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Everything posted by mrags

  1. Bad tackling team. Has been forever
  2. Would also be nice if he didn’t kick the ball out of bounds in close games either. Pretty sure that’s happened before. Might have been Miami
  3. Yeah. They won’t be fine. Exposing this defense for what it is. A bad tackling team. Feels like it’s been a bad tackling team for years now. When you’re blowing teams away you’re fine. But in close games where running the ball matters, it’s noticeable
  4. Unfortunately it’s been a bad 6 quarters in a row for him now.
  5. With every bad play, bad pass, bad decision, comes more and more. It’s like Shane Falco talking about quicksand in the Replacements. and that throw to Diggs would have been a sure TD if not underthrown
  6. Something is wrong with Josh. Has been since about the 3rd Q last week. He’s been inconsistent. Inaccurate. And looks un-confident. Lots of checks downs. Overthrows in deep passes. Bad decisions. something is wrong.
  7. Just curious if Spenser Brown, Poyer, and Milano travelled with the team. Anyone have any clues?
  8. Never actually seen that word typed out. Man it looks ridiculous. My only thing is, why even have him travel with the team this week if you were just going to make him inactive? Seems dumb
  9. So…. Your saying Frazier has a shot this year?
  10. I think it’s cute that some of you think this has anything to do with the Bills. We just happen to be the team the Jets are playing this week.
  11. I agree 100% SDS.
  12. I was just stating that most of the time, if a teams QB goes down it hurts their chances. It’s not anything new. Usually when teams lose their QB and a backup comes in and does well, the backup ends up taking over anyway. I was saying that as long as Josh is our QB, we shouldn’t havent to worry about missing the playoffs. I stand by that. I also believe with the way Beane and McDermott have this team engineered, that even if Josh were to go down there’s a pretty good shot we make the playoffs anyway. At least assuming we don’t have absolute crap for backup QBs. But it seems Beane won’t allow that. He at least likes to pick up vets that have played in actual games at this level, with some sliver of success.
  13. Pretty much every other franchise in football could assume that.
  14. As long as Josh is our QB, our window is WIDE open We won’t be missing any playoffs with Josh ever
  15. I definitely would have rather had Jerry than AJ. He’s a bust. He has a couple good plays every year that give us hope then he goes incognito for the rest of the year. With the rotation we have at DL. We would be fine
  16. I didn’t read the article/watch the clip. But after reading the headline, and reading your post, this sticks out to me. I have these arguments with friends all the time about football/concussions/etc. maybe, just maybe, some of these people were never normal to begin with. Even before they played football. Even before they had their bodies destroyed by collisions. Even before they had concussions. I think it’s comical really that they all blame it on CTE. It’s an excuse and nothing but a way for them to try and get in on a lawsuit. To try and make people feel bad for them. For every player that claims to have CTE and issues from concussions, there’s hundreds or thousands that live perfectly normal lives after football. Or at least don’t hold onto blaming other people or things for their problems. Maybe CTE is in all is us, and those that have mental issues altogether are the ones that can’t cope with life. Where as many normal people understand that you just get back on your feet and dust yourself off when your down and rise up to overcome obstacles in life instead of blaming monsters.
  17. Increase ticket prices so that kids that still live in their parents basements can’t afford to go
  18. Or… you can cut the trash out of the games and respectable people can go to games and not worry about getting puked on, pissed on, witness fornicating in the crowd, getting into fights, dealing with obnoxious 20 somethings that just got out of their moms basement for the first time and had their first beer.
  19. You are watching a different game than I am that’s for sure. I wouldn’t say he’s trash, be he’s definitely not good. Him putting up stats and calling him good is like calling Kirk Cousins good because he puts up stats. It’s just not true. Cousins is the weak link on Minnesota just like Edmunds is with our D. Sure, he’s good enough to put up stats. He’s good enough to always be in on the tackle. Unfortunately about 5 yards downfield. After the play already gained positive yards and first downs. he’s not worth what they will need to pay him to keep him long term and that’s a fact. Players that deserve that much should be playmakers. Splash playmakers. And he’s just not that.
  20. You and I see things differently. To me it looks like about only half of the 500 level is covered. Leaving the other levels partially covered because of the overhangs. And we all know most of those seats will be clubs and boxes of some sort. Just like what’s currently in the 200s now at Highmark. again, I really hope I’m wrong but it’s just the way I see it.
  21. I think a good portion of the “covered” seats that were not accounting for is club seats/suites or some sort, and open seating party decks of some sort. Similar to the clubs now. Only about 50% or even less are actually covered. None of the 100 levels are covered. I think you will see the upper deck in the new stadium covered with 2-4 middle levels with 50% or so covered. And very minimal of at all of the 100s covered. With a huge amount of 100 level seats I just don’t see it. At least not in these renderings. Plus, add in the fact that the roof will be dozens of feet above, not sure what kind of actually coverage they plan on providing for those 100 level people even if they are covered.
  22. I’d guess that 2/3 of the lower bowl is uncovered as well as about 1/2 of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th levels. I think even some of the upper level will not be under complete coverage. I really hope I’m wrong and it’s a pic of bad angles.
  23. Sounds like a 25 year old that does beer chugs before the game, jumps through 3 flaming tables in pajamas, and then walks into the stadium line 3 minutes before kickoff and wonders why he isn’t in his seats for the national anthem and flyover which happened when he was still doing butt chugs in the parking lot. He ain’t got not time for softies that don’t want to be out in the elements
  24. I think they are using a see through structure to ensure more natural lighting, and to not make it feel enclosed. Which I like, just wish they overhung about 20-30 more feet. Would make all the difference imo. I do believe what we see is pretty much what we’re going to get, with maybe a few surprises that they don’t want to disclose yet. But I do believe the awning is pretty much going to be what we see here. I just hope it’s more illusion in the pics and in person appears to be much more. I want games in the rain and winter without having to be soaking wet in 40* temps.
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