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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. You lost me. The topic of this conversation is moving a single NFL game (the SB to be specific) to Saturday, from Sunday.
  2. Being a bit (a tiny bit!) facetious there... The ratings for those pre-March Madness/Conference Champ games are negligible compared to any NFL game: CBS averaged 1.25 million viewers ESPN 928,000 Fox 858,000 The top game of the regular season was Duke-UNC (K's last reg season game) at 4 million. Only 8 games in the totality of televised NCAA basketball last season had over 2 million viewers. Not many people are watching college ball in this country in February. The SB would steal most of that paltry number--certainly nothing that the NFL would consider if they wanted to switch the SB to saturday.
  3. We are talking about TV ratings, not how many people are present watching the game in the arena. There is no HS or college football in February. The SB would squash any random basketball conference games. You know this and so does the NFL. Why pretend otherwise.
  4. If no SB appearance, he can't win. His team is loaded and he imploded last season in the final game.
  5. why would the NFL care about NCAA basketball? Also, only gambling addicts are watching a slate of NCAA games before conference championships or March Madness.
  6. SB on Saturday. Give away tickets to kids who can't afford them. The rest of the ideas are pretty dumb. Playing in a college stadium to lure college ball fans (who won't watch the NFL??)---and yet these uninterested people ("107,000 of them") would fill the biggest stadiums in the country! lol. Have "the NFL" (i. e. "the owners") pick some other owner's GM? I'm sure they would be very helpful! Would that include only owners who have a history of picking good GMs? What struggling team's owner wants Jimmy Haslam chiming in with GM suggestions? Or Woody Johnson? Top seeds pick your opponent? I would pick the Cowboys every time... These were the "Top 30"? I want to see the bottom 30 then.
  7. This is the 3rd time we've said "hello" to the XFL.. Why didn't McMahon just wait it out, come back the next season after we said "goodbye pandemic"?
  8. I tried to help the guy (by telling him my experience with melanoma), but he was already off the rails.
  9. If their QB or RB is out, they are done.
  10. You must have missed, while checking, the part where McMahon cashed out of the XFL after 5 games. He could have just restarted after the pandemic (like every other pro league did). Instead, the league went bankrupt. Another fool with his money has bought the league.
  11. So he held onto the ball too long in the SF game with Adams in the lineup...and without Adams in the lineup, he will hold onto the ball to long?
  12. What if the Vikings have injuries? He played that game with Adams, who caught 9 passes on 11 targets.
  13. It seems like only yesterday that we heard that, since Vince McMahon put up 250 million of his own money, the XFL was going to be around for a while. Instead, he chose the pandemic stoppage after a handful of weeks to cut his losses and bail out on an impending fiancial disaster---and his game had ratings at least as good as USFLs, which reached rock bottom before the "playoffs". With so few viewers, it's hard to imagine how little they are commanding per ad spot. Combine that with essentially zero gate money and merchandise sale cash and Fox will hang in there until their cut and run loss amount is reached. At least costs are low: they pay these players nothing and that Div 1A college stadium is probably fairly cheap to rent. If Fox has to send production crews and pay the costs to rent/staff 4 nearly empty stadiums every week, they will hemorrhage cash on this. wut....
  14. Yes because of Rodgers. And who voted for Chicago?? Confess!!
  15. Can we wait until Bates gets his 5th NFL start before he goes up on the wall?
  16. I had a melanoma on my nose required 3 surgeries including a rotation flap to cover the 1cm defect. im not mocking the disease, but the fact that this same story comes out every training camp about McD and his brush with death. it’s old news
  17. So that would make it 3 Ryan Bateses in a row? His legend is ever growing....
  18. Who was the last Ryan Bates?
  19. He got skin cancer again? He should stay away from "skin cancer training camp"..
  20. BB was credited much for the Giants success in SB 25. Before Minny, Frazier had a fairly undistinguished career as an assistant on a few teams. He was fired from each of his 2 Coordinator jobs in Cincy and Tampa after 2 seasons.
  21. Actually I haven't. I was responding to specific posts. Adios! Who was Vick's private QB tutor from the draft to his 4th year in ATL? Reid made his career with 2 top 10 1st round picks at QB. These weren't projects, so there wasn't a lot of heavy lifting to get these 2 ready to play. He was a QB for 2 seasons in GB --well after Favre was already a star (4 time PB, All Pro by then) having two of his career best seasons before Reid got that job. He must have fixed Favre's game too? lol
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