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Posts posted by jjamie12

  1. Ya... But to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Some people just can't let the ONE slacker get one over on them... They can't let it go.


    But it's not just one slacker (so the theory goes). The Teacher's union is just the easiest example I can come up with right now for you. Do you know about the KIPP charter schools in New York? These schools work mostly because their school day is much longer than the rest. As soon as these schools started showing up the standard public schools, the head of the teacher's union demanded that the school cut back on the hours because the teachers there were part of the union. The long hours were the whole point of the school!!! The point is: this was something that was working for the kids, and the union came in and tried to blow it up (unsuccessfully). You could conceivably see this playing itself out over and over again in other, different settings.

  2. Ya... But to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Some people just can't let the ONE slacker get one over on them... They can't let it go.


    Sure Chicago is helped by geography FIRST and FOREMOST. People really don't want to bail, so it works even better.


    Come to Chicago, you will see a great city that works.


    WARNING: You may be jealous. Leave that bag at the door.

    I LOVE Chicago. I think it's a great city. I've been there a number of times and think it's great. Nice and clean (vs. NYC, which I also love) great fun, great bars, great people, great waterfront. You don't have to convince me on Chicago.

  3. For the life of me I can't figure out why people hate unions and a better life?


    Is it jealousy?


    Is it power?


    Is it control?


    Why wouldn't people want others to live a better life.

    People hate unions because it destroys the ideal that some have. Namely, a union, by definition, protects the worst member at the expense of the best member. People have a problem with that, becuase, theoretically, at least, we are a nation founded on 'may the best man win'. Again, unions, by definition, tear at the fabric of what a lot (if not most) folks feel to be the cornerstone of what made (makes?) America great.


    It's not really that hard to figure out.

  4. Should I have said thank you for helping? I am failing to see your problem with what I posted.

    I guess I have a problem with the idea that you ran back to this thread to say 'Great try!' I mean, really? Is that the standard these days?


    I find it interesting that you undoubtedly hold the Buffalo Bills to a higher standard than the President of the United States. Honestly, when was the last time you ran as fast as you could to the board (after yet another Bills loss) to say "Great try, Mr. Wilson and Coach Jauron and staff!"


    I guess my big problem is that you felt the need to say 'Great try!'


    Of course, I have an even bigger problem with MY feeling the need to respond to posts like that, so maybe I should just relax a litle.

  5. Once again.....I think we have too many rigid thinkers here. The people that can't understand what I have been saying all along are all in concrete scientific jobs. Economist, Computer Programmer, Bioscientist, I don't know what Adams does but I'm sure it isn't Rock Musician. You have your structured world and it is hard to adapt to fluid, volatile changes. I understand that. That is why I pounded my point so long. I can find a group of a$$holes on any street corner if I want to get attacked. I have sympathy for you guys.




    I wasn't sure if you remembered.

  6. Amazing.


    Jauron has his obviously out-manned team (You guys wanna argue the Bills are more talented than the Pats?) execute a great gameplan on both sides of the ball to near-perfection, putting this Bills team in the fantastic position of beating the Pats on the road, on Monday Night Football, in Tom Brady's return.


    And you guys are bitching about how the coach sucks.

  7. Oh I absolutely agree with that. He's like a deer in the headlights; when a key decision needs to be made he seems to shrink and the game gets too big for him. Not only is he not proactive, he's barely even reactive.

    Simon knows this because he's on the sidelines, on the headsets listening to the conversations between the coaches and players.


    Just in case you might think about questioning Simon's statement above. Don't.

  8. You're just part of the conspiracy, then. So'm I...I saw the plane, too.


    I personally like the WTC conspiracy theories even better - every time part of the conspiracy is refuted, they find a more convoluted explanation to explain away the refutation. As it stands right now, the WTC conspiracy theory is impossibly complex - two airliners replaced after takeoff with two remote-control planes equipped with napalm-rocket-launchers triggered just before impact with the buildings, which were then demolished with "super thermite" anyway, and the passengers all piled into United 93 so they could be killed to keep them quiet. Yeah, that explains everything. :flirt:

    Amazingly, no one seems to be able to explain away the building owning, insurance craving, one-legged, Republican duck. The fact that we're talking about this duck and that it can't be found anywhere is proof of its existence.

  9. I am not ... loss in salary.

    I don't understand (which is not unusual). We're going to be adding 40 million (or so, depending on the day) people to the pool of folks who will be (using your own words) 'increasing their health maintenance visits'. And you just (seem to, anyway) wave your hands and say that cardiologists will become GP's.


    I don't have time to formulate a whole lot of coherent thought around this right now, but, suffice to say, I don't find that line of reasoning very persuasive, to be honest. Here's one thought, though: For there to be a demand 'wash' around cardiology and health maintenance visits, don't you have to assume that the only people now seeing cardiologists are doing it because they didn't have insurance (and the corresponding health maintenance visits)? Otherwise, I think what you're saying is that giving health insurance (and the corresponding health maintenance visits) to 40 million people is going to necessarily change the behavior of the other 200 (or so) million people who DO have health insurance. And I don't think you're saying that, because that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


    In other words, I don't think we will need a transfer of cardiologists to GP's, we'll need an increase in doctors of all kinds, yes?

  10. Down boy, the lie or misrepresentation in the deal is that by stating there will be rationing (how can you say this when you are talking about something in the future) ignores the fact currently there already is rationing and choices being made.

    I guess I just don't understand how you can say this. How is it possible that there WON'T be even more rationing? You're increasing demand for health care without doing anything to the supply of health care.


    I understand and agree that there already is 'rationing' and 'bureaucrats' making decisions for folks... How is it possible that it won't be even worse when you add 40 million (or whatever the number is today) people in the mix?


    I'm genuinely interested, because I think we need reforms... I just don't understand how this does anything to help what appears to be the 'real' problem, which is exploding costs.

  11. :)


    The will to win is what made all those guys what they were. That is the vast difference between

    our 90's teams vs. todays. I miss the total team effort.

    The difference between the 90's teams and today is that there were All-Pros and Hall of Famers all over the field in the 90's, and not today. We are completely lacking in talent.

  12. Everything starts and ends with the GM and Head Coach. Ralph has become super cheap on those two most important positions, and that is why we have the team we root for today.

    I think you're wrong. It all starts with the owner. The owner sets the direction of the organization, and the Bills have an awful organization. There is a lack of talent everywhere from the management positions on down to the playing field. Woody might be a good trainer, I don't really know.


    This is a team that desperately needs a new owner. Of course that probably means a new city, too... so, we've got that going for us.

  13. Because Owens can't play tackle.



    I think he's going to make a very, very, big difference in this offense (if he's healthy enough). It's all about matchups, and without TO, we have... well... we have last year's offense. With TO, we finally have a guy who can make other teams pay for rolling coverage to Lee Evans. TO (or Lee Evans) have the talent to exploit single coverage consistently. With both of those guys on the field you will almost have to single cover one of them...



    Unless, of course, Trent Edwards continues patenting his 'Drop back, look downfield and then throw to the RB as quickly as possible' method of quarterbacking... (and, of course, there's no reason to think that he'll suddenly stop doing this). So... yeah. Scratch what I said.

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