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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. The Bills don't sit when they cap space...
  2. Are you arguing that she can, simply by reading the title, discern the subject matter without reading further (I couldn't)? If not, then why is the title a problem, given what the subject matter that follows?
  3. I was certainly not suggesting he's handicapped, or that he should not be tried as a competent defendant--he's just a sub-average IQ citizen of this county as a 100 million others. To believe what he believes, one has to have no ability for critical thinking--he has to have an empty mind that he can fill with the garbage he reads on line and watches on TV, stuff that far more intelligent people are feeding him and his kind. As for his "well researched, carefully planned" massacre-----it was the dumbest plan imaginable. First, he hardly had to drive 200 miles to "find" his targets. Second, he put it all on the internet ("the prosecution, your honor, rests with no witnesses"). Third, he figured he would walk into the Tops, kill scores of people, walk back to his car, drive to a nearby neighborhood and continue his rampage, and take off. He never figured the cops would respond to an "active shooter" strolling through the supermarket? They were there within 60 seconds of the call. This obviously surprised this kid, this master of plans. He's a moron.
  4. "surrounded by Rams fans"?? Pick any seat on stubhub, brother, you'll be fine.
  5. Well he's certainly taking care of his neighbor's wife, so you stand corrected...
  6. The pre and post SB Bucs were covered upstream. The Dungy Bucs were a lopsided team—all D. He had no idea how to build an Offense, yet with that same team, Gruden went all the way. Subsequent to that he had a series of awful QBs, one after another. It was over. Plain and simple, Dungy couldn’t get it done. He cemented that rep on the Colts. He was a mediocrity—far more so than Gruden was(he was too). McVay impact? That team was created by Les Sneed. Bringing in Miller and Stafford got McVay his (one and only) ring.
  7. or the Bronx… He gave his reasons—he thought it was the nearest zip code with the highest concentration of black residents.. He’s just a low IQ human—all of the people who believe what he does are the dumbest people in the country. Unfortunately it’s 10s of millions, at least.
  8. should say "Feliciano takes off KC game"
  9. an abomination.... might as well be ketchup
  10. Everything in the NFL is a "BIG DEAL"!!--it's manufactured as such. The NFL creates/encourages/thrives on bad behavior and controversy like no other pro sports business that has ever existed. It's all 24hr/365 day free advertising which has really rendered all other sports as playoff-time attractions only (if that). MLB is slipping into the same national irrelevancy as the NHL did years ago. It's because the NFL owns the news cycle year round.
  11. but he eats honey barbecue wings at chain restaurant/bars
  12. Yeah Gruden is a bum too, but he was never "rated" as highly as Dungy, so he can't be more overrated.
  13. here's an article that points out why the very fact that this guy had to travel 200 miles to find his targets disproves his manifesto theory. It also reiterates why that Buffalo zip code had no major grocery store for decades..... https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/21/buffalo-massacre-great-replacement-segregation-00034177
  14. Dungy's playoff collapses predate Manning, hence Gruden.
  15. Nah...everyone dumps on Gruden. Mostly rightly so. Dungy wasted the primes of a lot of guys' careers--chief among them Manning's.
  16. Zach Wilson and Trey Lance??? lol wtf
  17. even by invitation??
  18. If the new stadium has 60k of 65k as season ticket holders, doesn’t leave much left for the general public except in the secondary market. Would the Bills, for example be more pleased with a lot of empty seats in December on TV or a fuller stadium with STH’ers making a few bucks (if any)? What do they care? Doesn’t cost them any lost dollars
  19. First post season appearance by the Sabres in a dozen years
  20. If he beat her up the NFL would be offering him a 1 year contract. Instead he made the error of making sweet love to her….
  21. this isn’t a matter of the law, per se. It’s a civil case. And I don’t think the eventual nfl penalty will affect the ultimate payout he will give up to the plaintiffs
  22. right?? and every time??? come on, bro...
  23. I didn't say they need to win the SB this season or McD is out (no need to keep repeating that). But he has to get this stacked team to the SB this year (his 6th) or it can be legitimately questioned whether he ever will. "Teambuilding" is one thing. Coaching in the big games is another matter altogether... Paxton, Cartright and Horace Grant are not quite a stacked roster lol. The Bills are. Dungy (perhaps the most overrate NFL HC of all time) didn't build much of a team: the Defense was consistently excellent. The Offenses were mediocre or awful. Gruden took that 9-7 and won a SB. After that, the team "fell apart" because his QBs were Griese (not Bob), Simms (not Phil), Bruce Gradkowski, and Jeff Garcia. McD has to bring them past KC and to the SB. He has all the talent he's going to get, and it is sufficient for the task.
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