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Everything posted by mrags

  1. great points chef. I'd also add this: The selling realtor may have it priced low so that he can generate a bidding no war, in which case they usually end up making more than of the house was listed for the 15-25k more like it should have been. Once you get 4-5 people bidding on the same property and want it, they will get lost in the fact they can find a similar house in the same neighborhood for less or the same price. Also, look at it, and hire a good home inspector. They will be able to tell you if there's something truly wrong with the house.
  2. It was probably Ron Mexico that gave her the Herp
  3. thats a good one "Honest officer, she told me was 18" -Travis Henry
  4. Secret life of Pets Bourne Tarzan Star Trek The Infiltrator All look awesome
  5. Can we strip the Pats for about 3 seasons of violations with Wes Welker?
  6. ill be there. I plan on smoking ribs that game
  7. I'm generally the same way. Except I was stuck 4 hours away from home while working downstate and in a place where the nearest anything was at least 30 minutes away. At the time I went to the movies a lot but I had already seen everything that was out in the theaters and didn't want to wast more money. It just so happened I had 3 movies in the apt and that was one of them. So... I watched all 3 a lot.
  8. how could you not like her. Just looking at her is amazing. its funny, a buddy of mine was recently bringing up about how cool it would be of Matt Damon's roles were all related. Like he was a janitor in Good Will Hunting but moved out west, ended up becoming part of the government program in The Bourne series. Throw in a little Rounders and Talented Mr Ripley to top it off. Anyway, sounded cool
  9. this just made me realize who tops my list Steve Carrell, hands down worst ever. Seth Rogan isn't far behind
  10. I'm the best opposite of Hammersticks I thought he was horrible in his early years. His roles were like bad SNL skits. It took me watching Anchorman about 5 times to really appreciate it, but that's it for his older stuff. Talledega Nights and Step Brothers are absolute genius. I can't say the same for the sequel to Anchorman, it was unwatchable.
  11. Please god no to Boobie. He's terrible and if we are relying on him to run the ball we are screwed and shouldn't even bother trotting a RB out there. Where is Archer? Any info on him at all? I know he's just as much of an unknown or worse, but the kid is really fast. I'd rather have an idiot that can run really fast that an idiot that is slower than molasses.
  12. In a heartbeat I'd support this for the 4 games the Munchie Monster is suspended for
  13. If the offense can even be close to what it was last year, and the defense can go from one of the worst in the league to even middle of the road we will be a playoff team
  14. ill stab you in the neck with a spoon!!!
  15. Only if you change your name to something without Spiller in it.
  16. I love it. I wouldn't go that far either but I do think the defense will be more than slightly better than last year.
  17. Roman got outplayed by his own quarterback. On at least 2 of those plays Sammy was open or in 1 on 1 coverage with an inside throw very possible. I like Tyrod but he was too confused and should have taken shots downfield at the WR that tore it up in the first half.
  18. do us all a favor and become a huge Pats fan will ya
  19. i thought the first one is 1 game. Then 4. Then 10 or the season? Marcel got 1 game. The other question, is can he fight it and get it reduced to 2 games? He's never been suspended so I'm curious to know about the 1st offense of there was one.
  20. just curious because I haven't heard anything about which violation he is in. Is this really his 2nd? When was his first? Because he didn't miss a single game last year, or am I wrong about that?
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