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Everything posted by mrags

  1. Oh sure. We get rid of Stevie and now all the sudden you want to toss out our next number 1 WR.
  2. im with you bud. While I like Kiko a lot, I agree with your points. Nothing can be said to refute. It's all true. Except the PED thing. All speculative.
  3. In!!!
  4. i guess at the minimum 50% will be covered.
  5. im well aware of that. From my point of view, I said no.
  6. Check your PM Gordio.
  7. yeah. I'm aware of it. Hell, you really only need to google a name and a din number and you can pretty much find out. It's the point, you don't really want to know what these guys do. It'll make you sick.
  8. You gotta think someone would be smart enough to take him off that.
  9. generally they are all treated equal. We as COs (at least in NYS) don't have the priveledge of knowing what they do to get there. But it's hard to swallow when you know the inmate raped a 6 year old girl then threw her off a 5 story roof just for fun.
  10. yup. I'll tell ya how a 25 year guy told me when I started. -we don't get paid for what we do... We get paid for what we might have to do on any given day. Most people don't want to work with murderers, rapists and crooks. We deal with them every day all day.
  11. Thanks all for the support.
  12. agreed. Always respected that out of some of the mods.
  13. dont put words in my mouth. I'm done here. That was never my argument. Someone else brought that up not me. All I said was this scumbag of an officer is a safety and security issue for all the officers around here. Had nothing to do with the sex being consensual. But thanks for assuming things. I am truly done here. No need to get me all worked up.
  14. yeah. I'm sure the 17 year old who fantasizes about his teacher was really wishing it didn't happen.
  15. ok. Ya know what. F^%K that. I'll answer. Not to be a jerk, even though you have offended me greatly. Unless your a prison guard, cop, sheriff, or some other sort of law enforcement, you don't the slightest clue what your talking about. You should probably accept my opinion with a little more respect considering what I do for a living and where I work. You don't hear me asking you how to cook burgers so that they taste just like Whoppers or what the special sauce is in a Big Mac... Do you? Now I'm done.
  16. Urbik McKelvin Freddy Glenn Mario Woods Searcy All good answers.
  17. yeah. But you still talk to me so I guess I'm doing alright.
  18. im gonna stay out of this before it's too late. Later thread.
  19. Fwiw I don't remeber that I may have been young, dumb, and new to the board.
  20. i don't laugh at them. I do add in a yes or no from time to time. And you may be correct, chances are it's not brutally harming anyone. Most of these cases are probably only brought up because the parents found out and want some money or something out of it. But even if not, many cases are a 20 something female having sex with a 17-18 year old male student. Chances are the student was pretty happy about this. Chances are if you waited 4 years, the scenario doesn't look that bad. Hell, my mother and father are 20 years apart.
  21. I won't do it again sir.
  22. Hammers
  23. it absolutely does. Which is why my opinion should be more respected here.
  24. exactly. Nothing good happens from this.
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