn't exactly a bucket of sunshine when it came to the Trent vs. JP issue. He migh have been right (some could argue) but he was still very vocal about JP and it showed his lack of team first mentality.

    The truth is, at the end of the day, Fitz doesn't have a good repor with Lee. He'd rather throw it to Stevie. Why is it that Evans struggles to get open all the time?

  4. If Merriman played last year we would have won at least 4 more games. If he can stay healthy our defense will be much better. We didnt have a legit pass rusher last year, teams will have to plan for him which will take pressure off other players.

    I agree, those OT games and the Chicago game were all games where one play could have made the difference. I personally think the entire defense is better as a whole tuis year (at least on paper) and the thought of Merriman coming back to former form gets me all warm and fuzzy inside.

    The best part about this Merriman thing is that I think the rest of the league has written him off as well so by the time we tale on the Pats in week 3 he should be a household name again. I think it'll take a few games for him to command the respect he once did. This all plays well for us.

  5. That was great reserch. I'm sure it took you some time to dig all that up. I'm firmly in the "trade Evans" camp but you have opened my mind up to keeping him around with this post. Before I would have been happy with a 4th round draft pick for Lee, now after seeing this I'd want more if were to trade him. Maybe a good OT, or a 1st or 2nd. Or at least a 3rd and 4th. I still don't think he's untouchable at this point but I'm more open to keeping him. I also still don't give in to him being a true #1 but I do give him respect for being the guy to help clear the way for Stevie. Great post.

  6. I agree.My next point was going to be was fitzgerald only good because of boldin.Maybe evans only looked good because of moulds.You cant keep giving excuses for evans.#1 wrs get open and get the ball regardless of a double team.Thats what makes them elite.If you arent doing that you arent elite.And people still want to say hes our number 1 even though johnson had twice the production last year.5"9 180 is a slot guy and personally i like parrish or jones in the slot even more.Divert that huge salary toward a #1 QB.

    I agree with your point about Lee being the size and speed to be the slot reciever. Truth is if he was playing it for his whole career, much like Wes Welker, he might have been the best slot guy in the league. Unfortu Arely we've had coaches who thought he was something he's not.

    Your also extremely right about the argument for the true #1 WR not having a problem beating double coverage.

    Calvin Johnson, Randy Moss, Terrell Owens, Larry Fitzgerald, Steve Smith, Brandon Marshall, Anquan Boldin, Roddy White, Andre Johnson, Marquez Colston, Chad OchoCinco, Plaxico Burress, Hines Ward, Etc...... All these guys are number #1's or were at one point in thier youth and all have absolutely no problems beating double or even triple coverage at times. Lee's best seasons barely compare to any one of these recievers average years. True #1 WR's beat anything the defense throws at them. They find ways to get open. Maybe part of the problem is the coaching never gave Lee a chance to shine. But you have to look at it the other way more often, if he was a real stud, his play would dictate that he deserves to get the ball more. He doesn't.

  7. One thing that just sticks out to me when I looked at Lees stats on the rotoworld link:

    most receptions in a season in the 80's and it only happened once. That's just sad, especially for a guy that people around here think of as a great #1 WR. Let's out that into perspective, Boldin, Fitzgerald and Breaston all did that a few years ago from the same offense. Moss, Welker both did it for years in NE. There are plenty of teams that have 2 80 catch recievers on thier rosters and Lees only done it once.

    And for those people that say that it's too early to call Stevie a real #1 reciever cause he's only put up numbers one year, consider this:

    in just one season after being given the chance to start, Stevie posted more yards, TDs, receptions, and had an absolutely great repor with his QB and he's only been in the league for 3 years. Evans has had over how many? 7 years with at times being the ONLY option and still never did what Stevie did. The only time he even sniffed 10 TDs is when he was the 3rd WR with Moulds on the team taking the #1 role. So maybe we should put Evans in the slot behind Stevie and Nelson and let him work in space. Just a thought. I guarantee you all that he never tops his 9 TDs or just over 1,000 yards or 80 receptions again in his career. At least on this team. So let's trade him, get a 3 and 4 for him if you can. Give the young guys a chance to prove themselves. Good teams do this kind of stuff all the time. The only time when teams keep these guys are when they are actually good.

  8. Prince from the Giants and Osi are Both out. Prince has a broken/sprained ankle/foot and Osi mght need surgery.

    The Jets have Plax already out and others as well. I work near NYC and lve in Buffalo so I hear alot of NYC sports radio. I work 16 hour shifts when I'm down here so I don't get to visit here or watch TV when im here either. But I'm sure there are plenty of injuries around the league. Ours seem like minor bruises and sore muscles compared to surgeries and broken bones. Were still really early in camp. If it's like this 1 week from game 1 of the regular season then you might want to jump off the Grand Island Bridge.

  9. I thought it was kinda funny when I was at camp the other day. When the workouts were over and some of the players came over to the sideline to sign some autographs. Maybin came over to sign some and there quite a few fans that cleared the area, myself included. Was kinda funny.

  10. Bengals have been in 2 Super Bowls, the Falcons have been to 1 as have the Seahawks. None of them have ever [/b]won[/b], but they have been.

    the fact is that the Bills "horrible" organization has been to just as many Superbowls as these 3 teams combined. None of us has won one. "winning isn't easy in the NFL". Like I said, there's other teams like the Jags, Panthers, Browns, Lions and Texans and I'm sure there's a few more but that's just off the top of my head. Let's not forget about the medias incredible JETS that haven't been there since Joe Namath, yet they are a favorite to win it all just about every other year.


    I don't understand why the pessimistic people on this board even bother watching Bills games. If you all hate them and doubt them so much why don't you just pick a new team. One that's expected to be in the big game every year. That way you will never be routing for a loser organization.



  11. Dolphins and Redskins have Super Bowls and have the financial backing and will get it right sooner then the Bills will.


    Ok the Bengals? We are tied for last! YES!!!...give yourself a pat on the back! :rolleyes:

    For what it's worth, we haven't been the worst team in the league in a very long time. We have been to more and been more sucessful in the playoffs than many teams and actually been to superbowls unlike many other teams. At this point I'd have to say that the Texans, Jags, and Panthers are all worse and have been that way forever. Houston has never made the playoffs and the Jags and Pa there are few and far between. Then there's the Browns, Bengals, Falcons, Seahawks, Detroit that have never been to or won a superbowl just like the Bills. Your far off my friend. Just go route for another team it will be appreciated.

  12. I could imagine that every father does this (I don't know because I have no kids), my father worked his ass off everyday, overtime as much as 5 days a week to provide for us.

    One good story I've got is when I worked at Circuit City there was another sales guy that all the sudden found out that his wife was expecting. He went on a sales rampage, snatching up every customer in the place for months, he then found out it was twins and his rampage turned I to a hurricane and tornado all in one.

    I told you this story because I watched White in practice on Tuesday and he looked really good. He was a Jack of all trades, had quite a few receptions out or the backfield and looked really good at time. I firmly believe he has more motivation than someone not in his position and it shows. He seems like a man, a father, and wants to provide for his family, all while making his life long dream of being in the NFL a reality. He will not do it this year, but I'd give him another year or maybe 2 and he will have the role of Fred Jackson on this team.

  13. Like many have said here already, I think the reason why Moats is playing ILB comes down to a few reasons:

    1. We were short at ILB

    2. We wanted to get Moats another shot at it

    3. We wanted to see if Moats could call the plays

    4. We wanted to see if Batten, Coleman, and Kelsey got better at OLB after a year and injuries

    5. We wanted to see if we could get pressure on the QB from all the LB positions, inside and out

    6. And most importantly, the coaching staff feels that Moats is a starting caliber player and wants to make sure we get all our good LBs on the field at once.


    I'd rather have Moats blowing up QBs like last year from the OLB spot but at this point he's getting reps at both positions. We already know what he can do at OLB so why not see if anyone else can play that spot and give him another shot at ILB and a shot to run this defense.

  14. Wasn't this the guy who got all pissy when Pete Carroll took a different safety in the draft last year? As if Carroll should have taken him because he was a USC guy?





    It cracks me up that the Bengals' own site ran the story based on Donte's tweet instead of on the organization's announcement.


    what makes me smirk a little bit is that people laugh at how bush league our org is at times. This just shows you that it can be worse. Lol

  15. Sounds odd to me that he is being run out of town after just a year. What probably happened is Harbaugh really liked the S this draft and thought it could work out and Mays was furious and causing locker room problems at this point. Or maybe he was a problem before his replacement was drafted.

    It's a tough call to really want him at this point, he played well when he was in there but who knows if this guy is a loose canon and huge crybaby. Could be 10x worse than Whitner from what it sounds like. Either way, I'd prolly trade Kelsey for him. Lol

  16. Unless we are playing for something or the Dolphins are the rivalry isn't the same anymore IMO. Personally I think the home opener is always the best game. Especially if it's the season opener too. But the home opener always has a fly by. It's when they pull out all the big guns and truly try and make it a great game to be at. All the players are so excited and really pumped up during introductions too. And because it's the first game of the season you can go to the bathroom without catching any diseases you haven't got yet. Trust me. Get home opener tix you won't regret it.

  17. While I'm not a big fan of Donte I do think he is a fairly decent safety. I think he is good enough to start but on a good team with alot of defensive help. This team on the other hand is working towards fixing what has been the problem in the last few years and that's average starters (especially ones drafted in the first round) are getting put where they belong. I'd like to see Donte back but that would be as a backup role or strictly on obvious running downs. I'd much rather see Wilson, or even Searcy get in there. Wilson is just as good and Searcy is looking good in camp already getting reps with the 2nd team defense after just a few days. Ya, bring back Donte for not much more than $2mill/yr and keep his role limited

  18. Great post Bob and a few things I'd like to add:


    The Jets love they are getting is completely unwarranted for one. They haven't done anything to better themselves from last year so far. They signed Cromartie and Holmes to new contracts (nothing new from last year), they picked up Plaxico which IMO who is still going to be good, but he has been out of football for 2 years and will be rusty. At the end of they day he will not be any better than Edwards who they let walk. And why is it that when Brad Smith was on the Jets everyone thought he was such a big deal, yet when the Bills pick him up it's nothing spectacular. Jets had horrible special teams last year and it just got worse.

    The Dolphins let Crowder go, Ronnie Brown go and decided to keep thier horrible QB in Henne. They signed Reggie Bush who has proven to be not extremely durable and are expecting to do something he's never done before, run the ball 25 snaps a game. And they brought back Jason Taylor. This guys balls are like dusty prunes he's so old. What are they really expecting to get out of him???

    The Patriots on paper got better. They lost a few guys in Moss, Banta-Cain, Warren but picked up Ocho-Cinco and Haynesworth. I personally think they are going to be upgrades at those positions for them but both of these guys are either past thier primes, or getting there fast. At the end of the day, I personally feel like the New England luster has worn off. They are not as good as they used to be and are only on the downside of thier brilliant dynasty. Bill Belicheck is getting too cocky thinking he is a genius while trading away day 1 draft picks for like 38 3rd a d 4th rounders. And to be honest, you find the Pats have a bunch of Reggie Corner type players. With Brady on the downside of his career it's only a matter of time before thier run is over. That's unless BB trades every single draft pick this upcoming offseason so that he can get Andrew Luck this spring.


    I'm not saying I think we are better than any of these teams but the Jets didn't get better, the Dolphins stayed where they were at best, and the Pats are unknown but with Brady being around 32 they are on thier way out very soon.


    Flame away everyone.

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