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Everything posted by mrags

  1. This guys is just freaking awesome. He’s going to be a player in this league imo. And I for one looking forward to it.
  2. I never said he wasn’t good right now. I was simply arguing your point that it’s been so long since Eli has won a SuperBowl that he must be terrible. 2 different arguments my Freind. Enjoy the game. The Bills Offense is looking pretty good right now
  3. Yet you insinuate that Brady and Rodgers are as good now as they were in their SuperBowl years. Why is that?
  4. You are missing your own point. You asked when those Super Bowls were won by Eli. With the the exception of Brady, my argument for every QB I listed holds true. Dont get upset with me because you veered from your entire argument.
  5. Just like how Brady, Rothlisberger, Rodgers, Rivers, Newton, Ryan, Flacco and Brees are shells of their former selves. Cmon, give me a break
  6. I feel like that’s a BS response. Based on that, Aaron Rodgers is garbage too because he hasn’t won a SB since 2011
  7. Thank god. Sometimes I feel like it’s the only thing making the clueless crowd that knows nothing about football, know when to get loud.
  8. Tre should get paid like a top 5 corner. Milano won’t get much. He’s worth Lorax type money and that’s about it. Can find any young stud LB in the early to mid rounds in the draft to duplicate his play. Dawkins shouldn’t be resigned. He’s going to want big money for a LT and he’s not worth it. Keep Nsekhe as insurance and either move someone, or draft another when you let Dawkins go.
  9. Always in the right place. Not dropped around their waist. Not sagging to the side. Not looking like a couple rotten bananas She looks like she’s been ride hard and put away wet.
  10. Omg what's wrong with you? Implants are the greatest invention ever. Boobs that are always in the right place. Right shape.
  11. https://youtu.be/lYSOmYyNHpU
  12. That’s her now without makeup. Looking like a regular old mom. I’ll pass.
  13. Looks like he rolled it. Tweaked a little. Should be fine
  14. Demi was always one of my favs. that stripper movie she did. Omg Disclosure.... Watch that mtv show The Hills. Her and Tommy’s kid is in it. Pamela makes some appearances. She’s looking rough. I would pass.
  15. Honestly, I’d rather the Jets win this game. I hate the Browns now that they have that idiot on their team.
  16. I hope your right. Because he only touched the ball a total of 9 times last week. Gore rushed for 11.
  17. This... and to add to that, next year the scalpers will all be gone. No more paper tickets. No more card tickets. Everything will be done on your smart phone. There will be no other way to get a paper or credit card ticket, period.
  18. Man, I thought this was going to be a Megan Fox thread. Call me severely disappointed.
  19. Whaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! get more butthurt over me.
  20. Bravo. You feel so highly of yourself and your compassion. I don’t care.
  21. Sorry your a sap Naw. I’m an adult. I just have this thing. I don’t like pieces of trash and wish them ill will. Im good with it.
  22. I really wanted NKeal Harry who hasn’t played yet. Time will tell. He may never play with the goat but I think he could be the best WR in the class. Even though Hollywood Brown has a huge debut I have doubts that his size can keep up with the nfl game. Well see.
  23. 50..... man your old. Happy Bday
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