you can stop it. Your average DB in the NFL is good enough to cover Glass. He's just not nearly as good as you are giving him credit for.
If he was any better he would have more than an average of 8 receptions, 115 yards and 1 TD a year over his career.
I don't want to hear about "if he could just stay healthy". That's an entirely different argument all together and IMO, is alone worth all the reason in the world to cut him. He played in 10 games in 2014 and averaged less than a catch a game. He averages 1 TD an entire season in his career.
And o don't want to hear the crap arguments that defenses respect him and his speed and he opens things up for Sammy or other WRs. It's a crap argument. He just doesn't do what you say he does. There isn't a single team in this league that would roll a safety overtop on his side as opposed to Sammys side. Ever. It just doesn't make sense. And of its happening it's only a bait job.
Either way, I'd much rather have a real WR than a decoy. I'd much rather have a real NFL player than a track guy that gets hurt every 3 downs. I'd much rather have a real WR that puts up real WR numbers than a scrub thy wouldn't make the practice squad on half the teams in the league.
Remember how everyone made fun of Graham and wasn't worried about him when we played against him with the jets??? Well, that's how other teams and coaches and fans feel about this kid.
Your argument is that he COULD be really good. He COULD stay healthy. Yeah, I could get a date with Kate Beckinsale too. But chances are it isn't going to happen.
At the end of the day, there is no argument for a WR that averages 8 catches a year for 3 full seasons in the league, or 2 if you consider his injuries.
Marv also thought is was ok to let the 90s Bills police themselves the nights before the biggest games of their careers.
He was also the GM that hired Dick Juaron.