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Posts posted by BufflaloBeastMode23

  1. what i dont understand is why everyone saying he is not a good qb...he beat brett in lambo, he got all the way to the nfc championship with no wrs, and he wasnt a pro bowler...what the hell are you guys looking at what accuracy ok ill give you that but your accuracy drops if your receivers drop passes every other pass...but brian brohm is that great right :rolleyes: PLEASE STOP THE MADNESS...if he didnt kill dogs it wouldnt be a problem, if thats the reason then say thats why...stop with all the he's not a good qb crap...


    and one of you a-holes said if it was peyton or tom who killed dogs and wanted to come to the bills thats fine but because mike isnt as good as them you dont want him...WTF is that....sounds racial to me....

  2. Vick is not a quarterback. Did anyone watch him play before he went to prison? What is it about prison that makes you think he got better? If you think otherwise, you're simply acting out and likely need professional help which after the past ten years or so of rooting for the Bills doesn't seem that unlikely. Get off the vick jock. He's not a quarterback and won't be a starter in this league again. Feel free to bookmark the post and come back to it in a year to prove to me how right I was.



    This is retarded what you mean he is not a quaterback...he never went to the pro bowl? he didnt get his team to the nfc championchip game with no wrs? he didnt lead his team past brett at lambo under 20 degrees? he wasnt the highest paid most exciting player to watch? he didnt have the highest selling jersey? where are you getting your info from please send a creidable link. If you dont want him because he killed dogs cool but dont just make up things as you go...


    and philster...


    what do you want him to do? he done 2 years, lost millions of dollars, killed his image along with dogs, said sorry over a million times, scrutized at every turn if he pisses wrong people will jump on him. WHAT DO YOU PERSONALLY WANT HIM TO DO TO SHOW REMORSE? be reasonable geez this is out of control...

  3. I don't think there will be a consensus "Top QB" in this draft. There will be Clausen, Mallett, Bradford, Locker going in the top 15 though. (if Locker and mallett declare)



    *Herm Edwards Voice* CLAUSEN WE'RE TALKIN BOUT CLAUSEN.. :sick: GTFOH 0:) ...NO...your talking bout a college bust HA!....never was he top 3 anything...slap yourself sir...no disrespect...tebow, bradford, mccoy...WHO THE HELL IS MALLET :lol::wallbash: ...clause wiill go in the 3rd like captin checkdown did..hopefully not to us...

  4. I dont need Shanny, or Cowher, or Holmgren. But if we pass up guys like Gruden, Dungy, Billick for Haslett I will walk to the stadium while eating a Mighty Pack with extra hot sauce, break onto the field and take a hot steaming dump on the 50 yard line logo.




    ok hands down, that had to be THEE funniest **** ive read on this website ever :( ...money you need a reward for that...but any way i agree...but id switch cowher for gruden...gruden sucks, that tampa team was dungys...gruden just finished the job...i wanna dump in the endzone....now that'll be a real touchdown... :(:(

  5. You know i ryde for marshawn.... But fred is doin his job...its marshawns own fault he wanted to be a *president obama voice* jackass...i cant see how they start marshawn after what fred has done....but fred does need help oman aint that sweet to have a back up role....he to small and old to be takin hits like that...marshawn and fred are great for each other...we need them both...


    id still take marshawn tho....

  6. Bell - 4 KEY penalties


    Receivers - Owens - Sick Drop! Evans - Sick drop! Jackson - Sick drop!


    McKelvin - 2 Fumbles, terrible coverage, get a new job



    and your a dick for sayin the receivers.... moss and welker dropped passes as well......bell and mckelvin i agree with you on tho....

  7. We lost because of 4 things.










    Jauron and Fewell called off the blitz and got scared in the 2nd half. They allowed Brady to get comfortable.


    Trent had chances downfield if he would have held the ball a second longer and taken chances. He is captain checkdown and you don't make the playoffs not using two weapons like TO and Lee. Yeah TO had 'A' drop, big fking deal.


    McKelvin. Hands team in, you don't bring it out. Two fumbles tonight.



    ur a dick for sayin it was trents fault that laughable he played better than brady...he played well....mckelvin and mainly bell for gettin blown up every other play...

  8. I don't blame Mckelvin because this team would have found a way to lose anyway. They would have gone three and out and punted and allowed a punt return or allowed Brady to orcastrate a 75 second, 70 yard drive or Fred Jackson would have fumbled the ball, etc. It's just what the team does, one way or another they'd find a way to lose.


    Top teams have lots of guys who step up to win games, bad teams have multiple guys who will make the big time mistake to lose games.



    Agree 100 percent...they would have found away to lose anyway...i mean the looked good losing if that counts for anything....

  9. we should have got mike....cuz we all are waiting for trent to get that big hit cuz out crappy o line cant block a piece of cheese...so we stuck wit crappy fitzpatrick...7-9 again atleast wit mike we'd been 9-7 and maybe a playoff run....

  10. John, the downside outweighs the upside.


    Focus on the latter first. Would Vick - coming to Buffalo after 2 years of orange jumpsuits, "warm showers" and no practice - be a better fit for the Bills than would Edwards? I don't care if you're a Losman man or an Edwards man. Or a Flutie or Lamonica man. The question is whether Vick would be able to come into this offense THIS FRIGGIN' SATURDAY MORNING and be able to drive the Bills to the end zone better than would Trent Edwards. I would maintain "No", but I have this horrible logical view of the world that I find hard to shake.


    Focus on the former second. Let's play a comparison game. We in Upstate New York are basking in the midst of a "TO Totality". It's all about TO. Reality TV. Househunting. Even nude photos. Weird, I admit. But we're along for the ride, and we're grinning all the way. The media loves TO, and in a warped and f-ed up way, they're loving.....well, tolerating....Buffalo. You're not seeing a lot of "Jesus, what a schit hole Buffalo is" stories in the national press, are you? It's an oddball sort of place, but woo hoo that TO is some crazy dude up in Buffalo!


    Okay, let's hit the fast-forward button. National Media Headline - "90-year-old Ralph Wilson signs Michael Vick". Please let that headline bounce around your brain like a BB in a soup can. "90-year-old Ralph Wilson signs Michael Vick".


    I'd continue with the argument, but I simply don't have the strength. I live in a universe where 90-year-old men, who are original owners of the biggest brand of sport franchise, and are about to be inducted into said sport's Hall of Fame in 3 short weeks, do NOT.........repeat......NOT.....sign convicted animal abusers as their quarterback. A guy like Wilson doesn't sign Vick to be his svengali servant, much less his QB! Security would have to open up 3 of the stadium parking lots JUST FOR THE PETA PEOPLE WITH THE PITCHFORKS AND TORCHES. WHY WOULD RALPH WILSON DO THIS TO HIMSELF AS HE'S WALKING INTO CANTON???!!!!!?????!!!! I know I'm asking a LOT, but please think about MY universe before you post things like this.



    LOL WHAT A sh-- WHOLE BUFFALO IS...classic line


    i agree wit the peta people havin there own parkin lot wit picthforks too lol...but i dont care id walk by wit my vick jersey on and pit bull and if the said somethin id let her eat them...GET EM GIRL...LOL...



  11. I would like to see vick in a bills uniform how sweet would that be...but a backup to trent who i like....we have no back up i dare one of you retards to say fitzpatrick....I MEAN REALLY DARE YOU....but you cant have to quarterbacks in the wildcat...well image fred - mike - marshawn...with t.o. on one side and lee on the other come on that would be crazy...some arent willing to admit it because its to good to be true...


    :wallbash: :wallbash: :thumbsup::rolleyes:

  12. Racist? last time I checked Fred Jackson was African American.


    Lets see, Marshawn carries a concealed, unlicensed weapon and runs over civilians while intoxicated with his van. Instead of taking responsibility for his actions, Marshawns got a target on his back.


    There's no way to sugar coat it, Marshawn the linch pin Lynch has been acting like a Thug ( for lack of a better word) and when the season starts in all likely hood he will be standing on the sidelines because of it.


    By the way I have a cuz who is a lot worse of a thug then Marshawn ever thought of being and he's not African American.


    LOL...I wasnt saying fred was white its obvious he is black...what i was meaning was some people (not saying you) say he is a thug cuz of his persona nobody calls peyton or brett a redneck so why he gotta be a thug...because he carries an unlicensed gun but if it was licensed he'd still be a thug because he got a .22 instead of a hunting rifel that would change things i doubt it.... he hit someone (well hell cant defend that one)...those are not reasons to call him a thug i know some thugs that make marshawn seem like sarah palin *hahahaha* those are jus dumbass mistakes from a dumbass kid who had no father so had kno guidance...now if he !@#$s up again im a quit being his lawyer... the defense rest...

  13. Lynch is a thug


    Fred is a better playmaker than Lynch-


    sports analysts know no more than you do - they just have a platform to spout their nonsense


    why is lynch a thug....cuz he has gold teeth oh cuz he has dreads or maybe cuz he has tattoos or maybe its cuz he from LA...you sound racist...explain to the crowd how he is a thug please elaborate....


    ( and fred is not better thats like saying sprulls is better than LT ) that was a stupid argument...

  14. "OMG" since we are all english "expirts" and use proper grammer, line breaks * cough jdbillsfan cough* and use proper punctuation * cough steam roller cough* i guess im wrong. But my point got across so i guess u followed. Anyway your a complete jerk calling michael and equal to john gotti because gotti ran a real EMPIRE. And to the other fool quentin terrintino kills has dog fighting in his movies so he promotes dog fighting too huh? Its a video or short film, if thats the case dmx saved a dog in his video for "slippin" so now what GIVE HIM AN AWARD FOR THAT. you both are internet retards that get off by talkin bout people to make your life seem worth something because you know your WORTHLESS....


    :devil::o:lol::wallbash: :wallbash:

  15. That went beyond insensitive and crossed into ignorant.

    Once again, he ran a dog fighting empire....raised them, fought them, killed them...for pleasure and money.


    He ran an empire...haha talk bout exageration...john gotti ran a empire the mafia empie...so mike is equal to john gotti is what ur saying...you are distubed if you think that....

  16. So DMX has a CD called Grand Champ with pitbull on the front, who according to DMX is a 3 time champ, but I am sure he was just talking about a how he finished at a dog show.


    The fact that Jay-Z is holding a dog in a fight pit in his video 99 problems, doesn't have anything to do with Dog Fighting.


    How did I know you were gonna say that bout dmx...he was talking bout himself as a grand champ fool...I pet you didn't know his record label was called bloodline records cuz they were all comin from him THE GRAND CHAMP.. Know what ur talkin bout before you say it clown..and as for jay it was a video he also got shot in so I guess he susasidal ass well...don't let ur imaganation run wild buddy...and philster ur right bout phillips but I didn't want him...look at ricky he changed so did ray why can't mike is my question 2 you....

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