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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. Dallas blows. Have to go there Monday.
  2. They should take Epenesa to the buffet at Luxor.
  3. How would any one analytics staff know so much about all other teams' analytics staff and use of analytics? How can the Browns be at the top of multiple lists--is is because they simply have the biggest analytics staff? Their decision making, as a team, has been chaotic for years.
  4. 2 bums trying to make the best of their waning careers.
  5. someone should start a thread about this...
  6. Does he have a body count? If it's 3 or more then, yes.....obvs.
  7. You say this with no apparent irony... Congress can't "rescind" an Act they approved by vote and was signed by a president into a law. The would have to propose a new bill eliminating the antitrust exemption for the NFL, vote on it, approve it in both houses and have the president would have to sign it. What are you talking about?
  8. LOL so what? He's had 32 PR....in 4 years! On 3 different teams. He's viewed around the league as a guy you don't let touch the ball hardly ever.
  9. its a law. They can’t change it without a new act signed into law. Barring that, they have absolutely no oversight of this private corporation—you seem to be confused by the name of the committee.
  10. No I’m stating the facts.The guy is in no way a legit punt returner—3 teams in the lady 3 years have shouted this out loud. He hardly has been used a a PR in 4 years. You can’t make a serious argument otherwise.
  11. Maybe. Hard to believe he has that speed anymore. 3 different teams in the past 4 years have found very little for him to do--all 3 having quickly let him go.
  12. I'm familiar with the antitrust exemption. You said the NFL is under "mandatory Congressional oversight".. That's not true. Congress doesn't "oversee" the NFL in any way. Also, the MLB is the only league with true "antitrust exemption" from the Sherman Act. The Supreme Court denied the NFL the same, deciding that then NFL, unlike the MLB, was subject to the restrictions of the Sherman Act. Instead, Rozelle pushed for some relief and ultimately Congress passed the Sports Broadcasting Act in '61. It allowed for pooling of TV contracts by the whole league, instead of by team. So the "antitrust exemption" for the NFL is a matter of law for 60 years---not a function of "Congressional oversight" And which members of Congress would form a majority to pass a bill that would change and ruin the NFL as we know it? There is no such majority. This, like the Congressional MLB/steroid inquiry is just for show.
  13. Does the NFL know this? He's returned 22 punts in the past 3 years. In what year?
  14. True, it might be only the money that forces their hand. All this other stuff didn’t seem to bother them enough to act. No it’s not
  15. Good stuff! I think the other owners are squeamish about taking another's team do to dirty laundry issues. Every team probably has some. All of the owners certainly were made aware by Goodell of the stuff that was going on in Washington for years, but they have kept the "omerta", because the golden goose must be protected. If Snyder hasn't been punished yet it's only because the owners didn't want him to be. As for Congress, nothing will come of this. Remember the Congressional Hearing on MLB and steroids? Yeah.....
  16. what's his specialty?
  17. Yes--year 10 is the typical breakout season for 1st round WRs! So he went with the 32 year old journeyman for this?
  18. This committee owes an apology! This committee owes an apology--apology Senator! Goodlell's lawyers are the NFL's lawyers. I bet at least a dozen other owners are squirming in their seats over congressional inquiry into how their team management behaves...
  19. when Dez Bryant recognizes "down and out bad"....
  20. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/01/nfl-commissioner-owner-to-testify-on-hostile-workplace-culture-00036311 it's gettin hot in here....
  21. RJ was absolutely horrible in that game. 10 completions, 6 sacks, 3 fumbles. He was the reason that the Titans were able to be close enough to steal the game on a freak play. Losman was awful---and he was better than RJ. Same for Edwards. With he same team, the Bills had a much different result with RJ at QB.
  22. The Bills were 21-7 with Flutie and went to back to back playoffs. In 1998, RJ was 3-3, got injured. Flutie came in and went 7-3. RJ went 9-17 with the (same) Bills. Flutie maximized his game despite obvious physical limitations because he was smart and could take a beating. RJ was a dumb, soft, injury prone jock who squandered his physical gifts. Why would any Bills fan pine for that guy even back then? He was awful.
  23. Which is why he used this whole "they never consulted me on GM" story as a way to get out of Texas. He wanted out and he latched onto this weak excuse to leverage a forced trade.
  24. Half the locker room disagreed with that. RJ was the worst Bills starter in the past 40 years.
  25. "Take my phone? Imma lock that baby's formula in ya car! HA HA!" The cops will be back...
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