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Everything posted by mrags

  1. I went to the draft when it was real at Radio City. Even though they will be in my own town I still likely won’t go. Thought it was just 2026 and 2027 that were already taken. upon quickly looking on the interwebs, it appears that 2027 is not already accounted for but the Commanders are looking for the bid https://www.givemesport.com/major-nfl-market-aiming-to-host-the-2027-nfl-draft/
  2. Well. People generally have no idea where they would put that many people. But it’s not super hard math. The record this past season in Detroit was for all 3 days. So you’re not fitting 400-600k people all in one place. Just 200k each day. Hell, between the fans going to the games, just going to tailgate, and the employees, workers in the area your easily over 100k every week anyway. And it’s not like people are cram packed into the the areas they can’t function. The only real issue is the terrible process of shutting down Abbott rd so that it only goes one way for like 6 hours on game days. Could easily fit 200k between the spaces of both the new stadium areas and the old stadium area.
  3. So kind of like Sundays into Mondays. But instead of saying sleepover, say wasted. And instead of sleeping bag, say back seat of their Camrys until they can drive the next day. wait, what am I thinking, this is Buffalo on Sunday. People drive wasted all the time. 9 times out of 10 you won’t hit anyone or get a dwi.
  4. Well. It will take 5 hours just to get into the draft and another 14hrs to get out
  5. I would have put my money on downtown somewhere. But I can totally see the OP site. Like I said, I think it would be a push from the Bills and the city to push for more public funds along the process. Creating some buildings or other amenities that would become permanent fixtures for the Bills to enjoy moving forward. Likely in the space currently occupied by Highmark Stadium. Let’s be real, it’s not like they are going to tear down the brand new Bills store once the new stadium is built. They could build around it. Some bars, food options, etc. I can see it now.
  6. So that could be anywhere from the new stadium, to the old stadium before it’s torn down, to the parking lots, to the space where the old stadium used to be.
  7. First, I never implied we should have traded for JJ. I was simply arguing the fact that this team needs WR talent. It’s a fact. Was a fact in the draft at least. Beane admitted that by not only drafting one with their first draft pick, but also by picking up 2 more vets that have had some success in their careers at some point, to an extent. My point and argument has been and will continue to be, to build around Allen. Build and room of WRs that can help him become even better. In the wake of my arguments the point has been lost that continuing to draft them and get guys on rookie deals is the way to go. This way you always have 1-2 that are good enough, while always having a few guys in the back waiting for their chance to step up. In fact it’s no different from how McBeane has approached the RB situation since they’ve been here. Started with Singletary and backing up up with Moss. Then backing them up with Cook. Then backing cook up with Davis. They continue to drop 2nd and 3rd round picks on RBs every single year. I’m simply advocating, taking a WR in Rds 2-4 every year as well. Instead they keep doing it with RB and LB and DE. if Beane doesn’t see ahead of time there was an issue with Diggs he should be fired. It was well documented since the Bengals game that he wasn’t happy. Even if it was blown out of proportion by the media, it was well known. And Beane still renegotiated Diggs contract and made it even harder to trade him/cut him.
  8. Right. Exactly. I think the fan base is so well travelled because the area itself. Buffalo is such a great hometown city. People love it here. It’s just not the place to be. It’s. It a place for a whole lot of opportunities. But it does have that hometown feel to it. So many people leave but keep their love of home/Buffalo. And because of that, the love and feelings for Buffalo is spread all over. Creating more and more fans just because people are in awe of how passionate we are as a fan base. Again, this isn’t just pride in the football team. It’s pride in the city.
  9. I just spent the last 4 hours arguing with people about all this. I’m not about to start again. Feel free to read through the thread.
  10. Downtown is likely the spot where it would go. Utilizing canalside and the cobblestone district. That would be my best guess. could also do OP considering the new stadium being there. As well as the old stadium or in place of the old stadium after its torn down. I would expect food trucks, some on site make shift organization bars, etc. it’s a perfect way to for the Bills to get the City/county/state to pay for even more things. They will push for additional help to ensure things go well and some buildings, amenities in place for the draft on the old stadium site. So they can use it after the draft is over and the lot is parking and some other tailgate ideas moving forward. If I think 250-400k is likely on the high side. Just because Detroit and some of the cities have been massive, doesn’t mean that every one has to be. But I wouldn’t bet against it. Bills fans travel very well. You’d likely get a ton of Bills fans outside of Buffalo traveling to the area. As well as 31 other teams fans.
  11. I jest curious. If I pay for the PSLs, does that include ability to go to the draft in 2028? Cause if it does, then the PSL is totally worth it. I actually think inside the old stadium would be perfect for it. it’ll likely be downtown anyway. Harbor center or Chippewa would be my guess.
  12. The only thing that’s shocking about this is they aren’t looking to host the draft in 2027. The first possible draft after the stadium is complete.
  13. Paying a QB the kind of money they are paying them, and then creating a run heavy offense is just stupid imo. Might as well trade Allen for a ton of draft picks over the next 4-5 years. No point in keeping him in his prime and not utilizing him anyway.
  14. Maybe we should just trade Allen then. Let’s trade him for 2 more TEs, and Derrick Henry.
  15. They aren’t going to be a power run offense. But they are going to a run heavy team imo.
  16. I LOVE SVPG!!! Really like Davis. And I do agree that in year 1 of rookie Franklin or anyone else for that matter (Coleman included) won’t make a difference. At least not one as much as MVS or even Claypool imo (assuming he gets his head in straight). But I’m not talking about 1 year. I’m talking g about the future of this team. We got ourselves in trouble because of this. Guys like Miller never materialized to what we needed. A different approach is needed. Even though a complete overhaul was NEEDED in the WR room imo, we did it in a way that made no sense.
  17. Not with this run first, ground and pound offense that McDooper is creating
  18. Yet they still haven’t addressed the WR position in the draft. 1 guy in rd 2 is not addressing the position imo
  19. We generally agree. I like Davis a lot but don’t see him having that much of an impact. At least not this season. Probably not until they let Cook walk. I agree with the assessment on offense. I’m not very high on Coleman however. But I think we’ll be just fine. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that an elite WR talent at WR would make them even better. It would make Allen better. It would make the other WRs better. It would make the running game better. Hell, it would make the defense better as they could pin their ears back and go eat QBs as teams will be playing from behind with all the points we’d be putting up on people.
  20. Point is. They were fairly strong at WR with Davis and Diggs in this team. Many were calling for WRs for years. Knowing that it wouldn’t last. The idea is to have someone waiting in the wings to take over. We didn’t do that. Then we got rid of our top 2 targets over the past 3 years and replaced them with 1 rookie that is unknown. A guy that drops a ton of passes. A headcase. And another guy that has never sniffed 1k yards. Oh, and a guy that’s a career STs guy.
  21. And those rankings prove that he was not Yet here you are, reading it
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