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Everything posted by mrags

  1. i just don't believe in taking away people's rights to bear arms. Especially when it means handicapping them against criminals that don't follow the same laws. Most shootings in this country are by unlicensed people. And those are the only the ones we know about. There are many, many deaths by guns that we just don't see every day or know if they were from a licensed owner or not.
  2. dont disagree with this. I think they are saying to not wear or flaunt their badges when not needed. I personally don't wear a badge. But I do carry one in my wallet, with my weapons cards. So I agree with carrying it, but if I wore a u inform that had a badge on it, I would wear something over my uniform while coming home to work and in public places. In a situation like the one posted on Facebook as a calling for a "purge" on all law enforcement, why advertise it. It's just my opinion. But that doesn't mean I'm going to run and hide.
  3. Question, why do WE have to correct it of someone else feels they have been screwed? They are free to move.
  4. too many people believe that if you take guns away that criminals will stop carrying them also. It's not the case.
  5. glad he is doing well.
  6. yeah, now multiply that by about 1.1 million officers in the country.
  7. could have been removed for hospital reason. Scans, MRIs, etc... And nobody properly took care of his property. I'm not saying it wasn't stolen. It could have been. But putting blame on someone without knowing for sure isn't the correct answer either. At the end of the day I hope he recovered. A missing ring is not the important thing in this instance.
  8. that it has. I have a hard time being bothered by things that would probably make many others throw up. And I can do it while eating lunch. I won't speak of details here. And thank you for understanding that 3rd
  9. yeah. I watched the movie about the Stanford Experiment just like you did and I find it to be completely bull crap. But then again, I work in a prison and I see what goes on daily and you watch Lock Up and assume what your seeing is the daily way of life inside a prison. Also, the "prisoners" in the Stanford Experiment weren't real criminals. Had they have been real criminals they most likely would have fought back. Instead they just went on assuming they were part of an experiment and were treated wrongly by some 19 year old power hungry idiots. Trust me, try that stuff with actual murderers and gang members like in a real prison and you won't be getting away with it. But what do I know, I don't work in one of the most notorious prisons in U.S. History.
  10. thats easily said if your not an officer with a gun in your face. Which is what this whole argument is about.
  11. no. You already said I'm above the law. So I'll just keep going with that.
  12. why should cops be put out in front and expect to be shot or assaulted in order to respond? Also, the whole thing we're arguing about here is the altercation that ended up shooting and killing Castillo. Which none of us was there or know how the situation went. Your mad that he was shot and killed and claim that he didn't deserve to die. Yet in almost the same breath you talk about how in another video the cop didn't control the situation.... So which is it? The one cop didn't control the situation and was shot and the other did control the situation and walks away to kiss his children that night. I respect you Exilled, we have always gotten along. But unless your the officer in that position you cannot speak from experience in this instance. Your simply believing what the woman in the car is saying in her video. Which was proven to be false. Castillo did not have a concealed carry permit and it was not a traffic stop for a busted tail light. I guess you decide to beilieve who you want.
  13. Here is a good example of how Castillos traffic stop could have went. Did you see the driver pull out a gun in time to stop him in the first take??? https://youtu.be/G5pgZ0yq1-E I know I didn't. And much like the officer first in line, I would have been shot.
  14. it wasn't a routine traffic stop for a broken tail light. It was a stop because he fit the description of an armed robbery suspect. He also had a weapon in his lap at the time. Things move very fast in situations like this. You weren't there but if the cop asked for the driver to put his hands up and comply with direction and he veered from that in any way. It is an act of aggression regardless and you already know the driver had a weapon. What do you do?
  15. that police department didn't have body cameras yet. They are about $5k or more per camera and storage. Maybe more
  16. exactly Randy, If you were pulled over for doing wrong doing or nothing at all, all it takes is to comply with police. On the side of the road isn't the time to fight your case or argue. You will have your day in court. And let me be clear about this. If you are usually codial and not defensive towards the police they will usually be easier on you.
  17. that's completely false. But it's your opinion. I'll respect it. So... Unless your in law enforcement, maybe you should respect the law enforcement side of the situation. also, you said it... You shut up and took your ticket. Regardless weather you were wrong or not. The fact is, a criminal that is possibly getting caught, won't usually comply with what the officer is asking them to do. You realize that right?
  18. thank you Jack. And I'll add that just because officers are trained to handle these situations, it doesn't mean that they should be comfortable with them. If you knowingly were in the presence of a suspected armed robber and he had a weapon in his lap and you were the only person standing between freedom and prison... Wouldn't you be a little uneasy?
  19. were you there? Did he make a sudden move for the gun that was in his lap illegally?
  20. if he's got a concealed carrier then he can carry the weapon on him. If he is not, he cannot carry the weapon in him. It must be in a weapons case, or locked compartment in the vehicle (trunk, glove box) with ammo in a completely different locked compartment (trunk, glove box). So he was breaking the law carrying his weapon in his lap. It is also seen as aggressive by police. And just because his woman posted a video after the incident actually happened that said he didn't do anything wrong and he had a permit for the weapon doesnt make it so. It wasn't a routine traffic stop for a broken tail light. He was viewed as a suspect in a robbery from a few days ago using the same weapon he had in his lap. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/07/08/confirmed-philando-castile-was-an-armed-robbery-suspect-false-media-narrative-now-driving-cop-killings/ i highly doubt he goes to West Englewood or Fuller Park
  21. And for those that haven't seen it. It would appear that the shooting in MO was not unjust as people may have seen it. Castille, was actually the driver. Had a firearm in his lap, was NOT a concealed carry holder, and was a suspect in a robbery from jist a few days ago. But the media decided to roll with the woman's video as fact before finding the real truth to the whole situation. Blame the media for all this crap. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/07/08/confirmed-philando-castile-was-an-armed-robbery-suspect-false-media-narrative-now-driving-cop-killings/
  22. i have friends in the Sherrifs at Erie County Holding Center and they were actually ordered to remove their badges while not at work and highly recommended to always be carrying a firearm.
  23. I posted in the other thread. I read it on FB multiple times last night. Haven't found them since as I believe they were removed. I noticed people posting and sharing posts calling for a "purge" on all law enforcement. If anyone here has any friends or loved ones that carry a badge, I'd recommend they cover it up while on their way to work, home, etc.
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