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Everything posted by mrags

  1. As someone that deals with criminals on a daily basis and related to others that worked Law Enfoecement at the Arizona/Mexico border, and northern border, I can tell you that you are correct. The “underground” or just things unknown to the general public is eye opening.
  2. This is what happens when all the trash from other sites come over. It’s basically unbearable at this point.
  3. I have already stated I am done talking about this topic. There is no need to continue to reply to my posts. You will not change my mind on the subject. Have a good day. I hope you all find peace in your losses. To those that have replied to me personally, this is not a personal message to you. Just a generalization.
  4. Wow. It is absolutely incredible. I can’t belibe what I’m seeing. You have all been duped by someone’s alt. Just stop. I love the attempt kelchlsm. Well done
  5. Being opening day of football and the fact we will probably all be absolutely miserable after a loss today I will just stop now. Im an @$$hole and don’t care about it. If you’ve lost someone die to this ADDICTION, I feel sorry for you and your families. Sorry you were put through everything. Sorry you had to watch a loved one suffer. That is all.
  6. I doubt it was his kid. Chances are there aren’t any 16 year old white girls from amherst running around Africa
  7. mrags

    Is Water Wet?

    That depends if you use real peanut butter or that crappy almond butter crap.
  8. I have been in my current profession going on 10 years now. I’ve seen it all. I spent months at drug treatment centers, and years at maximum security facilities, and I can tell you most of the time it doesn’t help. It’s not a disease (imo) it’s a habit. Bad habit more like it. Bad influences. Bad decisions. Everyone controls their own fate when it comes to this type of thing unless your a crack baby. But if your in your teens or twenties or older, you aren’t suffering from that anymore. At that point youve made bad decisions. I will refuse to give any any thought to the contrary. I’ve made bad decisions in my life and regretted things, but I’ve learned from those mistakes. I’ve had hard times growing up and as an adult and I’ve grown from that. I’ve dealt with both parents as I grew up, and my parents separating and handled that. I’ve went through school and had grades so bad (my own doing) I would have a hard time getting into the most lax colleges and I’ve grown from that. I’m not saying I’ve had a very tough life, but I have went though some tough times. I’ve learned from my mistakes, I’ve grown as a person from the things I’ve learned. Never once in all the good or bad times was I like... “hey, ya know what would be awesome right now.... doing a bunch of heroin”. Because of that, I can say that everyone has a choice. And if you make that choice to do drugs to the point that you are an addict, I feel nothing for you. You are a burden on yourself, your family, and society and you should probably end it now and save everyone the grief that you will eventually cause.
  9. You don’t want to hear anymore responses from me. You’ll dislike me even more than you already do. And I don’t feel like getting another ban because my opinion differs from yours.
  10. Addiction isn’t a disease. It’s a choice. I feel nothing for these dead beats that go down that path in the first place. And even less for the ones that don’t see themselves as needing help. And even less for the scumbags that die from it. Natural selection. This trash was the bottom of the food chain.
  11. This. He held out twice if I recall. Once when we made him RT and paid him well considering he was an Un-drafted TE. Then they paid him another raise if I recall after the switch to Lt. Then when he was showing to be incredible he wanted even more money. It felt like every year he was holding out or wanting more money. You can’t be held hostage every year. On top of that, he was “injured” or missed multiple games through multiple seasons. Basically when the team was officially eliminated from the playoffs he had some sort of injury and wouldn’t play out the rest of the year.
  12. I’m an every other word kind of guy
  13. 5.5 wins- over Allen starts 12- under McCoy 1,150- under WR 750- over WR 65 catches- over total ints (assuming you mean Buf throwing)- over. If you mean defensive ints- over as well most ints 4.5- under sacks 8.5- over 1st win- before week 4 2019 draft pick- after 6 pro bowlers 1.5- over
  14. I won’t give anything away in the episode. But I thought it was pretty good. I’ll watch some more for now.
  15. So, the B Team?
  16. Show starts tonight. Anyone super excited? Im interested and will watch but I feel it won’t be as good as SOA. However, the ending and the entire final season of SOA was terrible. The 2nd last season wasn’t that good either. Was more of the same old stuff every week. So I’m hoping this show redeems a little.
  17. The important thing is he’s a man trying to be a 12 year old girl
  18. Might have been the best episode yet. I thought it was incredible. And next week looks even better. I’m loving how everything is falling into place now. Soon we will see what brings Jimmy to become Saul for good. And soon we will see what brings down Saul to become a manager of a Cinnabon in some no name Mid west Mall.
  19. In that case, a real man is a short transsexual Peurto Rican.
  20. No. I’ll be the one relaxing in the hot tub. We can use your useless bed of a truck as a tv stand. Hopefully the cheap Japanese steel doesn’t crumble from the weight of a 55” TV.
  21. Me and Ken will have the best and baddest looking vehicles there. Mark it down. You and your Toyota work truck with rubber lined floor and steel rims don’t scare us.
  22. Since it’s your first time you must pay for someone else’s parking fee. So for you it’s gonna be $50. You will be covering your own parking and Bring Back Fergys parking. My toy truck that is longer, wider, taller and has more power than your little Toyota Tonka truck. Sure. Maybe this year me and Ken can park our man trucks next to yours again and make you look like a teenager finally allowed at the adult table on holidays.
  23. He was with Daboll in college. That’s why
  24. They didn’t do him or Allen any favors when they rotated in and out of the C and LG positions the entire first half.
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