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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. $340 a foot for that McCondo?? yikes...
  2. One score?? no chance
  3. Steelers and Miami with no significant QB threat. Bills D vs Lamar Jackson
  4. Why is anyone sweating the Fins, Steelers and the Ravens?
  5. Ok....that's what I thought So none of us know what he actually did...
  6. we all saw that at the top of the thread. You said his actions didn't qualify for being held and that he did "almost nothing". I'm looking form your link that led you to that conclusion. No one else seems to know those details....
  7. Consensus is you'll want to take an upper decker...
  8. Why held without bond over a misdemeanor device destruction?
  9. Meh....Bears signed Peterman over Kaepernick.......now that's news
  10. Absolutely not! McD's bizzaro "QB competition", which NP "won" mercifully lasted until halftime of Week 1, before he came to his senses and understood the obvious: your #7 1st round draft pick QB plays his rookie season. Josh played and the rest is history.
  11. Why feel bad? He was given an opportunity few have. He wasn’t up to it, yet he’s still getting chances. Don’t know what you feel bad about in this case. He’s living the dream.
  12. Bad luck? The guy has made 5 million dollars over 5 years at a job he isn't good at. He was given the starting job opportunity that he never deserved in Buffalo. This guy is clearly the opposite of "bad luck"....
  13. So...2nd "Rooney" interview?
  14. I'm hardly "worked up". lol Just giving a different opinion to yours---specifically that a person should honor their contract. You disagree--that works for you, I get it.
  15. The NFL offices employ about 800 people. No doubt, as with any company, they have many levels of management that run the business. And no doubt Goodell acts as counsel to the owner group on the big issues. But there's no way around the obvious fact that Goodell is a well paid figurehead. When real decisions are to be made (expansion/team movement, CBA, TV contracts) the owners make all decisions. No one even expects them to speak to the public. The make Goodell do this.
  16. No one’s talking about “earning an offer”. A contract isn’t a reward for past work. It’s the future value from your work product
  17. Thats exactly what it is. Everyone knows this. He jumps on the grenades intended for them do the money keeps coming in. Networks and sponsors are calmed. Pretty simple.
  18. When he speaks, he speaks for the owners as a group. He doesn't make policy, he disseminates it to the public. The owners certainly aren't waiting around (2 years or 2 minutes) for Goodell to tell them what to do. They tell him to tell the public what the League has decided on any major matters. As for did he earn his salary? You are asking the wrong person. They ones who pay him feel he is obviously worth at least that much. How could this be more clear? The owners see Goodell getting lustily boo'd during the League's most popular non football event (over and over) and they sit back and marvel at how much of a bargain Goodell is. None of them have the stomach to face the public for that kind of abuse on a regular basis.
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