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Everything posted by mrags

  1. maggie is going to be a savage
  2. OMG!!!!!!! Freaking hilarious.
  3. this is false. It was absolutely not blind sided. Unless directly in front of him constitutes that now.
  4. to add to this comment (and I have no idea what AW refers to himself as) this is am exactly the type of hit that Aaron Williams has prided himself on since being in the league. He has always played with no regard for his or anyone else's safety while playing the game. And that is what has caused him to get hurt so much. He's wreckless to say the least on the field.
  5. i don't understand your argument here. I'm not arguing what the affects can and will be on any player. I'm arguing of the hit was dirty or not. It wasn't. It was a clean hit. He went high, he probably wasn't expecting AWs head to be right where he lunged but it was. It wasn't malicious at all, he hit with his shoulder not his helmet.
  6. did you watch the video of Tasker talking about hitting people and what a high it gave him? And don't think for 1 minute that players back then didn't know that hitting other players regardless of where in their body, wasn't a sure possibility of injury. They play the game for a living. They know the consequences. Always have. Or maybe Mark Kelso wore the Great Kazoo helmet because he thought it looked cool. Makes sense. Got it
  7. savage is savage regardless of the era. says the guy with a Greg Williams profile pic. Hypocrite much?
  8. thats not the argument. People here are seriously saying that no matter who made the hot and who it was against, it was a savage hit. "Made me sick to my stomach" was one quite I remember seeing. What's the difference if it was done yesterday or 10-30 years ago. If it's a "disgusting" and "dirty" hot now, it's a disgusting and dirty hit then. The era that it took place shouldn't make a difference.
  9. yeah. Ok. I won't. But the other 84,000 people in the stands that day sure looked glad after that hit was made. High fives all around. I guess that's just the savagery at The Ralph that everyone is talking about.
  10. I'd like to add that I hated Neegan on The Talking Dead. He shouldn't be part of the crew for greed purposes. I don't want fans seeing him as liked by crew members. He should be an incredibly evil villain not one of their friends. I know that this isn't felt by cast and crew, but for the sale of the audience, Neegan should be a super heel and shouldn't be liked among viewers. I also think he should have made Rick go through it with Carl. Made the audience hate him even more
  11. no. It's really not. We're talking about a hit on a player period. The argument among most here is that it was dirty, illegal, unsafe, etc... Regardless of the circumstances of the play, it was a straight up hit directly in from of him. It wasn't from behind or on the side or anything cheap. You can all post whatever you want. Blame Aaron Williams for not seeing a rocket come at him from almost directly in front of him. He needs to keep his head on a swivel and have more awareness of what's going on around him. whats the difference who wins the game? Here's a few more for you all that I'm sure you all loved so much. Because it was a Bill doing the hits. And here's Steve talking about how euphoric it is destroying someone on the field. OMG!!!! He's a savage
  12. https://youtu.be/DKaE31VgXjU I bet everyone loves this hit. Don't think Clements was fined or suspended for it either.
  13. I'll be there. I sent a text last night Randy and wasn't sure if you knew who was going yet. Just give me a reply and let me know who you know of so far.
  14. LT in a heartbeat and it isn't even close
  15. penalties in the league happen all the time. Doesn't mean they are dirty
  16. yes. You can. But that doesn't mean that the hit that Landry was malicious or had intent to injure. It just means that he hit our player extremely hard and our player got hurt. It's a tough game. People get hurt all the time. AW wasn't playing heads up on the play and he suffered because of it.
  17. you play the game 100% or not at all. It was a tough hit. Sucks that AW was the victim here, but it wasn't a dirty hit
  18. i felt this was better
  19. my jaw dropped when the "unknown" thing that we won't speak of until everyone has watched it. And at the very end, Rick looked absolutely lost. First time we've ever seen that from Rick
  20. its not like I wanted one of our players to get absolutely crushed on any play. Especially AW as he's always been one of my favorites. But the fact is, it wasn't a dirty play. It's football. His job on the play was to take out the safety on the play and he did it. If AW didn't get hurt on the play nobody would have a problem. And if Glass Goodwin did that to one of their players everyone here would be saying it was amazing and the game changed in our favor after that hit. They clearly out muscled is the whole game. It's sucks. We need to stop being all butthurt and deal with it. We got our asses kicked up and down all day.
  21. Most epic episode of any show I've ever seen on television. Period.
  22. youll be right there with me. Calling him a "scumbag pipsqueak"
  23. Is he even in shape? Maybe we should sign Jerry Rice and Steve Leargant too
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