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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. it was never a “hit piece”—it was a heavily sourced 20,000 word article that nobody in the Bills FO—Beane or McD refuted in public or private. in fact after the season, Beane reached out to Dunne to get together and talk. Hence this article. Dunne on WFAN Rochester now describing how this all went down. Beane was very open with him—especially the Diggs problem. Diggs didnt want to a Bill any more and for obvious reasons, the Bills didn’t want him around—even if it left a big hole in the roster and cost 31 million. The “hit piece” cry from this board didn’t alter reality, as much as those whining about wish it did
  2. it's a lot less than they signed for.
  3. they didn't make any money (52 million combined).
  4. Oh yeah!!! Their SB win is now totally illegitimate!
  5. who's "we"?
  6. Is “Gable Stevenson” a top 5 Bills D lineman of all time?
  7. JP Losman is not impressed
  8. They created this disaster. Had to pay him. what a mess
  9. Only scenario Carr could ever get a ring is as Mahomes’s backup. this guy has had plenty of opportunities. He’s mediocrity personified. A bum.
  10. Wait…..I thought it was his holder?!!? read it right here
  11. He will announce retirement in a bit
  12. I remember when play by play guys were calling. Hurts “Mr. clutch” in college. Lol guys a bum
  13. Come on… guys had 1 season of note
  14. lol touché! i think it’s more important that one might floss with greatness, agreed?
  15. cool! He could be the next “He Hate Me!” the brain trust of Daboll/Schoen never sleeps!! imagine being a Giants fan at this point….oof!
  16. nice. Cracked 1 million for the first time since week 1. still with no one in the stands (minus STL). How long will Disney and ESPN fund the huge production costs of live football with the revenue (gate plus TV ads) under 850k viewers brings in?
  17. I agree with many of your points. there isn’t much of a gap between Samuel and, say, Shakir. Paying that much for him made no sense
  18. I think we all understood that the OC doesn’t sign players… I dont know if Brady and Samuel meshed. My guess is that the Carolina FO, which has the power to sign or not resign players, concluded they did not
  19. yeah paying him that money is nuts so is any talk of a Carolina/Brady link being a reason they wouldn’t cut him. if Brady doesn’t pick his players then there is no meaningful connection to Carolina, where they shared a cup of coffee
  20. hellloooo! on a board where the same topic will have 3 different threads on page 1, this is a strange thing to now point out.
  21. come on doc, Diggs’s attitude problems were understood in Minny. That the Bills got fed up with him was therefore predictable. It’s not even debatable. It all happened, as we saw. Why wouldn’t I bring it up—it’s hardly a take. Kelce had had 121 targets last year. Super Bowl hoisted. Kincaid just showed up and got 91. ”loved” AB? lol. Anyway, no one-ever-confused Diggs for AB on the field.
  22. “nonsense" is the fairy tale that Brady deep six’s Diggs season when he became OC. i agree with your response to doc though
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