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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. This should not age well...
  2. That's not a legal definition. The law doesn't account for your doubts. just answer the question.
  3. Try finding him after thanksgiving
  4. by law, there was no consensual sex between them. yes his side of the story is that she lied to him about her age when he agreed to have sex with her on the spot against the wall of a strangers house. That admission is what got him off the Bills roster, as I said. just to get you on record, if a 15 year old is seen on camera telling a college man on the prowl that she is 18, she doesn’t deserve protection?
  5. You said I made up his defense, yet you just re-iterated it. He said she lied (i.e., he was tricked) about being of age. She left little doubt that's what she did. Had she not, he would have been arrested, as legally, she is not competent to consent. If she was 16, would you say she is still not someone to be protected? 15? What if she was 14 and is on tape telling everyone she is 18 and was looking to run up "her numbers"? What's your cutoff here? The "Model Penal Code" allows this defense with victims as young as 10 years old.
  6. same a-hole, yes..
  7. well, this is what he signed up for. Since those two morons handed him that contract, he has MORE PICK 6'S THAN TD PASSES! some of these irate fans likely got sucked out of thousands of dollars for PSLs to watch this bum stink the place up year after year (when not injured). they razzed him asking for "a million". come on....same stuff he hears from tens of thousands all game. Who didn't see this coming?--hiring Daboll and Shoen was a predictable disaster--two bums. lol Giants.
  8. He wasn't charged for raping an underage girl (a crime) only because of his mistake of age claim, backed by evidence. You already know this. In a state without mistake of age defense, he gets charged for a crime, no matter her body count. Simple.
  9. Wilson was worth a shot. Watson was never as good as Wilson but for a single season years ago.
  10. Best part is when on the same play, while in the air, he takes out 2 more bros in the EZ, like bowling pins
  11. Bad non-calls favoring Bills down the stretch no big deal.
  12. Watson, for the money, is the worst QB in NFL history.
  13. oh no...I very much enjoy your opinions---keep them coming!
  14. He was exonerated for the "gang rape" charges. see below. MY "interpretation"??... lol, good one doc. As you well know, He had sex with an underaged girl by California law. He said she lied about her age. That is his defense against statutory rape in the State of California--it allows for a mistake of age defense. It's a technicality he used to avoid criminal charges for an illegal act that he actually committed.
  15. yes your cited source agrees with my post “idle cash” = “standing pat”
  16. He had 103 yards from scrimmage
  17. I was kidding. Last year it was weekly
  18. Healthy scratch
  19. McD turned off Babichs mic
  20. Maybe it was just too damn hot of a take
  21. Giants owners cursing Beane right now
  22. cops making them do 20? if he has any brains he would not
  23. standing pat and not making change is the definition of opportunity cost. Also, you cannot say "there is no better option" when none are tried. you assume all other choices are simply worse, "based on evidence" which you do not provide. Instead, you are comparing all others to a guy you are hoping will "figure out" things in his 8th year with this team.
  24. remember when Bass's erratic kicking was his holder's fault? ah yes.....good times.
  25. That won't be necessary--he will be anyway. Someone always is. Dak has just become that with Thor's tickle feather...
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