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Posts posted by mrags

  1. Even if the Jets got worse and the Bills got better, I doubt it was to the point where the Bills are a better team than them this year. The gap between the two last year, imo, was pretty severe. Maybe now it's less, so we'll lose our games to the Jets by less points, but we still won't win.

    I think th Bills got better and the Jets got worse so yeah I believe that. I agree with you that the Jets will still have a better record although we will make the margin much smaller. I do disagree with you that the Jets will sweep is. I don't think they will. I actually think it will be the opposite but that's my optimism taking. I truly believe that with our added help on defense we will go 3-3 in the division or possibly better. A sweep of the dolphins. And at least a split with both the Jets and Pats. Ya I said it, were finally going to beat the Pats this year. Man my optimism should be shot, it's got a mind of it's own, and it's taking over!!!!!!

  2. Evans lovers say that now Stevie will have all the doubles coverages and now players like Revis will be covering Johnson

    full time. So of course they are saying that Chan messed up and now nobody will be open. A few things to add here to that:

    1. Do you really think after the year that Stevie had that he wouldn't be getting the double teams and Revis' of the world now? With or without Lee he has turned into the face of the Bills WR Corp and he will/would be the attack point of every defense we face.

    2. Lee has never done anything more than run a deep route. What has you believing that all the sudden he's going to do something different? Even if Stevie got all the doubles all year long do you really think Lee could get open? He's never done it and it's not going to change now.


    I'm not saying were better without Lee. Personally I think were better with him, however by how much is the question. I don't think it's enough to make a huge difference in the W column. How much does 30-40 receptions and 4 TDs really change you over an entire season? It doesn't make much sense. I think Chans play style will utilize more WRs in the slot and use shirt slant routes over the middle that will get more production out of guys like Rosevelt, Jones and Easley because they are big physical guys where Lee would have been bumped off the coverage and out of the okay because he can't power his way I to the middle. It's deep or nothing with Lee and you've already seen his best years . These young guys will only get better and that's the main reason why Lee is gone. They are more versitle and have room to grow with thier QB. Why us itee didn't have that good a repor with Fitz? It's proven by his low numbers last year. And my other question is why wasn't Lee at camp Fitz in Arizona working out withe the rest of the WRs? He should have been first in line to get in a better page with Fitz to ensure a comeback year. Instead he was the only one not there, when he should have been the first one on the plane.

  3. For those that think Rex isnt worried about other teams especially the Bills are dead wrong IMO. I personally think Rex' persona to the media is an absolute front. People that know they are great usually don't go around saying they are. They are usually humble about it and just work at trying to get better even though they are already the best (Bill Bellicheck, Tony Dungy, Dick Vermeil) Guys like Ryan stand out to me because they are so insecure. They mAke it all about themselves to hide something. They make stupid comments like guaranteing the Super Bowl victories because they feel they can syke out other teams because they know they need an extra edge. They make rude remarks about other teams like the Pats and then make ruder remarks about the rest of the league saying they are the only ones that beat them on a regular basis.


    I personally think Rex is insecure as anyone and it shows with him trying to take all the attention off his insecurities and focus in how cocky or rediculous he is. He's terrified of BB and now he's scared of Merriman and Dareus making his QB (who he knows is not spectacular) scared for his life. Rex is scared. Very scared he is looking for that dare to be great situation with Maybin and he is looking for help on other teams info at the same time.


    We will sweep the Jets this year.

    Mark it down.

  4. First of all through out NFL History the great quarterbacks have had great Tight Ends.There are a couple of exceptions always.Nine times out of ten usually they are key to a QB's success. I can give numerous success stories throughout the years.Including Jim Kelly.

    It's strange but teams with winning records usally will have a Tight End that had a good year stats wise.

    So with that said. If Gailey chooses not to utilize the TE position as a receiver chances are they will have another losing season... 6-10.....

    The Rams and thier "Greatest Show on Turf" would dissagree with you. There are many other teams in history that would also but I'm just pointing to it that there is more than just the conventional way of doing things. For example, nobody really remembers the star players of those Pats teams except maybe Brady and Bruschi because they were the best example of a TEAM winning a Super Bowl. The Ravens did it with defense as did the Bucs. The Steelers, Packers, and Broncos had very well rounded teams but tilted slightly in different ways. The Broncos wouldn't have done it w/o Elway or Davis. The Steelers ran it more effectively than through the air. They weren't all defense but w/o thier stud LBs and overall very good defense they wouldn't have done it. And the Packers also had a very good defense but w/o Rodgers they couldn't get it done because they had no running game.


    The Bucs with Brad Johnson and Ravens with Trent Dilfer were defenately not the norm. But why is it that everyone remembers those teams? Because they had historical defenses. The Bucs were elite and only got over the hump as Chuckie came in and added just enough offense to make it so. No suprise that the Raiders were all offense and got just enough defensive help to do the same. But as we al know so well, DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS!!! Same goes for the Ravens. Too defense ever!!!


    I'm just saying there's more than ine way to skin a cat.

  5. Show but the Mike Ditka approach and do the opposite? Trade away all our draft picks each year for the #1 overall pick and end up with Luck this coming draft and then whoever the next guy will be the next season. Prolly a stud LT.


    Personally I like the strenght in numbers thing. But you might have to wait until draft day to figure it out. What if were picking 8-15th and a guy like Dareus Orakpo, Willis, Fairly happens to drop that far. Then you miss out on a stud that you could have had. But I'd trade ur 2nd and 3rd for like 5-6 4ths maybe. And maybe package your 5-7s to try and get one more 4th. You'd end up with a great first round pick and then 4-5 4th rounders. It's very madden like.

  6. Sounds about right to me.


    As much as we might be better.. so is every other team (other than the Bengals) according to people who go watch their respective practices. :)

    I know your just saying in general that writers will always say thier teams got better from the year before. I just wanted to point out that the Jets have done D!(K since last year and of course the media, especially the NYC media see them as doing great things.


    First off they say the Jets have been very active in FA since they signed Cromartie and Holmes (since when does signing your own players male youbany better than the year before?)


    then they lose Smith to us. Edwards, and sign a guy that's been in prison the last 2+ years. I'm not saying Plax isn't and won't be good, but at 32 or 34 (whatever his age is) and being out of the game, a d already dealing with injuries I don't see him being any better than Edwards. And defenately not this season and of course looking forward another year later he is closer to breaking a hip.


    Then they signed Aaron Maybin LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!! I haven't been to work in the city and heard all the radio stations talk about him yet but I'm excited to see what they say about him when I get back there. This move alone should make them worse.


    At the end of the day, the Jets made no progressive moves from last year, they lost fhie DT in Jenkins and as a whole got older and IMO one step farther away from the Super Bowl. The only saving they can possibly have is if Sanchez gets a ton better. But my opinion of Sanchez is about the same as Romos. He's a decent QB but he's not going to win you the big games and usually has more mistakes in big moments than good plays. Much like JP and Trent for us. Well see about Fitz this year, his first as a true starter if he improves.


    This reporter didn't saying anything j bjis article we all don't already know. And I'm not call g for 10-6 and playoffs, but 5-11 is not going go happen either. We were 3 OT losses and a FG away from being 8-8 last year. I think our defense this year is better and enough to get us those 4 games.


    Go Bills!!!

  7. Thanks all for the props. I just wish I had a laptop out there. I can probably type over 100 words per minute and wouldn't have had to take my eyes off the field at all. I'm accepting contributions for next seasons laptop fund. Lol. Really though, it was a pretty good night. Dareus has me so darn excited for this defense this year. As I said earlier I don't think Barnett was out there but couldn't tell. If he was I didn't notice him at all. But without Barnett and Merriman it would have been so much better. I noticed some quotes from Williams about him and Dareus working well together and spending a lot of time together. It's true. They were together on just about every drill tonight. They will help each other out tons going forward I think. And Carrington looked great as I said earlier. I can really picture a Dareus, Williams, and Carrington front 3 in our 3/4. All three of them have a tremendous pass rush.


    Well, I hope you all enjoyed my takes and can't wait till the game on Saturday. Unfortunately I won't be able to watch it live, I'll be working until Tuesday. But I'll be watching the DVR the day I get back. Later all.

  8. Ok. So I'm the bus back to the car. Ended up gettin CJ, Stevie and Fitz autographs on the same ball. Our new big 3!!!


    Fitz stayed very late and was throwing with Brown until about 9:45.


    Barnett I don't remember seeing much in practice. He was there but after practice he wasn't wearing pads. Don't recall seeing him out there on the field though.


    Dareus was on pad duty tonight but he did sign for the kid tent for a while.


    Overall I thought it was a good camp. Fitz was off on his throws very rarely it seemed. His throws look really tight. He was getting them in some tight spaces too.


    I couldn't believe how much I saw of Brad Smith. Rhett ran the 2 min drill with him. If his throws look good they might have a really tough 2 min drill if needed. But I don't expect Chan to pull Fitz out like Shanny did with McNabb but who knows.


    Not enough Freddy but a very good helping of CJ all night. I was very happy to see this.


    Couldn't get a feel on who the 2nd wr will be out there. They seemed to be getting alot of balls to Jones late and in 11 on 11s but early it was all Easley. They could possibly just put a different wr situationally for what the play would call for in the future. Who knows.


    The dline looked great. With that said, the starting oline looked very good too. I really feel each unit will get better as time goes on. And this should really help the oline since they have to practice against them everyday.


    Didn't see much bad stiff from Ubrik or Pears so I think they did well enough.


    Well my jus is back. Going home for the night. Hope you all enjoyed te recap. Anyone else that was there if you wanna fill in anything I missed it would be great. Trying to watch and type all tuis on my iPhone was a PITA.

  9. More 11 on 11


    ftiz throws screen to right to Nelson. Nice run upfield.


    Fitz underthrows Stevie at the left sideline. Stevie almost makes a great catch falling down trying to come back.


    Screen to CJ. Takes it upfield for 20 yards before the whistle. Might have been a TD


    Screen to CJ. Didn't see if it was a bad throw or miss on CJ but incomplete. Jackson in motion as WR on that play.


    Almost pick by Florence. He jumped the ball hard in the moddle of the field.


    Thigpen handoff to white. Up the middle for 5 when they called the whistle bje would have been gone. Only a S and DB to beat.


    Screen to the right side, underthrown by Thigpen. Incomplete.


    Big pressure by Corner and 59 Coleman for a would be sack.


    Fake handoff to white and Smith sneak on the left side of the line. Would have been gone.


    White to the right from Thigpen. Nice 8-10 yard gain.


    Nice screen to Rosevelt. Not a big gain but a nice cut and comeback by Nameen for a nice catch.


    Big pressure by Williams on Fitz. E got rid of it long to Stevie down the left sideline. A bit overthrown. McGee all over Stevie. Nice coverage.


    Missed a wide open WR at mid field. Carrington nice push on Bell.


    Pick by Florence. Trapped maybe. Stevie looks like he gave that one up. Not a horrible throw by Fitz but could have been better.


    Missed Jones downfield for 30 yards. Overthrown. Again, Carrington all over Bell. Pushed him back tobFotz.


    Run by Spiller to the right for a 10-15 yard gain in traffic.


    Smith at QB. Offsides by Williams.


    Still Smith. Run up the middle for a few yards.


    Thigpen in now. Fingertip possibility by Easley. Crossing over the middle about 20+ yards downfield.


    Smith at QB. Fake run then pass to 84 is that Chandler? for a big gain.


    Thigpen threw to Rosevelt who turned and looked at the ball like it wasn't supposed to be there.


    Thigpen rolls right and a big throw dowfield to Jones. 45 yards or so.


    Thigpen rolls right from pressure the. Throws cross body screen to White who took it uofield for 15-20.


    Thigpen throws to Rosevelt on the left sideline. I love Nameens body control to ge into the right spot and protect the catch.


    Big pressure on Fitz. Overthrown to Mcintyre I think.


    Run up the middle by Freddie. A nice gain in traffic. Overpe etration by the dline in the run.


    Pitch to the left. Williams right there to stop anything going forward.


    Possible would be sack. Tipped ball and Spiller came down with it.


    Smith at QB. Fake handoff to left for Freddie. Ran upfield untouched for miles.


    Run to the right by Freddie.


    11 on 11s are over.


    Guess not. They just moved back more. 2 min drill maybe.


    Handoff from smith to white.


    Then smith run to right.


    Then smith dump to White.


    39 secs left. TO.


    Smith to white after Jasper had lots of pressure.


    Almost picked over the middle didn't see who.


    15 secs left. Bit these TOs help in no huddle for typing.


    Smith held on too long for a would be sack. He might have been able to get free to the right.


    7 secs left now. On the 30.


    Smith down the right sideline to Rosevelt. He dove for it but couldn't get it.


    Smith end zone I couldn't see who caught it. Was covered in white and blue.


    Practice is over I think.

  10. Fitz seems to be on the money tonight. Has hit quite a few into the garbage can in th back of th end zone from the center of the 10


    The pick was by a williams and was very sinilar to the one he had Saturday. I was suprised but the d looked like it domanted 7 on 7 however levi was qb for a lot of it.

    Thanks. I didn't see that. It's hard to watch everything and update everything that's going on. Much thanks.

  11. Run by spiller. Got no where. Dareus collapsed the pocket.


    Run by spiller. Whistle called as he got hit but culd have run more


    Fitz threw nice pass to the left for 20-25 yrds to Jones. Great leaping catch


    Fitz throws into the middle of nowhere. Pocket held a bit. Not sure what happened.


    Fitz throw to left to Jones for a nice screen/dump. 10 yards or so


    Fitz rollout right. Good blocking. Throws to Chandler nice catch


    thigpen sideline pass to righ to Jones after rollout. Nice catch on toes by jones


    run up the middle by White. 5 yard gain


    Run to the right by White. 3-5 yard gain. Good fighting for yards in traffic


    White to the left. No gain.


    I think a fumble right after the snap. Hard to see what happened there. Blown dead fast.


    Dump/screen to White to the left. Right side of the line fell apart. Good run after catch and juke by white.


    OLB blitz by 48. Thigpen overthrew Jones I think.


    Biggggg pressure by Dareus and Carrington. Fitz rolled to th right and threw it away.


    Spiller up the middle/left side. 3-5 yards in traffic.


    Fitz throws to Jones on the right sideline. Nice comeback and juke by jones. Good pass prot.


    Screen to Stevie. Broke it up for a few yards.


    Pitch to Spiller to the left. Nice gain of 5+


    end of 11 on 11 for now. More to come.

  12. Nice throw in back of end zone by smith to Hubbard I think


    Another td by smith to Nelson


    Smith is on tonight with the arm. Seems to be fitting in some tight spots. So far


    Fitz threw a short pass to Aiken. Good cut by Aiken to beat Florence to th ball for a catch an broke upfield


    Fitz with a great throw into bouble coverage in the middle of the end zone to Stevie. Great throw and catch

  13. Carrington seems to be overpowering Bell in team defense drills


    easley just had a nice TD catch


    Fitz just threw a pick. Didn't see who to


    Nelson had a ball stripped from McLovin


    more to come


    Wang really sucks bad


    Merriman was working on his hand movements for quite a bit early even though he's not dressed


    Easley wide open again for TD from Brown


    Dareus just pushed Wood back like 8 ft. The just is impressive!!!

  14. All I can think of is Rex is only doing this to get inside info about our teams offense and defense. It really sounds like a Eex Ryan type of thing. The funny thing is he doesn't realize Maybin never got in, was to dumb to learn the playbook and not smart enough to give examples. Makes me lol

  15. This is year 2 of rebuilding for Nix/Gailey. Usually rebuilding does not include 30 something players unless they are vital to the rebuilding process, Evans was not. Like it or not, obviously not, the Bills are rebuilding again. As you mentioned, they change GM's every couple years, so this is what you get, that's what a GM does. He builds his team, usually new GM's don't take over SB contenders. But the silver lining is that this is the GM/Coach that could make this team a contender again, I actually have faith in these guys. I believe they have a 3 year plan to be competitive and this is year 2. I am a season ticket holder and I hate the word rebuilding, because that's all the Bills have been doing the past 10 years. But I am also a realist and that's exactly what it is!

    Your so right brother. A real rebuild means turning over lots of players from the old regime. They don't care if fans like thier moves or not. If they worried about who fans wanted to keep around we would end up with players like Whitner and Poz at all positions every year. Us fans always love our blue collar, lunch pal to work kind of guys but that doesn't male them good football players. Usually they are not. Nix and Gailey are looking at this from a football and ability standpoint and if you see all the moves they've made they bettered themselves for all the players we lost.


    Whitner<Wilson or Scott or future possibilities of Searcy


    Evans>Jones/Nelson/Rosevelt for now but as Evans gets older and these guys get more experience that might not be the case.


    It's a time consuming project and nothing any of the other GMs or coaches did since Levy was our HC. When GMs come in they always make moves that make people scratch thier heads, that's until it all works out for them. What do you think happened whe. The Packers let Favre go? When the Pats let Moss go? When the Steelers let Holmes go?

  16. Parrish isn't in that category..

    Um yeah he is. Hasn't had a healthy season like ever. Last season was his highest output as a WR and it was not very good overall. I know his injury plagued that but it always seems like that's the case with him doesn't it?

  17. I'll burn the hell out of you for that... not sure if you're just trying to stir the pot a bit or if you are serious, but it's a ridiculous notion to trade Williams, and even the Bills on their worst day would not think of trading him (I hope anyway) As for who starts opposite Dareus, that would be Kyle Williams. They are not planning on using Williams at tackle in their 3-4 alignment so that renders Edwards as a backup in that scheme, which they will not use exclusively. I think Carrington takes the OLB spot held by Kelsay if it comes down to where he needs to be on the field.

    Well, I was serious and yes I do like to stir the pot. Let me ask you this genius. If Williams is playing the other DE (which he hasn't at all because he's been playing NT alongside Dareus) who is gonna play DT? And yes I'm dead serious about trading away Willoams in another year or so if Carrington, Troupe, Jasper, Heard, Moats, Batten all work out and improve at thier positions. I'm a realist and I personally believe that getting rid of players approaching the 30 year mark in thief lives is ALWAYS a good thing unless your talking about a probowl QB. And especially if youbcan get a 1st rounder for that aging player. Football players rarely last past 30 and when they do, thier skills decline rapidly.

  18. I think Carrington is looking really good so far this year. So I'm gonna pose a good question. What happens when je gets good enough to start? Who's spot will it be? Kelseys at OLB? Or the DE position (whoever starts opposite Dareus). My guess would be Edwards. Just think if we could get Moats into the OLB spot and then Carrington at RDE we could really be on to something. The ability to really rush the passer with either Moats or Merriman from the OLB spots and an absolutely sick pass rush from any one of our 3 DLmen.

    The other question that is even more crazy is what happens if Trouoe or Heard or Jasper become dominating at being a TRUE DT? I know I'll get burned alive for this but Kyle Williams is probably worth a #1 if not #1+? draft picks. I'm not saying we should get rid of talent for nothing but if one of those guys actually performs well by next season do we Lee Evans Williams? Burn away!!

  19. FWIW right now DTV is advertising free Sunday Ticket with a 2 year subscription. They also offer 3 months of free movie channels. And $10/month off if you are recomended by another DTV customer and if your the customer that did the recomendIng. I've known people to prectically get free DTV with all the referals they give.

  20. I couldn't stand more than 2 minutes of this toolbag. I did watch the times you pointed out. The one thing that makes me laugh a bit is he was so excited about Barber blocking possibly the smallest and worst LB in the league. It was a very embarrassing hit for Maybin and yes, ot was the hit that ended his career in the NFL. Unless he's gonna be a towel boy or waterboy.

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