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Everything posted by mrags

  1. The most impressive collection I saw last year were how many Ford 150 FX4s and Raptors I saw. Extremely large amount of them last year. I expect the same this year too.
  2. I can't believe someone actually thought of this as a newsworthy topic. Nothing against you Jack. The person that wrote the article though. Wow. Nothing better to do? Really?
  3. honestly, it would probably just take about 50 people pouring over the fence. After everyone saw that the field would probably be swarmed.
  4. its not gonna make a difference. By that time the new owners will be identified. If not publicly, it will be in the owners groups. And that's the kids day game. So chances are your never going to get that to happen.
  5. I'm down with it for sure. How about this. Every ge at home that it looks like were going to lose with approximately 4 minutes left in the game we all storm the field. Tearing down goal posts. Ripping up the turf. Etc. Make it so that the game cannot be finished. So that the loses eventually are counted as forfeit. I actually like this idea. Of doesn't get our team back of sold to a Canadian based org, but it sure let's the league know how much we disapprove.
  6. i agree with your take on it. Just because they have to deal with it doesn't mean they have to advertise it. Bit at the end of the day it does effect his job so it should probably be public knowledge. Think about it, it's even a written rule in the NFL to disclose injuries on the injury report or you get fined. We have seen that on the Bills before. But your right, it doesn't matter, the media won't let it slide. Maybe if it was Erik Pears nobody would care, but Glenn is looking like one of the best up and coming LTs in the league. They won't let it go without digging.
  7. i typed up a really good reply and was about to send. Instead I realize there's no changing your opinion and I don't really care. I personally feel that famous people should have no holds barred when it comes to issues effecting their jobs. If they are that worried about it then pick a new career out of the spotlight. I'm sure they love all the attention when they go out or get into trouble to keep things low key. But when all the sudden something happens to bring their news out in the open, they don't want to deal with it. I call BS.
  8. of course he's not obligated. Doesn't mean that the story doesn't deserve to come out. It absolutely does. And regardless if it does or not, it will eventually because he's a good player known in the league and espn and NFLN won't allow it to go unknown. Again, I don't necessarily agree with all this. But it's true.
  9. not the same. Glenn is famous. Is in one of the more public positions in the United States. It is not the same. With that being said, I don't think that is right. But it isn't the same.
  10. Apologies EMoulds. You stayed true to your word here. Although we don't know the details yet, you seem to know something.
  11. yes they have a 2 hour Sabres show. Yes they have a 2 hour Bills show. But that doesn't mean the 4 hours of WGR that Schoop and Bulldog are on should be completely monopolized by hockey talk. Yet it is most of the time. so instead you'd like to hear about the Sabres with no pads on? there is football news too. Bills are in camp just as much as the Sabres are. It's the offseason. Get a grip. And how is twice as relevant a big deal? The Sabres have been to the playoffs like 3 times in 15 years. It's not like your talking about the 90s Red Wings here. this shows either how crazy you are, or how young you are. The Sabres and Buffalo hockey has only benefited because the Bills have sucked for so long. All the teenie bopper kids jumped in the bandwagon in 99 and 06-07'. Without those years, hockey would be a barren desert in Buffalo compared to the Bills. Watch them make the playoffs and see how right you are. People couldn't give away tickets to fill a measly 19,000 seat arena this year. The Bills fill up the 74,000 Stadium almost every week. Again, relevance is only because the Bills have been horrible. But your a hockey fan first regardless what you say here. There's a Sabres site to visit. Maybe you should toot your horn there. Hockey is AT BEST!!! The 4th most popular sport in the United States. FACT!!!
  12. far from reliable. Maybe not a case of the dropsies but far from reliable. He also has a problem running past the first down marker when it's 3rd and XX. Always seems to come up short. He also is a huge target and much bigger than most on the field but never acts like it and prepares for a crushing blow against even the smallest of CBs.
  13. And just another reason why Schoop is a C%#Kbag
  14. hiw is it that Chandler never Reciever any fault for his drop? Or EJ for being in his first game ever and leading Stevie so far that Manute Bol wouldn't have been able to reach that one?
  15. jist this morning WGR was talking about how scary our WRs look. That our top 4 might be one of the best in the league with Watkins, Woods, Williams, and Goodwin. All I could do was shake my head and think about what could have been had we kept Stevie and had a great top 5. Warren Moon and the run n gun Oulers would have creamed in their pants for that lineup.
  16. hemmoroid throb with enjoyment
  17. Spoke with my rep about 10 days ago. He said the tix would be out shortly. I also asked about the cards like the Seahawks have. He said they have discussed something along those lines. But didn't give me much info. Doesn't sound promising. At least not this season.
  18. if your planning on going on the 21st. You can swing by my place on your way and pick me up. I'm off that day. Already planned on going on the 20th for the night practice.
  19. As far as a piece. I liked it. Was good. But was barely a highlight of 2013. Seemed more like an add for the upcoming season instead. Which is fine. But let's call it what it is. Not a highlight of last year.
  20. Licking dirty toes for money on the NYC subway
  21. yup. This'll be good to get the rookies in there and get their reps.
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