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Everything posted by mrags

  1. Didn’t they build like an entire city center around Gillette? You’ll have to excise me because I’ve never been there but looking at their website it says there’s 19 restaurants, shopping, nightlife, bowling, top golf, movies, etc the 2 aren’t the same. Sounds like there’s more to do at Patriot Place campus than all of Orchard Park combined. Lol. Every single one of those “suburbs” has probably 3x as many people as all of downtown Buffalo. They aren’t the same.
  2. Bad investment or not. A stadium in a place with more possibility for growth is much better than in a place that will never grow. Your right. It’s a bad investment. Why not put it in a place that may do some good. Ummm, I am a real buffalonian. Live in the suburbs now and have for all. It 2 years of my life. I love my city. Just wish every once in a while we made the right decisions and tried to better ourselves instead of going the cheap small minded route. I am happy they are staying here. But a stadium smack dab in the middle of nowhere is just dumb. Always has been. Do a lookup in every NFL team and tell me how many have stadiums in the suburbs. I guarantee it’s less than 10 and likely more like 5. Bad investment or not, the rest of the nfl puts their stadiums in their cities. Not East bumf$&k nowhere with no potential for growth. you guys can call me wrong all you want. But a stadium in the middle of nowhere doesn’t make sense other than doing it for less money. The Bills studies proved it was less money and that’s why it was chosen to go that route. Because Terry didn’t want to buck up another $500m or more. Poor Terry, if he paid that he wouldn’t be able to afford gas for his yatch.
  3. So what you’re saying, is that a sports arena (Great American Ball Park) is in the city, and it drives traffic to restaurants and bars? Even though they have been bad for a decade? but somehow a football stadium in city that doesn’t actually have a stadium in it wouldn’t reap some of the same rewards. Got it. That’s funny. We were thinking the same thing about you.
  4. Come on. It’s keeping Big Tree, Kettles, and Danny’s in business.
  5. Got it. Year. My bad adding there. At first I thought it was 20 more events. If it’s just 10 forget it. I don’t know why I’ve been so worked up all this time over it.
  6. 20 more days a year than ours will be full.
  7. 8 More than the 2 that Highmark might have in the sane timeframe. Just saying
  8. If that’s the case, Sewell makes a realistic option in the 4th+ round to play MLB
  9. I’m with you. Unfortunately I don’t think Sanders, Campbell, or Simpson meet any if that. Sanders and Simpson seem a little light for MLB imo. Campbell hits in size but I keep hearing knocks on his willingness to be aggressive and attack the LOS and ball carriers. The last thing we need is an undersized MLB, or another one that is reactive. personally I like Noah Sewell. He hits in size, speed, aggressiveness, his father coached him and his brother plays in the league, along with 2 other brothers that play college ball. Which tells me that he has a familiarity with the nfl game and has been coached properly throughout his life to this point. He would have been a much higher draft pick than 4th round or after but he had a down year apparently. But he’s still only 20 years old and would be considered the most powerful LB in the draft.
  10. Great. A stadium in the middle of no where Orchard Park definitely seems like the answer
  11. I like Kuntz also
  12. I like all that except I’d hope to get him in the 3rd.
  13. The point is, if the stadium was built downtown there would be plenty of other businesses and hotels popping up in an area that is already up and coming vs a suburban area that will not, nor will it ever progress.
  14. Are you from the area? Have you not noticed all the things that have been going on downtown in the last few years? Canalsode, all the breweries, restaurants, bars, etc.
  15. The point is, that all studies show building new stadiums where stadiums already exist. The point is we’re talking about building a stadium in an area where there is not one now. It would absolutely create jobs, opportunities, businesses, restaurants, hotels, additional future opportunities as well. Where as a new stadium right where the old one was that has a lit 6 bars and restaurants around it does absolutely nothing for the area. for the purpose of getting a new stadium, and keeping the team here, we have the right idea. For the betterment of the area, this stadium does nothing.
  16. Perfectly said
  17. I think the Bills know that McKenzie was not a slot WR. Not good enough at least. Which he proved this past season. Not only did they already have a guy in Shakir they drafted, they picked up a McKenzie clone to battle it out. point is, they didn’t think McK was good enough. And because of the minimal savings and still a need for WRs on the roster, they apparently thought he wasn’t worth the money.
  18. Yet they only have 4 WR on the roster as we speak. I guarantee they pay some FA more than 2m the amount they saved by cutting Lil Terrible
  19. My point from the original post. Has been that he is overpaid for what he provides to the roster. He doesn’t deserve to be on the roster. The Bills have agreed with me in both points. Not only is he no longer in the roster, they cut him for a very minimal 2m in savings to the cap. If they really thought he was worth it they would have at least kept him until camp and let him battle it out again. They didn’t because they know he won’t win a roster spot because he isn’t any good.
  20. Um. Actually it does make it true. The Bills cut him. They believed he was not good enough to be in this roster. Plain and simple. That was the assignment of this topic from the beginning.
  21. Only thing I can think of working against this argument is that Josh needs more weapons and more protection. It’s a win win for an extra in line blocker that can be utilized as a weapon in the passing game as well. There’s a few in this draft that would fit the Bill (pun intended)
  22. I like the tape on AT Perry. Think you could get him in 3rd or maybe even 4th.
  23. The statement I made, was that he ducks and not Worth the money they are paying him. That statement hasn’t changed. And the Bills apparently agreed with it.
  24. The difference is, Atlanta already had a stadium in that location. You got rid of one for another one. The Bills play in no where Orchard Park. Not downtown Buffalo. A city in need of something. A city that is currently growing in some aspects. But at the same time losing population. Creating a stadium downtown with not just the stadium but other attractions like bars, restaurants, a hotel maybe, some shopping maybe. Creating a corridor of things to do in that area would have only been good for the area. Instead you’re building another stadium in the same spot, in the middle of nowhere OP. That’s why there’s no benefits moving forward. They aren’t going to build new hotels in OP, and likely the 5 bars and restaurants in the immediate area will continue to be there and continue to be as small minded as they’ve been for the last 40+ years.
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