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Everything posted by mrags

  1. i hate disorganization just like you. I just love the couch and movies just as much. Lol. So I'm going with what makes me more happy most of the time.
  2. dont get me wrong. I enjoy sitting on the couch doing nothing more than anyone else. I still hate pulling weeds and doing other yard work. Im usually pretty guilty of both oft houses looking like crap and the wife nagging to clean them up. I still hold out until I get yelled at to do something about it.
  3. so what your saying is that CJ has the ability to break one (a bone I mean) on any given play.
  4. nice one but the Brown Crusaders will never let up.
  5. well. If he had a 10 yard lead, there's no worry in not getting in. He could have crawled in at that point without having any issues. Maybe he did hurt himself. Who knows. Again. I don't deny that he slowed down at the end. But it was not showboating. He wasn't pointing. Raising his arms in the air. High stepping. Anything like that. He got into the end zone and tossed the ball and chest bumped another Bill on the field. There was literally no showboating involved. It's not a matter of how any WRs do it or not. It's a matter of how any WRs know for a fact that will not be caught and can coast into the end zone at that point. People say the same thing about Usain Bolt when he let up in the Olympics. He coasted. He didn't get crazy and showboat I'm that race. He could have beat his already shattered world record. But he didn't feel the need to. He saved himself. He got the gold medal. He won the race for him and his country. The only people that are mad at him for that are the fans because they felt like thy deserved to see a record broken. It's a very similar scenario. and with this I agree. Sammy sounds so awkward and Eisen is that weird creeper stalking him. That's the kind of feel I got.
  6. right?!? I don't disagree that he downshifted at the end of the run. I just believe it was anything like his other long play. I don't believe it was him showboating at all.
  7. when you contact all your overweight high School buddies with your rotary phone, give me a call and well see.
  8. i didn't see that as showboating at all. I saw it as the nail in the coffin for the game. 9 minutes left. Up by 4 TDs. Why bother straining yourself. It's truly a final nail in the coffin kind of play. I'd also like to point out what I fear may be true. Is that Sammy looked to be hobbling on that play near the end. It may not be anything. Maybe he just had a funny hitch when he downshifted gears. But it looked very funny to me. Fwiw, I just rewatched the play about 15 times.
  9. adding to that. If Peyton and the Broncos do win a ring this season I think Peyton takes a hot and accepts a paycut to resign them to ensure his possibility of winning another ring the next few years.
  10. yeah. I keep seeing people say that. It's not true. He didn't showboat on his TD. He didn't raise his arms in joy. All he did was let up down the stretch after making sure he had a cushion. I'm literally watching the replay right now. It's clear as day. He didn't showboat, not was he in any danger of making the same mistake he already made earlier. He extended the score to a 27 point lead late with no option for the Jets to come back. He had almost 10 yards between him and the safety chasing him and he was in clear view of him the entire time. Even the announcers made a comment about how he didn't do the same thing he did earlier.
  11. yup. I agree. To add to that. If he wins this season, not only will he be back next year, as long as he's healthy and able to produce, he won't go until it looks all but over for him.
  12. lol. Probably doesn't own a home either.
  13. agree. If he wins this year he attempts another next year as well at the least. Personally I don't think he goes until he has at least 600 TDs
  14. yup. I blame Peter as well
  15. once every 64 times he touches the ball
  16. yup. You, like many others won't stop your crusade against me for being correct about a horrible RB.
  17. yet you still chimed in.
  18. I don't think Manning retires no matter what happens at the end of this year as long as he is still healthy. He'll easily have a shot to make it back to back SBs if he comes back next season. That would tie his number of rings with The Fairy and he would stand at having every passing record destroyed which would clinch his spot as the best ever to play the game with no questions asked. agree. They've got some seriously tough games coming up.
  19. F) should Mrags stay? Here's a hint... I'm staying and you can all suck it.
  20. so based on that, CJ really sicks since he's been in the league 5 years and 3 out of the 5 he's been terrible. 5 out of 5 he's been injured. 5 out of 5 he's never produced 10 TDs. 5 of 5 he's never distanced himself from the other RBs on the team. 2 out of 2 head coaches he's been terrible.
  21. you got it right here bro
  22. Let's hope he seriously knows what a mistake it was and doesn't happen again.
  23. you rang??? FYI, just because Bryce Brown didn't do anything doesn't make CJ good. CJ still sucks.
  24. eh. It's past noon here so I wasn't thinking. On to that topic... What's wrong with a little wake and bake???
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