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Posts posted by 707BillsFan

  1. I want to say born and bred, but there was some free will too. When my parents moved from Buffalo, they settled in the Bay Area. The Raiders were in their hay-day, winning a Super Bowl in '77 and again in '81. They also had their summer camp in our hometown, Santa Rosa. It was fun, riding our bikes down to the hotel where they trained...watching them and getting autographs. I even won a Oakland Raiderette trash can at their end of camp fan-fest one year...that was a beautiful trash can.


    In the end, the Bills blood in my veins was too much. I could never really get behind the local teams. I had to support my WNY roots here in CA. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Turk71 said:

    This solidifies the fact that the Ducks are in, nothing more. I don't root for conferences. I met my wife 22 years ago at the U of O where she ran track as an undergrad and I went to grad school. We still live there and see a lot of games.


    I get that. Been a UCLA fan my whole life (although that's waned over the past few years due to poor coaching and seemingly no direction of the program). Not necessarily a fan of the Pac12. Oregon went 0-2 against a VERY poor UCLA team, blew both games. The Pac 12 and most of it's teams wouldn't be top tier in the MAC. It's a sad state of affairs here out west. Pac 12 football and basketball have been down for a few years.  

  3. 12 hours ago, KD in CA said:


    Seems like every radio station is hit or miss in North Bay.   Radio is one thing that is a big downgrade moving from NYC, probably compared to just about anywhere else.

    That's why I mainly (99% of the time) listen to SiriusXM. The new A's home comes in strong (AM), but I'll still listen to satellite radio to catch their games...can't / won't give that station my support. 

    7 hours ago, gomper said:

    I actually check in from time to time on Papa's show even living in Buffalo. Love when he talks NFL. Glad the 49'ers signed him. Best play by play guy there is. 


    He is good and quite knowledgeable, but I'm a huge Raider & 49er hater so I figure it's not worth my time to listen. 

  4. 4 hours ago, KD in CA said:


    I don’t listen often, but the local guys talking about the Warriors is horrible. It’s like listening to guys discuss what happened on General Hospital yesterday.  At least when they talk about the Giants they are discussing what guys do on the field. 


    The only time I ever seem to stop on their station is when Steinmetz and ??? are on. Occasionally they'll have Papa on (Buffalo guy, but Bay Area homer). I can't listen, it's constant good cop, bad cop radio. Papa just likes to hear himself talk. It's a quick stop while my other stations are on commercial, plus 95.7 is hit and miss in the North Bay. Horrible reception. 

  5. 4 hours ago, KD in CA said:

    Probably all 3.  There's no doubt the expensive bottles (we drank a $45 chardonnary last night that someone gifted us and it was wonderful) are generally better, but $300 for a bottle of wine is crazy talk.  I guess if I had 8 or 9 zeros on my bank account I'd go for them, but otherwise it's silly.


    I'm usually a beer drinking, recently dabbled in wines. Went a local winery (Ledson) for a tasting. Without looking a prices, the one I really liked as a $100 Cab....and I know nothing about wine. Maybe there is something to those prices. Of course that has a hard pass. I'm fine w/ wine priced WAY less. 

  6. 3 hours ago, KD in CA said:


    I checked it out too;  cheapest bottle I saw online was >$100, too rich for my palate.


    I saw some $300-500 bottles. Definitely too rich for me as well. Could be the celebrity, could be the fact it's on/near Diamond Mountain (seem to be more expensive)...or it could be those pompous Napa folks jacking up their prices. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, TheBeane said:

    Carlos Hyde, S Tashaun Gipson and RT Jermey Parnell all also released by the Jags.


    Take a look at Hyde and Parnell....

    I was thinking the same thing. Hyde, a younger, better version of Ivory (why was he signed to a 2yr deal?). Parnell will be 33 but after a 30 second search...still seemed to play pretty well.

  8. 3 hours ago, KD in CA said:


    Good deal;  Is that the one in Novato?


    I just paid $15 for one pound!  Course that was cause I was walking through the Ferry Bldg when my wife called to say we were out.


     Santa Rosa. HAHA, Ferry Building, tourist trap. Great finds in there though. 

  9. My daughter lives in Elmwood Village (me, 2500 miles away). I'm on Twitter seeing all the damage, fallen trees, etc. So I text her asking her if she parked away from any trees (I haven't seen her new place, so I have no clue). She informs me, no she didn't. I tell her I'm seeing downed trees, falling on cars all over the city. She snaps back...there is nowhere to park where there isn't a tree. Our streets are lines with them, our backyard has one too. So tell, me where should I park? Me...okay, be safe. 

  10. I'm not alone in this statement, but that city just gives me the heebie-jeebies. I've been thru there a few times. I can't pinpoint it, but there's just a weird vibe going thru that city. A few others have told me that too. There is good skiing though...and reduced alcohol %'d beer (3.2%). I found this...a couple SLC comments.  


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  11. I can't listen to local sports radio anymore. Regarding baseball, it's all Giants...A's get no play at all (even when the A's had their own sports radio station). Football, I could care less about the local teams. Not into basketball talk and hockey talk is non-existent here in the Bay Area (since I despise the Sharks too, could care less). I listen to SiriusXM sports shows... MLB & NFL Network radio, SiriusXM Fantasy sports, then flip around to the other sports shows to whatever catches my ear for a brief time. Since I recently got into DFS golf, I've started listening to the golf channel too. So very sad. ?

  12. Not sure this bad, but things worked out great in the end. One of those high school jobs, working a fast food restaurant as a first job...back in the days where it WAS just teenagers working the place. One of the managers kept trying to pick up on the high school girls and get them to go over to the hotel next door with him. I started dating one of those girls (yes, I was still in high school myself). One night I went to pick her up after her shift and I overheard slimeball trying to talk my girlfriend into going over to the hotel. I lost my ####, called him on his pedophile BS...quiet loudly in the middle of the restaurant. It was quite a scene. Yes, I was fired. I eventually got  another job at a fast food joint across town, where I met my eventual wife. 33 years later, we're still together. The other girl ended up being a skank, no loss there, but I have to thank her and pedo for my current situation. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, LSHMEAB said:

    I'm not in the Buffalo bashing business, but why do none of our current players make WNY their permanent residence? It is what it is.


    I love Buffalo, but it's not for everyone. I remember finding it odd that Nate Odomes rented some dump apartment behind my cousin's house in Armor.


    I think it's rare for a player to live and play in the same area. I don't live in Buffalo, but I'll use my other favorite team...the Oakland A's as an example. I don't believe anyone on the team lives here full time (except for maybe Piscotty who was born and raised in the area). That could be for many reasons...taxes, high cost of living or something as simple as wanting to live where they feel comfortable...their hometown, their home country. I don't hold it against anyone for wanting to spend your offseason elsewhere. I know a handful of retired Giants players that live here in Sonoma County after their career have ended. It's a matter of choice. If you have the means to be able to live elsewhere, why not? 

  14. I don't want ignorant people asking for excessive amounts of money (a location fee, per se) to come to Buffalo to play. Players talk, the ones that are here, know the environment and most seem to love it once they're here. If you're seeking out employment, you get an idea from others, what it's like before thinking of coming to a city / team. Harris' comment (or lack there of) proves he's just ignorant. Maybe Buffalo isn't for him, but w/o having direct knowledge...that's just a stupid thing to do. Give me someone who's mature enough and wants to embrace the environment...not only be there because they offered the most money. 

  15. 45 minutes ago, Gugny said:

    I'll give them my email if it's a place I frequent (Valvoline - for oil changes) and I'll get coupons.  Other than that, I just say, "no, thank you."


    But I still have them print me a receipt.  I reconcile my checkbook every day.  It's easier for me to take receipts out of my wallet and log them into my checkbook.


    I'm the same, places I frequent often enough, I'll give them my email address. I usually just toss the receipts in my car and they become clutter after a while...and it's difficult to find if I actually need it. If they're in my email, they're easier to locate (amidst the 40k emails I haven't read yet, but that's another issue) and less clutter. 

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  16. When my first daughter was born, her intestines weren't connected and spun around freely blocking "food" from entering her bowels. At three days old, they had to rush her into surgery...taking her to San Francisco for the procedure. It was discovered I was a blood match so I decided to give blood, just in case she needed some. It was my first time. It didn't go well. After about five minutes, bells and whistles started going off. I had several Asian women (the phlebotomists working the donor center at UCSF) rush over to me, start toweling me down and sprinkling me w/ cold water. Apparently, I was close to passing out. In retrospect...maybe it wasn't that bad after all. I haven't tried since...22 years. 

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