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Everything posted by mrags

  1. You have to have at least a thought of running the ball. They didn’t. There’s got to be some attempts even if they go nowhere. And if what you say is true, then shots downfield should have been a realistic answer and it wasn’t even attempted to the extent that it should have. I’m not talking about then td to Brown or some of the other deep plays we had. I’m talking about Rockets down the field where you’re wRs are on all out sprints for the end zone. It didn’t happen. And any playcalling that runs a QB sneak on 4th and 2 on 3rd down, with the defense absolutely stacking the box is criminal.
  2. Careful, too many people think because we won, we could do No wrong. Your very right about the game plan, play calls, and lack of good tackling. Especially the defensive game plan to put Milano on Bell. What a dumb move. It I’ll take it and feel like we can progress from this win. At least I hope.
  3. I’m happy. They won. They did some things well. But the playcalling and game plan in the first half was terrible. We should have been up by 21 at least but we weren’t
  4. I haven’t listened to one minute of him today but I can picture it. He’s not wrong I’m guessing. Idiot drunk fans calling in talking about Super Bowl and how great we are. Can do no wrong. And he’s being realistic. In all honesty, we should have destroyed the Jets today. Countless mistakes on the field. Countless mistakes In play calls and game plans. How is it They only handed the ball off like 4 times in the entire first half when it was a 6-0 game at the time. It’s almost like they are trying to make a point. Daboll and Clappy hands shouldn’t get a pass on this game just because they won.
  5. Just leave the game MVP out Singletary
  6. He’s terrible. Was terrible all day
  7. We should overreact tho. The offense has 3 rushes the entire first half when Allen and passing game are struggling with turnovers? then when it’s 1st and 10 from inside your own 2 you rush Gore up the middle for a safety? its not the play of the players here I’m concerned with. It’s the terrible coaching/playcalling. Mcdermott doesn’t deserve to be a head coach. Or maybe it’s Dabolls fault. Either way, McDermott should be held accountable. It’s his team.
  8. Yeah he is. I couldn’t even remember what thread this was because it’s so meaningless to me. Like Lee Smith you want a cookie?
  9. Ugh I hope not. We’re terrible when we wear those god aweful looking uniforms.
  10. Regardless if YOU find it racist or not. It is, and definitely was meant to be a racist comment. Just like the video of when he found out he was released, running around yelling “IM FREE, IM FREE” like he was some slave. The guy just lives in his own little world thinking he’s oppressed for making $15m a year. And it was double that until this morning. Give me a break.
  11. It’s making more money than ever because of what I said. Because of fantasy and because of gambling. The real fans fans of the game that don’t gamble and don’t do fantasy are getting sick of the shenanigans. And just because the league is making money doesn’t mean they aren’t losing fans. Doesn’t mean they aren’t losing ratings. It’s 2 completely different things.
  12. A few weeks of eating protein shakes, jars of roids, and lifting tide pod boxes will get him back in shape by playoffs time
  13. It’s been going on a while actually. All these holdouts and shenanigans. The NFL allowed it to happen years ago with the start of the Kaepernick crap. They should have taken a stance that they are the employer and what they say must be followed or pack your bags. Didn’t, they allowed these idiot kids to dictate what they want this league to be and it’s biting them in the butt now. its The downfall of the league. The only thing that’s keeping it upright is the fantasy and gambling aspect right now.
  14. Hey, let him come back. Get Bruschi back too. Maybe we can have some old, broke, roid starved TE that can’t run anymore and is too stupid to be able to read the new playbook. And a stroke ridden LB that can’t peel his face away from Krafts old balls. Bring everyone back. I’m good with it all.
  15. I’m not predicting it to happen but honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Drew himself bounced on Brown as if to say Browns antics are even too much for him to deal with. Normally I wouldn’t see that happening but I wonder if even Drew himself is fed up with Brown. It actually holds some water water if you think about Drew going out on a limb for his client so many times to constantly be blindsided at every turn by Browns actions. Like i said, I’m not predicting it to happen but I could see it. And honestly, I hope it does happen and Brown is blackballed by everyone and never plays another down of football again. And I don’t feel bad for saying it because he brought it all in himself.
  16. Same. I’d make the trade. Tell AB that we have no intention of ever playing him at all. Just shut up and collect your check sitting on the sidelines every week not being dressed. I wouldn’t even give him the satisfaction of cutting him
  17. This just made me think. Gruden is one sly dog. Maybe he’s the one trying to get fired. After all, he has a contract with partial ownership doesn’t he? Lol
  18. I feel like you are just as crazy as he is for feeling sorry for him. The guy has made more in a few short years than most people will make in their lives. It’s all his own fault for being an egomaniac that thinks he’s better than his team, teammates, and the game itself. It’s not about proving a point that someone owns him. He’s delusional. He had an interview that he said he doesn’t need football, that football needs him. That’s all I ever needed to hear to know I didn’t want this jackass. If hes released, I don’t see him being picked up by anyone. At least not right away. It’ll wait until some SB hungry team loses their number 1 WR. And well after Brown has had time to think about his failures in this situation.
  19. I don’t think that’s accurate. He might get signed but probably not. At least not right away.
  20. That’s the section where Kelly, Talley, Andre, and Bruce all get together at halftime and blow coke off strippers and punch their pregnant wives.
  21. Just stating what he did. It is a big deal coming from an egomaniac that thinks he’s better than the team. His teammates. And the NFL as a whole. Its just more fuel to the fire that might mean he doesn’t play another down of football or at least for the Raiders.
  22. I haven’t looked through pages and pages of this thread but saw this article on FB today. Apparently Brown is being even more of a crybaby. He unfriended the Raiders and Derek Carr on His social media accounts. https://brobible.com/sports/article/antonio-brown-derek-carr-oakland-raiders-instagram/
  23. It’s not much more for the cheapest seat in the house. It’s like 400ish for the old Rockpile which is now something else (labatt party zone maybe). And it might be even less in the corners of the 300s.
  24. Too tough to tell right now. Well know more as this season plays out. If the OL and DL looks good then we can really get proactive and look at resigning some of our home grown.
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