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Posts posted by BufflaloBeastMode23

  1. That was NAGGERS as is nagging, that I did put up, which I did take down cause apparently not everybody thinks its as funny as I do. And no I have not used that word in other threads that's why I was confused about what u were referencing. And yes I do put tiger in that catagory cause all I heard about at the office for 2 weeks after all that stuff was about how it was typical and how tiger couldn't keep his hands off the whitee women etc


    Yea ok doggy however you wanna put it is whatever, all im sayin is why would you even imply that joke knowing what MOST people on here were gonna think you ment it was in bad taste. Dante killed a person tiger cheated on his wife *NOBODY DIED* thats ridiculous to put them in the same sentence. But this back n forth over this sh*t is done...

  2. Why do you think I keep sayin my people?


    Again, I never used the "N" word, I don't know where you keep bringing that from.


    Finally, fyi I don't consider atheletes or entertainers my personal role models but from a societal perspective you know as well as I do that a greater emphasis is placed on the mishaps of ours than theirs, so id rather them just avoid it completely. You think nowitski would've got suspended for the yr if he made gun hand gestures? Of course not


    So you never used the joke from south park when they dropped the N-word...You never used it on this board then took it down after you realized how wrong you were in putting it up there...that wasnt you? But you say you didnt use the N-word in this thread but then you say you used it in past threads? and do you really put tiger woods on the same level as dante?

  3. Ok first off I NEVER used the "N" word. Why would I ever use a word that has been used to oppress my people for so long as a joke.


    Second, I didn't make any racial joke in THIS thread. The joke ur referring to was simply that, all things I heard in reference to my people and IMO vick did nothing but reinforce a few of them, which is embarassing, any ways, since I did nothing like that in this specific thread you need to be an adult about it.

    We obviously have different views, whereas you seem content in supporting people that embarass us as a people. I , on the other hand do not, I chose not to support the cancers that infect my people, and I have every right to do so. If you disagree, fine, but act like an adult and try to be civil.


    As I tried to say before, which I'm sure you didn't read I'm am not racist, I'm embarrassed for my people because of men like vick and stallworth and lynch and even tiger woods, it seems like everwhere I turn our rolemodels in sports are doiing something stupid or illegal and it hurts because it only makes it easier for others to point their fingers and pass judgements.


    I do believe in 2nd chances, I am making the most of mine, but it doesn't mean I have to want those men on my team. I am entitled to my opinion and I hope at the very least, you can respect that.



    Look here I didnt say you said it IN THIS THREAD...and why do you keep saying "my people" and also if you were black as you say you would have never dropped the N-bomb period on a "football" website. But if you say you are I have no way of telling so i'll just go with it. And also sports figures or entertainers should NEVER be a kids role model period as you can see you never know what they do off field. If anything you should be your kids roll model not the athlete or entertainer..

  4. I never said anything was "funny." What are you talking about?


    I said "joke" because that was YOUR word. You said it, not me. That is why I put it in quotes :censored:


    So, basically, everytime you disagree with carolinabill, you are going to call him a racist and make the thread about race? great, this is going to be super.....


    No I just wont really reply to certain things he says because of what he said but he he keeps it football i might....and i didnt make this thread about race...that was directed towards him and nobody else...people just took it and ran with it no biggie tho :censored: ..

  5. What I said about Vick is 100% the truth...not ridiculous in the least. If you can't handle people who don't worship Vick like you do, maybe you should take a break from society...because not everyone agrees on everything in the adult world...but you know what, most of us can handle it without the need to resort to name-calling, which you were doing from the start, contrary to the lies you're trying to spread. But if you wanna keep up with the name-calling and harassment, go right ahead...more evidence for the prosecutors to have you in jail for internet harassment


    Man FU*K YOU..keep that as*hole.. and what you said was not 100% true..calling mike the same as JP and trent is laughable at the least...LMAO @ internet harrassment...


    You're the first person who brought up race on this board. Then you throw a temper tantrum. Grow up.


    And I wasnt the first person to bring up race...read differnt threads before you start with that mess..

  6. 8. "I'm Ko Simpson and I'm worth millions" Ko Simpson



    NOOOOOO WAY ROTFL!!!! Did KO Simpson Really Say That? Can I get a link to that quote? That has gotta be the greatest bullsh*t a bills player has ever said. OH MY GOSH!!! Did he really say that?..HAHAHAHAHAHA...That sh*t made me cry laughing....

  7. amen. when it's no longer about football, things can get out of hand.


    Here's another way to look at it. Why bring in any of the available veterans that have proven they won't take a franchise to the superbowl and win? We as a fan base deserve better. I'd rather see a young talent developed than bring in a guy that will help the team win a few more games. Vick and a few others might do that, but I am no longer interested in that, as a true fan of the team, I truly want a little more, even if it takes longer.



    I believe that vick can get us to the superbowl because he has that fire, that motavation to get him there. Before he was moving off pure athleticism and not using his mind now he has to plus he'd fit in well with our new HC. Now if he messes up again then thats on him (He bet not turn in to his dumb ass brother LOL). But I really think with him here we could go far while developing another QB ala what GB did with alex rogers plus what QB could stand up behind our mcdonalds dollar menu line. This team needs excitement they need a spark mike could do that I want that 90s excitement just like every other fan should.

  8. While I think your race angle is incorrect .. I do have to agree with you to an extent. This has nothing to do with race. Some people don't like him because of his character; some people think he's just not a very good QB. But I doubt, very much, that very many people don't want him in Buffalo because he's black. That's stupid. The only part I agree with you on, is that I do believe that Mike Vick gets us closer to the playoffs than anyone else being mentioned out there (except McNabb) as possibilities.


    Im sorry if you think my race angle is incorrect but I stand by it. Its not all but some and if you read some of the blogs you can feel it, some people have just came out and used racial slurs so how could i be incorrect? If people dont think he's a good caliber QB fine thats cool no problem because thats there opinion but I do his achievements have shown that.

  9. If a US court of law convicts anyone of killing, beating or raping anyone or anything, thats where I draw the moral line.


    Other offenses, while serious, seem to have a more personal negative affect, and should be given councelling for those offeses(drug abuse). Not evryone who plays in the NFL is an angel, but major offense convicted felons? My own opinion is no, and i'm not forcing that opinion on anyone, just excersizing right to do that.


    As far as a race issue, you are definitely right, but just from people who think that all white people hate micheal Vick, and all black people like him.


    I don't want him here based upon his lack of QB talent, so for me personally, it's not race based, and makes it a non race issue to me.


    And thats cool because thats your opinion and everyone has the right to there opinion. I respect yours, just like id rather have mike than thigpen or brohm and to be honest I think what donte did was way worst than what mike did because dante killed a person but its my own opinion. But some people take it to far by say things like he is not a human being or that dante should be forgiven over mike because dante said sorry (like mike didnt over 100x) I mean c'mon whats that about. If it was keep just football I wouldnt have a problem its just when it gets takin to that next level when its a problem. Thats when it seems to get racial and its not football anymore...

  10. Honestly, I think the common point in this thread is that Micheal Vick is not a high caliber(QB Talent, Pocket presence) QB that people want on the Bills roster. Micheal Vick could be white, chinese, cuban...etc, and that doesn't change his skillset.


    As a person, it is very well known that he is very arrogant, and has a high opinion of himself. Tha also qualifies him as a douche bag, also devoid of race.


    Being a douche bag transcends all races, it is the one thing anyone on this planet is capable of, and Michael Vick is one.


    While I agree it seems odd that he is still allowed to play in the NFL, I think he served his time in prison, ans should be given a 2nd chance at life, not the NFL. When you kill animals as savagely as he did, there should be no room in pro sports for that.



    Ok thats cool but donte stallworth can kill someone's father or brother but he can comeback to the league? Some others can do coke get caught and comeback? oh and others can beat there wife or girlfriend but thats cool? Others can rape women but they can comeback? and I forget others can shoot themselves or witness a shooting but thats cool? This is what that man does he plays football thats his job why cant he comeback to work? He has a family and kids to feed just like everyone else. What he did was wrong and very stupid yes but if he can turn his life around and help others why not let him do that? And race does play a small role in this to some people not all but some rather you like to admit it or not it truly does...

  11. if you plan on posting around here, you'll be doing yourself and the rest of us a huge favor if you not take things so personally. no need to call people names. when you do, you invalidate the rest of your argument, even if you are right.


    stick to the discussion at hand, not the poster. make your points. and understand that you arent going to change people's minds on everything.



    (i think im going to save that advice and re-read it myself from time to time :rolleyes: )



    I usually try to be civil but that guys a d*ck with what he says, sometimes you have to dumb yourself down to dumb people, thats the only way they can understand you. Ive tried numerous times to be civil but he still spews ridiculous statments out his mouth. And also nobody reads the shots but everybody reads the reply. You cant tell me what he said wasnt completely ridiculous...I didnt take what he said personally by the way...

  12. Dude calm down. What's with you personally attacking other posters with obscenities and caps lock? Does it really bother you that much?


    LOL...im cool..its just that guy i cant stand really or better yet when people say really ridiculous things just like that it really pisses me off...because they really lose focus of reality and make it seem like people dont make mistakes or they make it seem like they're perfect in there lil simple lives...people deserve second chances...he and others think like if you mess up once your life is over and it shouldnt be like that...you feel me?

  13. Most people aren't in favor of ANY POS people playing in the NFL...as far as being in favor of Vick being here if he weren't a scumbag? There's enough people that actually know football that would still be against it. His style of play is a lot like another #7...who plays for the Raiders now...and fans couldn't wait to see him (JP Losman) go...strong arm and mobile...just like JP...but poor at reading defenses and an inaccurate passer...like JP....oh wait, Losman was generally a more accurate passer. So Vick lovers actually want a QB who's worse than our last starting QB before Trent? unreal...he's all hype

    As far as punishment, he served a light sentence for his crimes...and considering he still isn't remorseful about them (he has the audacity to say "It's unfortunate this happened to me" to portray himself as a victim, he got off way too easy.

    And under no circumstances should any convicted felon be allowed to play a game for millions of dollars...Goodell dropped the ball bigtime when he reinstated that piece of garbage


    Dude i swear you have got to be one of the biggest pieces of sh*t on this site...For one you can NEVER COMPARE MIKE TO FU*KING JP LOSMAN are you kidding? Just because you have a strong arm and mobile you get compared to JP losman C'MON SON GET THE FU*K OUTTA HERE..If thats the case is vince young on the same level as JP Losman?? HELL FU*K NO...AND SINCE WHEN WAS MIKE ON THE SAME LEVEL AS TRENT OR BETTER YET WORST...REALLY??? SERIOUSLY??? Trent couldn't make mikes breakfast in the morning, but let me guess you know football big time HUH? Just cause you played pop warner football don't mean sh*t...man please...


    And as far as his sentence WHAT THE FU*K did you want him to get life??? Your a huge as*hole I mean got damn GET OVER IT...HE apologized and did his time WHAT MORE DO YOU PERSONALLY WANT?...YOU NEED A LIFE DIPSH*T....Everybody deserves a second chance ..

  14. Although this statement above is not so eloquently put, I agree with him. This is an awful team, Vick could start at ANY position on this team and be better than the current starter. He's simply a gifted athlete.


    Atleast someone agrees with me.. :rolleyes: ...i try to be as raw as possible when giving my opinion as you can tell by my improper grammer..LOL...but i do think we still have a shot at him the closer the draft comes. The only way we don't get him is if macnabb gets traded... its still 85% chance we get him to me...IMO...


    big ben hasnt been convicted of anything, the only thing he's guilty of, so far, is putting himself in bad situations, Vick on the other hand, was convicted in federal prison, there is a difference/


    You son, I know how racial you are so you can f*ck off...

  15. I hope its bullsh*t..its funny how you clowns wanted pennington, thigpen, derek anderson, chris redman and even kevin kolb some even think broom is better..HAHA yea right they could't even shine mike vicks shoes...you people a pathetic...i bet some of you think ben rothlesburger has higher character as a rapist to LOL...you'd love him in a bills uniform tho...

  16. You are the racist one, because you see everything that happens as a result of race.


    Oh, and Lynch isn't a thug because he had a gun in his car. Lynch is a "thug" (your word) because he broke the law. The Bubbas with gun racks aren't breaking the law ... this ain't rocket science.



    That is the most retarded thing ive heard all day...so lynch is a thug because he broke the law? so matt jones must be a thug as well he got caught doing coke..oh and also roger clemens and mark mcgwire both are super gansgter cuz they lied to the supreme court or congress (one of them)..if im gonna go off what you say...

  17. I think they are just trying to get more value for there qb's which is not going to happen. I can't see someone giving up a 1st and 3rd for mcnabb and while i want mike vick in buffalo I REFUSE to give a 2nd. I'd give a 4th or maybe a clause that says we can give a 4th next year but it'll turn into a 3rd if he leads us to the playoffs type deal. Besides that it isnt 't happening they're just trying to play hardball...

  18. McNabb is/has been/will forever be an over-rated QB. He is also a whiner and choker. And, because he is not white, Rush Limbaugh was labeled a racist for stating the obvious. Let Philly keep their own trash in McNabb and no Vick, we don't need it hauled to BLO.


    For one you a-hole rush limbaugh is racist..but keep that TRASH outta this site and keep it on YOUR RADIO...Mcnabb and vick are better than anything we have...we should be happy to take either...

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