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Everything posted by Poland

  1. 11 or 12 year olds? Judging from this forum there are more 40 and 50 year olds that with 12 year old mentalities who place football players above the law.
  2. What I think you don't understand is just because they didn't have a press conference to detail the probable cause, doesn't mean there wasn't probable cause. Think about it. Do you think the Culver City police feel an obligation to satisfy the curiousity of Buffalo Bills fans? When you watch arrest reports on the local news how often do they bother to detail probable cause? And finally I'll ask the Marshawn appologists why they find the need to drum up these conspiracies on Lynch's behalf? The first thing they did was say that it wasn't true, that it was just a rumor because it hadn't hit the news yet. Now after it has been confirmed they jump into claiming without knowing that there wasn't probable cause and are flying off with all these civil rights violations. Didn't they learn thier lesson the first time Lynch broke the law and they came out with all thier conspiracies? I don't know if they have thick skulls or what, but they never learn.
  3. It's a conspiracy involving the Buffalo News, the Orchard Park PD, a woman from Canada who claimed Marshawn ran her over, the Buffao PD and the Culver City PD. This is the biggest mystery since the Roswell UFO crash.
  4. A minority of fans , myself included, recognized early on that Fred Jackson was the best all around running back on the Bills roster. As last season played out that observation was confirmed. Now with Lynch as a repeat offender there is even better reason to drop the charade and give the bulk of playing time to Jackson. Lynch is going to be Buffalo's next Maghee, they're better off getting rid of him before it goes from bad to worse.
  5. It depends on what comments I read, are you going to continue to comment?
  6. Go ask mommy to buy you another marshawn doll before the Buffalo Bills discontinue them.
  7. Yeah it probably never happened
  8. Yeah it probably never happened right?
  9. If you need tto ask then you won't understand it if I explain it to you.
  10. An arrest is a rumor?
  11. This is truly bizzarre coming from you. It's you that had him in the back seat of the vehicle without realizing the article was referring to the cop car. Now, everyone needs a lesson from you on how to digest news?
  12. Yeah the judge and DA are in on it too. Poor poor marshawn. Wake the hell up!
  13. Can you show us a sorce for this, where it has been determined that the police had no probable cause? I wonder what kind of excuses and stories you were pushing for lynch when he ran a woman over with his suv and left her in the street?
  14. Learn the difference between the words your and you're before you call anyone a jackass. Go pick up a 3rd grade spelling book. And learn to put the law before your worship of jocks before you tell anyone to grow up. This person you are insulting obviously possesses far more intelligence than you do.
  15. A+ Thank you for having some intelligence.
  16. The person who wrote the article is a fool.
  17. You're not serious are you?
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