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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. let promo yell at the fans... Because it is the only zero risk investment on the planet. It has a guaranteed annual return and a guaranteed appreciation. Who cares about about having a say?--you get a sweet owners box experience. you are IN the club...
  2. how much real NIL money are Day 3 type draftees bringing in right now?? 5 star recruits (top 32 of them) mirror the top 32 draftees typically. The NIL dropoff to 4 star players is huge. Day 3 would include few, if any of 4 or 5 star players. So how would NIL affect this at all for day 3? According a group that monitors this stuff (SANIL), the a QB in top 25 PFF grade gets about $350K a year. a top 25 TE will get 100K. once you get to the Day 3 guys (PFF >150), the amounts go to $50k for QB, all the way down to $10K for TE. Compare this to Mr. Irrelevant, who gets $1,000,000 a year for 4 years. Therefore any draftable player should forego NIL and enter the draft for a lot more money.
  3. Given Beane's penchant for bringing in end of life WRs, someone needs to stop this in its tracks...
  4. This has been covered over and over. Yeah, HOF HCs without their HOF QBs struggle to win Super Bowls. Alert the press...again. Was Brady a HOF level QB when he was drafted? His 1st season? For those first 3 SB wins? No he wasn't. It's a "counter" not worth making.
  5. sounding like the opposite is true. He was way too soft--especially on the younger players. he had to go--should have done it sooner.
  6. oh ok, I didn't realize he's testing the market.
  7. Agreed. HOF HCs and QBs are often paired. neither happens without the other. Claims that Bellichick couldn't put together (i.e. GM the team) a roster are bizarre rewritings of history. Maybe that helps other sleep at night.
  8. these are simple questions, easily answered with a review of the facts. when did he get all the power? what was the result in their record from then on? he's been running that roster for decades
  9. was Brady the GOAT from 2001-2004? he sure wasn't. who put all those rosters together that fielded the GOAT and all those PB/AP/SB winners?
  10. But then BB won 3 SBs in his first 5 years with a 6th round QB. Terrible GM? In points scored and allowed, NE had a top 10 Offense in 18 of Brady's 19 years (top 5 11 years) and top 10 Defense 17 years (top 5 for 8 of those years). He had 38 players over that time that were either AP/PB/both. Obviously that roster is trash now...
  11. Dungy won 2 playoff games in 6 years in Tampa. BB inherited a 3-13 teams and ultimately got to the playoff and won a game with Vinny Testaverde... Bill Walsh was a genius because he retired before he had to coach again without a HOF QB (he was 8-24 with Steve DeBerg) It's always a pretty weak argument to point out a HOF HC couldn't match the success he had without his HOF QB....
  12. Did he tell the Bills he was done playing at the end of the season? At the time, most headlines went with "Bills release Hyde..."
  13. why wouldn't they have just signed him to another year instead of letting him go?
  14. Same for Lombardi without Starr. Dungy without Manning. Payton without Brees........
  15. Kraft will never get another ring. but he can always get a tug while Madame Lotus wears 5 of them…
  16. it's a great article. the most eye opening part is the claim that almost all teams are aware of this specific paper on maximizing draft strategy---they simply ignore it because every FO thinks they are smarter than every other FO. The theory proves itself every year. These GMs/HCs/owners aren't very good at drafting players based on their own research---they simply won't/can't acknowledge this.
  17. Rudolph threw it right to him
  18. Mashallah, I guess....
  19. That case didn't require much of any of those...
  20. you should, if you haven't already, do an internal audit of your posts and tally up the proportion that involve anything NE patriots. It's got to be over 50%---you don't feel that's a problem? You're deflecting here, to say the least...and this stalking is something I allow, but feel compelled to point out. Your Pavlovian output is interesting...
  21. A POS is a POS— no matter how many different teams jerseys he wears. And every team has some. Bills are no different—the point of discussion. That is such an overwhelmingly intuitive concept that even a guy with your abilities should understand. Pointing this out shouldn’t harm you like this… focus on your NE obsession
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