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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. No, you got the points as I wrote them. You even read them back to me! Strong work. I hope you're getting paid for this at least.
  2. forgot to throw in Moss....
  3. For real?? As opposed to calling AAA or something like that? Or the rental company?
  4. certainly not here. Brandt is another story all together. How does that guy still get paid to make commentary??
  5. keep licking your wounds, bruv! lol
  6. I wrote that as well. Good pickup. It's certainly a significant factor. Schefter isn't a likeable guy.
  7. Here's "mean streak" Feliciano "body guarding" Josh after the latter gets body slammed on a Chiefs D-line jailbreak... Several second of jogging time later, he weighed in with payback, drawing a fine.
  8. It's far easier for an NFL owner to demand and get a new stadium from his current town than to simply move his team into another public stadium in another town. The owners as a group don't vote on public stadium financing. They do decide what city gets a new team. That decision these days more than any, depends on the money that team will bring the group. For that reason it's hard to imagine Buffalo would entice an existing team to move there into a stadium that's what...20+ years old at that time? Or that the NFL owners would even consider it.
  9. An empty stadium in Buffalo is just a new NFL franchise waiting to happen.
  10. It's not....so I explicitly said so in the post you just responded to .
  11. Plus, the idea of a roving gang of ticket paying pickpockets in the stadium....like Oliver Twist out there!!
  12. I'm old. You think Buffalo would get another NFL team to move into that stadium if PSE packed up and left?
  13. Schefter's role was to break the story, not to eulogize him. All that will come soon from many who knew this poor guy well. No one, certainly not me, is questioning his success in securing his financial future prior to his death (straw man...). He was clearly struggling to get a starting job in the NFL; perhaps that didn't even need to be pointed out as it was well known by everyone. But your harping on Schefter including that one word as completely inappropriate is a bit of manufactured outrage. That's my opinion on the overall reaction to Schefter's tweet. It's more a function of the general disdain for Schefter (certainly on this board) than it is for the legitimate lamentation of pervasive "poor taste" in society. My "issues" notwithstanding, lol...
  14. A "new tenant" for an NFL stadium? Sure... See the post I was responding to...
  15. Well, he works for a company and they told him to take it down, no doubt....because of the outrage.
  16. It's about the dollars, not the perCENTS Exactly. They walk away from a billion+ dollar monument, awaiting demolition.
  17. The Bills give handfulls of tickets to "Licensed ticket sellers" to sell in the parking lot? Also, I didn't get the part about the cellphone pickpockets. E-tickets are causing more phone theft because.....? Everyone has a cellphone on them anyway.
  18. The biggest in NFL history, actually.
  19. Left this thread for a bit. People jumping on Schefter because his original tweet labeled Haskins as "struggling"? Is nothing unworthy of outrage anymore?
  20. OP posted this 4 years ago but he's using dial up AOL
  21. By that math the Mets have owned that town maybe half a dozen times in 35 years.
  22. I can be convinced. But you really haven't given anything but cliches and a personal anecdote. Spend some time there
  23. Spend some time there. It's exciting when both teams are both doing well (extremely rare, given the Mets seasons), but to say things like "and it's not even close" without any primary knowledge isn't much of an argument for your point. Even their attendance numbers aren't close.
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