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Posts posted by 707BillsFan

  1. 3 hours ago, KD in CA said:


    Oh yeah, kids have had inside recess, lunch, etc since Thursday.  They're all going stir crazy.   It doesn't smell smoky anymore but you can tell the air is dirty.

    My kids are older, but parents w/ youngsters are going crazy not being able to send their kids to school here. We're 150 miles away from the Camp Fire, but the smoke is funneling down to our area. Air is thick w/ smoke but it doesn't smell as bad. At some point, they're going to have to go back. Air quality doesn't appear to be any better the rest of the week. No wind (which is good right now), but it doesn't help the air. 

  2. On 11/5/2018 at 10:44 AM, plenzmd1 said:

    i am a K Cup guy now...and get whatever dark roast is on sale at the Costco


    Reusable KCup w/ either a bag of coffee from Costco or currently using up my container of coffee from Horton's. While I love the convenience of the KCup, not a fan of the coffee offered in their cups (yes I've tried numerous).

  3. On 11/10/2018 at 1:03 PM, KD in CA said:

    Yep....smokey sky today.  No hiking.  :angry:

    Cleared up a bit here in NorCal yesterday, I was able to get out for a hike. Not going to stop me today either...unlike the schools, which are closed for the second day in a row (Friday and today). Sure the air is smoky, but keep the kids inside if you're worried about air quality...or give them a mask. 

  4. Sorry for your loss


    After leaving Buffalo, my parents returned to Santa Rosa, CA (my father wasn't stationed too far away while in the military, and fell in love w/ the area). The Raiders used to train here and wreaked havoc during those wild days of the 70's - 80's. Anyway, my father is a huge Braves fan. Whenever the Braves were in town, we used to go to see a Giants / Braves game. One time, I'll say 1980...my dad and I parked the car in the lot and started walking up toward Candlestick. From behind, we hear..."Hey Vic" several times. My father turns around. It's Ted Hendricks chasing down my father. Really? Dad you know him? Yes, he comes into the restaurant all the time when the Raiders are training. My father ran the kitchen at a popular restaurant in Occidental, CA. So there we are, walking into the stadium chatting it up w/ Ted Hendricks. My dad is a simple man, isn't much for words. Doesn't really do much...but here he is...someone that knows someone as great as Ted Hendricks. I was in awe. I later found a card, signed by John Madden and a few other Raiders players congratulating him on the birth of my brother. Seriously dad...are you leading a double life nobody knows about? First realization as a kid my dad was a pretty cool dude. He's always been a Bills fan, so maybe that's why he never mentioned it. LOL

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  5. 7 hours ago, sullim4 said:


    I haven't, but some of the NFL's renovation jobs (Soldier Field and Joe Robbie/Hard Rock for instance), are essentially new stadiums.  I could see them doing that if it were a cheaper alternative to a new stadium.


    Soldier was not a remodel. There is essentially nothing left of that stadium except the outer ring. The inside was gutted and a completely new stadium was built w/in its confines. Toured it this spring. Ugly!! 

  6. 22 minutes ago, The Real Buffalo Joe said:

    I'm an Astros fan. You guys had a hell of a year. If someone told me in April that you were the team I'd have to keep a close eye on, I would have laughed. 


    It was a fun season. I figured they'd be a .500 team this season, moving toward the 2019 season where they'd contend. Solid base, but the future pitching (or lack  there of) scares me a bit. We'll see. Id' like to say good luck, but the Astros are no longer that fun lovable team. If they keep the team intact.  they might be a roadblock in the AL West for years to come. 

  7. 1 hour ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Ooops, time to come back up North.


    Not to sound cold, but who pays?  Taxpayer in Boise, Idaho!


    Go on Vacation people... Florida needs Your tourist economy!


    So does California, Texas, NC & SC ... After our fires, people thought the whole county burned down, tourism plummeted. After one year, it's still down w/ the misconception all the wineries and area was destroyed. 


    Mikey...landfall @ 155 (1 mph short of a CAT 5), definitely not a yawn...especially to all those people who took precautions and still will be left dealing w/ disaster (insurance companies don't readily hand out money, as many found out here). I don't wish that upon anyone. 

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  8. On 9/5/2018 at 9:34 AM, Soda Popinski said:

    I saw someone mentioned the air fryer, essentially a convection oven and I need to know from someone with experience, is it even close to oil frying?     I can't believe that it is, especially if you are used to frying in peanut oil. 


    I'm curious about this as well. Apparently, I've lived in a cave for some time. I just opened a Kohl's ad and saw an air-fryer. I went to Youtube and checked out some videos. It seems legit, but I want some actual first hand opinions from experts. I used to love cooking wings at home, but I hated the mess afterwards. I figured I'm come here and find out. Unfortunately, I missed this by a month. Anyone? 

  9. On 10/4/2018 at 5:53 AM, Soda Popinski said:

    Get the Tacoma.    You can drive it for 3 years then sell it for what you paid for it.   Nothing holds its value in the automotive world like a Tacoma.   


    I've got a buddy with a colorado, was having intermittent issues with what they thought were fuel additives (he added none) turns out his torque converter went bad.   Under warranty so no big deal, but I'd go with the Taco because they never seem to have issues, and I believe the oil filter is mounted up top by the radiator, easy access.   

    Amen to that...A buddy of mine, driving along the coast swerved to avoid a deer (instinct) and went down a cliff toward the Pacific. A rock stopped him 100ft down. He paid $24k for it a few years ago...insurance company gave him $21k. Turned around and bought a new one for that same amount. 


    My daughter went thru a truck phase a couple years back, bought a 05 Tacoma. That thing was still quite pricey. Definitely hold their value. 

  10. Here's something to do. Last night we did a wine tasting bay cruise. Great scenery, wonderful time. Plenty of wine flowing. This was free for us, as we're members of a certain wine club, but if I was a tourist and wanted a fun evening checking out The City from the bay and drinking good wine...I'd do this. Small boat, only 20-24 other people on board. Not a drunken, party boat type of thing. https://sanfranciscobayboatcruise.com/ 


  11. 3 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

    City View for Dim Sum in the financial district.  If you’re there on a Saturday The Ferry Building for the farmer’s market. If you’re going wine tasting do Sonoma not Napa. If you do Napa stay on the less crowded Silverado Trail.  Iron Horse Vineyards in Sonoma and nearby Boheimian Creamery for artisanal cheese. 

    Definitely Iron Horse (Sebastopol), but you need to make reservations before you go,. I'll second Sonoma over Napa. Much nicer, plus we need the business. People think the whole area burned, so not true. I can give you several other wineries, but keep us updated if you plan on leaving The City. Point Reyes is great for nature hikes. So is Mt Tam in Marin. 

  12. Never really gave this much thought...my Godfather committed suicide when I was younger. We lived across the country from each other, after we moved from Buffalo, so there probably wasn't going to be a big influence from him anyway. I have no idea who my Godmother is. I may have to ask, if my parents still remember. 


    I am the Godfather of maybe two of my nieces from my brother. He went off the deep end, became a born again "christian" and pushed all of the family aside. So I guess I'm off the hook there. Not out of the Uncle part though...but since he won't allow the girls to see us, I guess the point is moot. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Ridgewaycynic2013 said:

    That's because they showed the record execs this video.  Dear God, that is about the lamest thing I've ever seen, and I only made it 90 seconds into it.


    I'm guessing you weren't around in the early 80's to watch MTV. I'll say not bad for a group w/ no cash on hand to make a video. 

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