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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. The "Tua Rule" added ataxia to the "no go" findings on exam barring re-entry to the game. There is no rule change that describes forbidding players from playing again after cleared by physicians charged with doing so. The league has no ability to toss a player out of the league for any kind of injury. They already do. I'm certain they feel they are "handling this correctly" based on current protocols. There is no mechanism for telling a player he's done. The NFLPA would go berserk. I can't imagine the league has the power to simply invent this power outside of collective bargaining.
  2. Nah, not really "tons". Not here... like what? every time this guy goes out of a game they have to rewrite their protocol?
  3. The league has nothing to do with this.
  4. If he is exhibiting no signs of concussion, what would they base their decision not to clear him on? They do not clear or deny clearance based on the possibility that the injury could happen again. That's not their charge.
  5. There might have been a tiny bit more solid moral footing in the calls for his retirement after the '22 issue. But that died quickly when he came back from a coma to win 5 straight. Suddenly no one was distraught over his health...
  6. I've listed the reasons why these are crocodile tears. Scroll up. I'll throw in that if this was a QB in the NFC South, for instance, there would be no threads about it. No one here believes the Dolphins would be a more difficult team to beat with a backup QB. No doubt many fans truly feel for the guy, and hope he retires (I would hope he leaves football). But Tua gets crapped on here year round, and when he may now be eliminated as a threat on a team that has been widely picked to challenge the Bills for the division, let's say I'm not convinced of the genuine nature of the concussion prompted TBD outpouring of concern for Tua's health....when the same posters are clamoring for Hyde's return (to help the Bills in the playoff run!), for instance. it's a stretch....
  7. If Hyde went to Miami instead of Poyer, there would have been 3 threads started this past off season saying Hyde should retire...
  8. Based on the theory of the mechanism of injury for CTE, they all are---likely beginning well before the entered the NFL. Years of repetitive impacts, large and tiny/unnoticed. Boxing and MMA are still hugely popular---all they do is punch and kick each other in the head. Hockey still allows fighting--guy toss their gloves so they can properly punch other players in the head. No one cares--"it's part of the game"...etc. No one is forced to retire after getting knocked out (which is the goal of any fight). Players and their agents and their organization have proven over and over that they are not concerned with this. They refuse to adapt almost any serious efforts to mitigate injury (they won't were those helmet guards, they continue to cheap shot and head shot each other, etc). If they are not concerned, it's hard for me to be overly concerned. There are countless workers who take on far more risk to their health/lives for a tiny fraction NFL money. My point is that there are a lot of crocodile tears being shed here for a rival team's player....
  9. Absurd--they can't force a grown man to retire. He is well aware of the risks he incurs by playing. Where were you threads screaming for the Bills to force Morse to retire after countless concussions. Look at Micah Hyde--had 2 seasons in a row with serious neck injury, had a cervical fusion and needs another....yet many here are craving to put his safety and health aside and join the Bills for a playoff run! The Dolphin hate I get...butthis as the justification for your hate? Nah...seems drummed up. Everyone so concerned for a divisional rival QB's health! come on...
  10. nah. it was to the point where Josh felt he had to force passes his way, even when he wasn't open...because Diggs is a selfish whiner.
  11. but will he prove his doubters wrong? For example, if he is standing near another receiver who catches a pass, will he also be credited here with the catch? I sure hope so...
  12. This is what I was alluding to. Gunner is one of several very informed posters who has deep football knowledge who clearly posts well considered thoughts and opinions. And then there is your output (see above). No one is arguing otherwise. But all content is not the same. I do believe some posters stand out, not necessarily per the quantity, but the quality of their output. Gunner is one. They low number posters responding to his take on this one sack, for instance, are not. Their arguments are simple, repetitive and derivative of each other. None of them are persuasive.
  13. gotta love these double and triple figure posters coming at Gunner, of all people. buncha 1 pump chumps.
  14. McD saving that ace up his sleeve for the beginning of the Bills off season
  15. History has never known a 15 year old who could pass for 18! It's just impossible.
  16. if this topic wasn't posted a few times every season, you might be have been on to something
  17. well technically he "downed" Murray, who was already lying on the ground after falling.
  18. what if her claim of 18 is on tape? How do you know you’ve never seen a 15 year old you assumed was 18?
  19. screw them. I hope they are stuck with this bum. serves them right. they gave up on a much better QB and gave away a tone of value (the money is meaningless at this point) for their current flash in the pan QB.
  20. this is the most one man team in the NFL by far right now.
  21. You keep saying no 15 year old look like they are 18--that's bizarre on its face. But also beside the point. What if a 15 year old (or 14, or 13) says on camera, and tells all of her friends she did so...and they make statements to authorities to that effect? Is it still ok then for a 21 year old man to have sex with her, in your opinion.
  22. Cody Ford is his strength and conditioning coach
  23. Murray fall down
  24. That's Burt Reynolds right there.
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