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Everything posted by mrags

  1. This topic, on a sports messaging board. Ironic much?
  2. I’m on a form of Keto by a place called Ideal You. I’ve dripped over 30lbs in a month. Took off a few weeks when I went to St. Lucia. Gained about 5lbs during those 2 weeks. Back at it again. Still have another 20-30lbs to go before I’m where I want to be. In that hat time I haven’t touched a weight, or walked more than 1/4 mile walking my dog.
  3. It won’t even be a consideration. He could stay and break the all time rushing record wearing a Bills uniform and without hesitation, he would go in as an Eagle. Amd those people saying he hasn’t lost a step are dilusuonal.
  4. That’s great but at the same time it’s trying to have your linemen learn many different duties. If they can’t master 1, they won’t all master 2 or 3.
  5. Yup. It’s a suicide watch alright
  6. You did well. When you speak to him in the future when/if he wants to come back next year (unless he’s a senior) you can set him straight that you won’t tolerate it anymore. He’s either on the team and committed or he’s not and can find something else to do with his time. If he’s a senior or doesn’t ask to come back in the future, hopefully you taught him a lesson. chances are you didn’t because kids now days are little pieces of trash that only care about themselves.
  7. Not just all teams. The city. The people. Heck, if I hear someone that asks Anything in that stupid accent, I want to stab them with a spoon in the neck and scoop out their insides
  8. 16. F U all
  9. My entire life revolves around working to pay for the next vacation and the Final Vacation
  10. You are the one that took offense to this apparently. apparently you can’t deal with employees following the rules of their employers either.
  11. I also work in law enforcement and I also have many friends and CO-workers that have and do serve in the military. And unlike some others here, I do see a feeling of disrespect toward some of them.
  12. For one, Brady Quinn is wrong. He wasn’t even old enough in 2001 to know what happened prior to 9/11. Ive been going to games since much before that and I can tell you the players came out and stood there at the anthem. This was back when people were proud of this country. Now you have a bunch of Whiney babies that care more about their feelings than the rights of others. Im sure some of you will attack me for this. I don’t care. Put me on ignore if you haven’t already. You are part of the problem anyway First of all. Thank you for your service. Unfortunatey where you are wrong is that the NFL has mandated that if you are out on the field you will stand for the national anthem. It is their rule and their company. And the players are employees of their company. And if they don’t like it, they can sit in the locker room prior to the anthem or look elsewhere for a new job. I heard the Hamilton Tiget Cats are looking for NFL caliber players nowadays.
  13. I believe you did very wel with this post OP. But I think you left out some things and are lowballing the costs a little bit. Clearwater Cadet has a very good point about fracking and I believe that may come into play. It will/May be a multi point deal to get this done and fracking may be the key. Without doing a ton of research like you have: a new stadium will likely be near the $1B range. Give or take about $200m. The Pegulas will end up fronting almost the entirety of the bill for the stadium. In return they will receive all of the benefits and profits from the newly built Pegulaville located where Buffalo used to be. Also in return, they will receive some benefits of fracking in the state of New York. But most importantly, for them, and more so for the city and surrounding areas of Pegulaville, they will benefit from the city, county, and state, funding a massive overhaul of the infrastructure of the city of Pegulaville. The skyway will be the first to go. Highways and road repair, additional ways in, out, and around the city. Including a subway system that has more than 7 stops in a straight line down the center of town. Add in locations/hubs at UB North Campus, the 90/290 split at the tolls/Park N Ride, Galleria Mall/Millenium Hotel, Boulevard Mall area/290 NFB, OP, Peace Bridge, Tonawandas/riverfront, possibly Grand Island, and finally Niagara Falls. The project will cost upwards of $1B overtime. But if you want to get treated like a big city, you act like one. Also, I have a friend that works for a rather large construction company that builds hospitals, schools, and stadiums among other things, that has already been in talk with the Pegulas and the city of Buffalo and have been positioning themselves with another local construction company to earn the business once it becomes available.
  14. Let’s not forget about the ad lib plays and escaping the pocket for gains was usually the result because he couldn’t play quarterback very well. Id gladly take plays in the air vs some ad lib crap on the ground any day
  15. I have come back and admit I was wrong. It doesn’t happen often so live it up. But it wasn’t Tasker I was thinking about. It is Mark Kelso. Thankfully I was wrong about this.
  16. You too. Have fun. where in Jamaica are you staying?
  17. You are always invited to join us on these trips Fergy. Anytime you want. Were olanning in 2 days in Miami in December for the Bills game and then another 5 days somewhere in the Caribbean or a cruise. Then Aruba in february
  18. Thanks. We’re staying at an all inclusive so I don’t see us needing to go off resort much unless we’re doing any excursions and the ride always leaves from the resort. But thank you and I will keep this in mind
  19. Been there twice. Negril and was married in Montevideo Bay. we’re leaving for St Lucia this Sunday morning.
  20. I agree OP. The people that think this WR Corp will be the worst in the league are most likely the same idiots that thought Tyrod was a good QB.
  21. Better with the Sony. You are dead set on 70”? You could have a 65” tv that gonna offer you a bit more for similar price point
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