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Posts posted by 707BillsFan

  1. 2 hours ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Until the bubble busts again and population tanks... :P


    Get out while the getting is good! :D

    Bubble burst a few years back. It came back. It always comes back. I live in a very desirable area, we're fine (despite our fire :(). California's population isn't going anywhere. People say there's a mass-exodus...not true. While people are moving out, people are coming in too (from other states). Recently we had people move into our neighborhood from Texas (a couple of families), Idaho, Oregon off the top of my head. 


    The only way we'll get out is if my daughters relocate elsewhere (even then, we'll keep our Wine Country home). One will be moving to Buffalo soon after college. The other is a free spirit. Who knows what she will do or where she'll end up. 

    3 hours ago, TheElectricCompany said:

    An older customer of mine was a long time HP employee, toiling away in one of their engineering labs.  

    Let's just say that he's looking forward to selling his home in Palo Alto. 


  2. 42 minutes ago, TheElectricCompany said:

    People pay stupid money to live in many places. Hawai'i, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver, New York City, Aspen, etc. 

    Total upper class first world problem. 


    Or some of us bought our home at the right time and are sitting on a gold mine (not really). Far from upper class, just a working stiff. 

  3. 5 pages on Bridgewater? Off season is horrible...


    He's not good. He was Tyrod before his injury, without the rushing stats (already covered). How our memories fades w/ time. Bradford is a solid pass too. His knee is toast and it'll only be a matter of time (if he plays), before he's injured again. It's obviously all speculation. Pickings are slim and none of the options appear to be that great, unless they make a deal for a QB already on someone's roster (non-FA). Let's hope someone doesn't start up a lets give EJ another try thread. I'm sure someone has some stats to prove he's a viable option at starter.  

  4. I was going to post this last night. 30 years!! Blackledge's stats in that game were something like 6/15 75yds and an int. Not like he did anything to help them win. 


    Saints have gone 19 years: Danny Wuerffel. Then again, they've had Brees for the last 12 seasons. 

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