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Posts posted by mrags

  1. If the key members of the d stay healthy it could be an above average unit


    8-8 seems fair 10-6 if everything broke right,6-10 if everything broke wrong


    would be great to play the jests and be able to smack them back

    This is the best way I've seen it put. 8-8 is very possible considering we could have been that last season with OT wins instead of losses and then the Chi game. IF a you say key players stay healthy we could be 10-6 or if we get the injury bug during the season we could be 6-10. I'd like to add an addition to your point, IF Merriman not only stays healthy but produces at his old level when he was dominant(just like the Bears game) we will be closer to 10-6 than 8-8. That's if he's a 10-15 sack playmaker this season.

  2. I saw it as an interview for the practice squad instead of keeping Nesbitt. Well see what happens. If they kept Thigpen in there instead it really wouldn't have made a difference at all either. Chan knows who his starter is and backups at the QB position. He was clearly seeing if Levi had any fire in him fighting for a job.

  3. Let's take a shot at it and see what I come up with here.


    QB: 3





    RB: 4






    WR: 6








    TE: 2




    OL: 9









    +1 from cuts/FA


    DL: 5







    OLB: 5







    ILB: 5







    CB: 4






    FS: 2




    SS: 3





    LS: 1



    K: 1



    P: 1



    That's 51, I think you'll see two of the following making the other 2 slots:

    Jasper, just scared they will lowe him somewhere else if they put him on the practice team

    Heard, better and more reliable than Jasper at this point but not as much of a ceiling

    Dotson, better than both Heard and Jasper, ateast right now, probably the safest if he's the one on the practice team

    Huggins, they love him on special teams and he's another weapon on O if the WRs get injured

    Hall, played well yesterday but so did Elzy and he was cut. Hmmm

    Aiken, out of nowhere he was slated to play along with Johnson but after Easleys game if he continues to look good Aiken should be worried

    Rodgers, another DB might be a must considering McGee can't stay healthy


    I think you might see Aiken and Rodgers for the added depth for those positions.


    I don't see another DT making the team because how well Johnson has played so far. You COULD see some suprise cuts to Kelsey, McGee because of thier sub par play and aging/aching/injured bodies.


    The practice team will look like this:










    Enjoy your 2011 Buffalo Bills

  4. Ok. I know this topic has been beaten like a dozen eggs during a Martha Stewart marathon but I just watched the replay of the Balt game and don't understand the love for Evans in this game.


    Evans Stats:

    3 receptions for 60 yards and a TD


    over 1 year that's 48 receptions and 960 yards.


    I watched every play in this game and don't understand the Evans love. It's nothing more than what he's done here over the years. His TD was 35 of his 60 yards and to be honest it wasn't that spectacular. Hall pretty much stayed right with him. He didn't bother to look back for the ball at all. I'd like to point out that a good veteran DB would have had more than a possible shot to deflect that pass.


    All I saw Lee do in this game is 1 deep route that was a perfectly thrown ball by Flacco and a few slant routes that went nowhere. The love for him on this board is expected I mist say nut to say he's "tearing it up in Baltimore" is exagerrated by both everyone on this board and by The announcers of the game. I haven't seen so much ball licking on anyone since last year with Tom Brady.


    I didn't want to comment on this topic until I watched the game and I just don't see what some of you see. After seeing what Moss went for last year and knthe past, what OchoCinco went for this year we got market value for an aging reciever that wouldn't be here after his contract was up. We DO have a lot of depth at WR in the young guys in Jones, Easley (I'd like to add played just as well or better than Evans last night), Roosevelt, Nelson and don't forget we have Johnson and Parrish (who I feel might also be cut or traded, scould me now). I don't believe were better without him but don't think the dropoff will be that far and it gives us a chance to get younger and see what these young kids have. So far we know Nelson runs in the middle and does very well with it, Roosevelt has insane hands and good route running and Easley showed last night he might be WR that we all hope he can be, experience and confidence will only make him better.


    Anyway, I'm done now. Have fun fluffing Evans all year if you like but he didn't show me anything he hasn't done here in the last few years. I think he will be better in Baltimore but I think career year everyone is expecting is a bit of a reach.

  5. Judge for yourself...




    (That's page 11 - I particularly enjoyed the comments from IceColdBruschi ("We SUCK!"), and the way the entire thread progresses from total arrogance on page one to utter despair by game's end! Trust me - when the Cheatriettes* drop their first few games, the fair-weathered NE* fans* will turn on them faster than sh_t thru a goose.)

    faster than **** through a goose


    Lol I love it.


    On another note that's how fast Dareus, Williams and Merriman will sack him and make his Pansy @ss suffer.

  6. He clearly wrote that before he watched the game. If he would have even had 2 sentences left and seen even the first quarter of the game there would have been some tiny little bit of information about the game and not just about how everyone in the Bills community was ready to jump from a bridge all last week.

  7. Ya the problem is this. If he does well enough to have a good year but we still suck it could show that he's just not a winner/leader. It also positions us for Luck (not saying we will be picking #1 but in too 10) with a chance to pull a Mike Ditka and trade away an entire draft to get him.


    I really want Fitz to play well enough to get an extension. At worst you pay him good money for 2 years if you still think your going to get the Franchise guy. I personally think Fitz is better than most routing for this team believe. Not all QBs are like Manning, Brady, Brees having rediculous passer ratings and completion %s. Most are like Hasselbeck, Cassell, McNabb, Sanchez, Rothlisberger. Not great but doing just enough to win for your team. None of these guys have ever really lit it up but they get it done. Usually it all comes down to TDs. And that is the best way to look on paper if your QB is a winner. Does he throw TDs when his team is in scoring position. I think Fitz is right in the middle of the pack and deserves to be the starter not only this year but for the next 2-3 at least. We will see when the season is over but I'm predicting (barring injury to Fitz):

    4,000+ yards

    28 TDs

    15 Ints


    those numbers are similar to Aaron Rodgers who just won the SuperBowl. And if Fitz didn't miss 3 games last year he was on pace for almost the same. Give him a 2 year extension for above average money. At the worst case you get Luck in the draft or another QB, they can take the field slowly.


    Just my .02

  8. I'm here and ready to give halftime updates. Fitz looks good and Easley looks amazing so far. Nice TD. Anothe nice 50+ harder to Stevie. Blocking hasn't been horrible so far. I only saw Levitre move to LT on the 3rd possession. Freddy looks good so far. Florance was picked on a little bit and so was mcKelvin. Coleman had a nice sack and so did Williams. There was a horrible TD by Gerrard and only because of a bogus penalty back on 3rd down. Dline looks good so far and so does the unis, field.

  9. I'm here and ready to give halftime updates. Fitz looks good and Easley looks amazing so far. Nice TD. Anothe nice 50+ harder to Stevie. Blocking hasn't been horrible so far. I only saw Levitre move to LT on the 3rd possession. Freddy looks good so far. Florance was picked on a little bit and so was mcKelvin. Coleman had a nice sack and so did Williams. There was a horrible TD by Gerrard and only because of a bogus penalty back on 3rd down. Dline looks good so far and so does the unis, field.

  10. It's done. Deal with it. You complaining about this again is just as dumb as the Bills trading Evans. They are deep at reciever. They have Jones, Nelson, Easley, and Roosevelt who silent have gotten on the field if Lee was still here. At some point we need to find out what we have in these young guys. Evans is getting old and wouldn't have been resigned at the end of his contract. Get over it. I'm guessing your all butt hurt like most cause you've got an Evans jersey and now you can't wear it.

  11. If this is asked of everyone in this city right now, with the struggles of the Bills and the sack licking of Terry Pegula I would say the Cup wins hands down. If you even had a 8-8 team for the last ten years in Buffalo it would be the Trophy hands down. at the end of the day this town is more of a football town and would rather see the Trophy but too ma y young kids would tip the scales that weren't even out of diapers when the last time the Bills were good. It's all a matter of timing if you ask me.


    On a side note what is this Cup they speak of? Is it some tin foil joke of a prize at a carnival? Hockey is barely a sport IMO. It's less popular than Football, Nascar, Baseball, Basketball, Even MMA. That's the 6th most popular sport in this country and it's a joke IMO. It's only ntertaining to watch when it's playoff time. It's completely overpriced. There are too many games. Hockey couldn't hold Basketballs jock let alone stay in the NFL conversation. But since were all sucking off Pegs we might as well vote Cup.

  12. QB: Tim Tebow

    RB: Tim Tebow

    FB: Tim Tebow

    TE: Tim Tebow

    WR: Tim Tebow

    WR: Tim Tebow

    LT: Tim Tebow

    LG: Tim Tebow

    C: Tim Tebow

    RG: Tim Tebow

    RT: Tim Tebow


    DE: Tim Tebow

    DT: Tim Tebow

    DT: Tim Tebow

    DE: Tim Tebow

    OLB:Tim Tebow

    MLB:Tim Tebow

    OLB:Tim Tebow

    CB: Tim Tebow

    CB: Tim Tebow

    SS: Tim Tebow

    FS: Tim Tebow



    Wouldn't that spark a biblical issue? God would be very scared that Team Tebow might try and run everything that ever was. Right after they beat the Bills.


    Another name you could have used could have been Andrew Luck and gotten the same result.

  13. I'd rather have a team go 2-14 every single season than not have a team. The gameday experience is what it's all about. IF we lose this team in the future because of Ralphs passing or any other reason, a little bit inside me will die. I can't say for sure I wouldn't be a football fan or not at that point. But it would be lime losing your life partner. I've been a Bills fan longer than I've been with my girlfriend, longer than I've had my best friends, longer than my job, dog, cat, car, house, etc..... Chances are a piece of me will die. The Bills were always there for us. Good or bad, if you were feeling down you could always enjoy a game, or at least realize you had it better than thier sorry players. Lol

  14. The thing about Maybin is that he's only got speed. No moves. No power rush. Of course he's gonna get off the snap extremely fast against a bunch of 2nd or 3rd stringers. The difference is, when he plays against a first stringer, the LT will just chuck him back 15 ft or they will just guide him so far outside it's like a revolution around the world.


    I understand you points about how we suck so much and probably just missed his potential but don't get too excited about him. Go back and look at how he was thrown and planted by the Marion Barber in the Bears game. You'll more likely see that kind of play out of him.

  15. I could see the line making some changes to be honest. Could tuen out a few different ways IMO:


    LT Levitre

    LG Rhineheart

    C Wood

    RG Ubrik

    RT Pears/Bell


    or maybe they split Ubrik with Hang for more experience on the line. Or maybe it stays the way it is. Who knows at this point. I do agree though. CG may be just making some of these moves to light a fire under thier @sses. Or who knows, maybe he's trying to unite the team by making them all hate the coaching staff. At least they will be a complete unit with alot of hate towards something.

  16. Am I missing something? Didn't CJ run well in Denver? I swear when I rewarched the game last night I saw he had over 5+ yards per carry. Can someone go online and print up his stats from the other day? I can't get this info right now.


    Personally I thought he ran very well especially with our crap line line. He is slowing things down and waiting for more holes. The one run behind Ubrik should have been better if he waited a little longer to break it out but that's the only real mistake that springs to mind. His pass blocking on the other hand needs a ton of work. He's going to get Fitz killed.

  17. I too am worried. I think this year will not be what we all expect out of Merriman. Granted when he plays I think he will be at the level he once was in the height of his career, however I just feel he will be injured and fighting injuries afte about week 3-5. It's unfortunate and I hope his injuries and aching body now is something completely different from past injuries and all this is just in case to make sure he enters the season healthy. Shawne defenately has a chip on his shoulder and I think his mind is there, it's his body that might he failing him at this point.


    Please let me be wrong!!!!!

  18. Ugh. This post along with all the ther ones lately about Eva s and Ralphie and Nix, etc, etc... It males me feel like were the "Bickering Bills" all over again. Pretty soon well have more players pissed and complaining about stupid crap.


    I don't feel bad for Freddy at all. I DO LOVE THE GUY, but do no not feel ANY bit of sadness for him. The truth is he was an undrafted FA and is lucky to even have recieved a shot to be a starting RB. He played well but not well enough to unseat Lynch, it was only because of Lynchs stupidity and suspensions that Freddie even got a shot. He signed his contract a few years ago, it was not his first contract, it was renegotiated and he signed it. He had a chance to enter the FA market and he opted to stay with the Bills. He signed a contract and was under the assumption that he would be at best, splitting carries with Lynch at the time. Now, don't get me wrong, he has proved to be a very good to great back for us in that time. But he expected to be a backup over a year ago with Lynch on the team, and he should expect to split carries with Spiller too. Every team in the league (almost) runs with multiple backs. The Chiefs, Panthers and Raiders had 2 guys at or around the 1,000 yard mark. There is no reason why he shouldn't think it's possible here too. And at the ripe age of 30+ for a RB he should be happy he's not cut outright regardless of production. Hell, the Chargers cut the best RB in The NFL since Barry Sanders and went with the a guy that was not only drafted after CJ but wasn't half as talented as all the pro scouts thought.


    Give me a break. I'm so sick of these so called professional and "good lockerroom" guys complain. They are all overpaid scumbags anyway. I work in the prison system and these so called professional athletes are no different from the dirtbags that I watch work out all day in the yard. Half of them are thugs, rapists, charged with assaults on thier significant others or drunk idiots in a bar anyway. I'm getting really annoyed with all this crap I can't take it anymore.

  19. C'mon guys, this article means nothing. The idea that a losing club can make a profit has been around for 50 years or more. There is no news here. There is no inside information on the Bills. Only foolish speculation, like:


    "For Buffalo, this is a recent pattern. Just before the 2009 season began, the Bills waived their starting left tackle, Langston Walker, and the team's highest-paid offensive player. Two games into the 2010 season, the Bills waived their starting quarterback, Trent Edwards, their second-highest-paid offensive player. Both actions increased profits while setting up an excuse for a losing season."


    Doesn't anybody actually buy this rubbish? The Bills cut Walker to save money? As I recall, we cut him because he sucked. And the Bills used Walker's departure as an excuse for losing? I don't recall that ever happening. Same with TE. Edwards was failing as a QB and everybody could see that. And I never once heard Nix or Gailey use Edwards departure as an excuse for losing. Likewise, Easerbrook's observations about Gailey ruining Maybin's trade value are just plain stupid. Maybin (a wannabe DE) weighs 228 lbs, produced zero sacks in his career thus far, and was a healthy scratch 5 times last year. Maybin's own performance made Maybin worthless as trade bait, not anyone's comments.


    Easterbrook's math, btw, is flawed too. You can't simply calculate revenues by home seat sales. It will vary greatly from one club to another. Even Easterbrook says, "The $30 estimate is a simplified number, but suppose it's roughly accurate." Huh? Let's suppose it's roughly accurate? Suppose? Roughly? It's really a terrible premise from which to make an argument.


    Easterbrook uses a lot of quotes, imagining he can read minds. No one actually made those comments and I doubt if they would. His article is really poor journalism.

    Very good points. Just as many people will bilieve were doomed there are just as many that will come out and show evidence and numbers and facts that it's not all true. The thing is, you have the Jerry Jones, Robert Crafts, and Dan Snyders in the NFL. There's about 5-10 of them. The rest of the teams are owned by grumpy old men that want to make money. After all, the NFL is a business and a very popular one. Where else can you spend 800-1billion dollars and know for a fact that you will male a huge profit in it during the duration of ownership and then most likely recieve an additional 25-50% more than what you paid for when you sell.


    People need to get a grip about articles like this. There were other teams mentioned not just the Bills. Which makes me believe other teams are just as frugal as we are. Many points about saving money and cutting players is a false. $3million is a drop in the bucket for Wilson at this point. And to prove that it's an obsurd claim is the fact that we signed TO for $6million for 1 year a few seasons ago. If $3million was such a big deal in trading Evans then why would we spend twice as much on another WR if we weren't trying to win? We've done so over the years in great length. Bledsoe, Milloy, Spikes, TO, Walker, Dockery, Merriman, Barnett, There are many more. We signed all these guys, usually to considerable amounts more than other teams were offering just to compete with those offers. Why did we do that? To compete!


    I know, I'll just get the responses that I'm completely stupid and I buy all the Bills and Ralphs BS on a daily basis and I'll always be the sucker forking over my cash in wheelbarrows to Ralphie personally. I can say the same about all of you that believe these idiot reporters journalists that try and claim thier fame while writing such crap.


    The truth is, it's a business and if your not in it to male money you should be getting out and quick. There are only a few key owners of this glorified fraternity that don't care about that and are in it to win at all costs.

  20. -Lee Evans being traded after our offense finally gets going again is ridiculous, and to not trade for another player is worse.


    I would rather have Lee on the team but I understand the reality of trading him. LEE DID NOT WANT TO BE HERE WHERE THE OFFENSE WASNT GOING TO FEATURE HIM.......he asked for a trade...and he did it with respect and not going to the media. The bills obliged him for being the stand up guy that he was. Want to know what Kelsay has HIS contract? because he does it the exact same way.....jmo on that



    -Not signing Clabo for 5 years because you can't win now is a joke.


    We offered the most....he chose to stay with Atlanta...the bills tried....what more is to be said here?



    -Why are you drafting these gadget guys when you have true needs?


    What gadget guy did we draft? Spiller? He was the best offensive talent on the board at the time. There are SEVERAL other picks in the draft and in case Sullivan wast watching quite a few went to the defensive lines.....then this year we went MOSTLY defense. We are going to B word about 1 player in a whole draft worth of picks?



    -Bell is the best tackle we have, and the best means he's being compared to bad offensive linemen, which is a joke.


    Nobody was complaining about bell after the 1st pre season game where he held off Peppers....he had a HORRIBLE game on Saturday no doubt....but you have to take work as a whole not just the last game.



    -Depth at WR is not the same as numbers- New England has depth and we have numbers.


    New Englands WR dept looks better because they have Tom Brady throwing the ball



    -Paying Brad Smith for only a handful of plays for a wildcat offense that is exposed is ridiculous.


    This is my biggest peeve of his wrants......Brad Smith is the BEST in the league at what he provides....and the Bills jumped on an opportuntity. And Chan knows how to use a guy like this. There was nothing wrong with this aquisition when you have a chance to make your football team better you do it.



    -The Eagles' depth is so good at CB that they are cutting a $2 million CB because he's slotted as a dime back.


    no comment



    -The Buffalo Sabres want to win and the Buffalo Bills are existing.


    The Bills are doing it a different way while the Sabers look to be making Redskins type moves.....I dont agree with all of what the bills are doing but they are following the San Diego Chargers/Pittsburg Steelers game plan of rebiuld.

    I would say tuis is the best response to all that that @ssclown says on a daily basis. I personally think he is the biggest POS in the Buffalo Sports Media. Even more so than Dope and the Lapdog (nice one). At least these guys are uneducated sports idiots. They have an excuse. Sully doesn't. He just does t like Buffalo. Doesn't like the city. Doesn't like the sports teams. I hope he moves back to NE and the Big Dig floods while he's in a tunnel and then Boston falls into the ocean.


    Another point I'd like to add to yours is regarding the Beloved Sabres of Buffalo. Personally I think they are benefiting and suceeding only because the Bills have sucked for the last decade. The small chosen few of corporate Buffalo buy the majority of those season tickets and give away those tickets for free. The games are more expensive than Bills games and there are plenty of bandwagon fans that clinched on to them since thier presidents trophy year. With that said, thier ticket sales and fan support dropped off after they made decisions like getting rid of Drury and Briere, Campbell and others. Only to be brought back up again because of Pegula. I personally believe in his commitment to the team however what he's doing is really no different from the Bills. They make promises that can't be guaranteed. There is no sure fire way of winning. There's many different ways to do it. Nobody knows if what Pegula is doing is going to make it work. For all we know the Sabs could become the Skins of the NHL.


    I realize I will get scorned and shot and stabbed an hung and raped and murdered and than beheaded for saying anything bad about our glorious Sabres but truth is they are doing well and the Bills suck. That's the only difference. If the Bills get good and competitive the driving market of the NHL can't even scratch the NFLs @ss if it was itching. The Bills at that point would become what they used to be in the glory days of the 90s.


    Burn away

  21. What I like most about Barnetts tweet is the fact that he and Merriman are hanging out off the field. The two of them together sounds better by the minute. First of all they are becoming very close it seems and both have big Chios on thier shoulders to prove to everyone how great they can still be. They are becoming closer and trusting one another more and more before they even get on the field together. And between the 2 of them they can potentially pursuade many more stars here and convince them we are an up and coming franchise once again. Maybe after this years strong play we can land some more big name FAs that wouldn't have otherwise signed here but because of 2 dominant LBs and dominant DLmen they can pull some strings.


    If you were a stud ILB or OLB and you were a FA and the money was the same here as anywhere else, wouldn't it get you a little excited to be playing next to these two guys and behind Dareus and Williams? If it was me I'd be more than excited. If the money was the same. And just to male my point, we were rumored to offer Clabo more than the Flacons did. Just saying. It's not that far fetched.

  22. I would have to say the Lawyer Milloy being cut by the Pats* the week before the start of the season, back in like '03 or '04 stands out the most. Really was a great week, as we actually got it done, and then went on to beat his former team 31-0. The rest of that season is rather forgettable, if memory serves...

    This is a good one for sure. Funny story about the Lawyer Milloy signing. I was downtown one night. Completely wasted beyond belief. It was at the bar same side of Chippewa across Franklin from SoHo. Don't remember the name. It was like attatched to another bar. Anyways, It was well known that Milloy was there that night and I had got a glimpse of him. So as the night moved on and I got drunker I had to run to the back bathroom to throw up. I noticed Milloy in the back, practically pushing up all over this girl that din t want any part of it. I'm sure it was mostly the beer muscles, the fact that I wanted to see if I could tale a professional football player but I went back to my buddies with the insane idea that I was going to fight Milloy. My friends had to drag me out of the bar so I didn't get my ass kicked. In reality, at the time I was in pretty good shape and about 80lbs heavier than Milloy. I might have had a chance.


    Another Git er done moment for me would have been the TO signing. I loved it so much.

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