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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. looks like a USFL playoff crowd
  2. Plus comparing them physically Plus even suggesting that Miller somehow made Donald.
  3. It's a mess on so many levels.
  4. It was only a matter of time...
  5. It will be in another state...
  6. Exactly! Miller had a cup of coffee in LA (and picked up a ring). Donald was already all world before that. This is nuts!!
  7. NOPUNTZ (in case zerovolts already has NOPUNTS on his Chiefs plate).
  8. Goodwin has a career as an NFL receiver. This guy hasn't been tossed a pass.
  9. “What better way to work on my mental health than to have an experience like that? The greatest gift I can give my teammates, in my opinion, is to be able to show up and to be someone who can model unconditional love to them.” See what I mean? lol.
  10. He will live to dance on Parcells's grave.......
  11. If you had no idea what you are talking about, sure, you could say that.
  12. no one is saying he is a failure. Some of his recent playoffs point to a guy who can’t will his team to the SB. Peyton Manning had many such seasons. 7 times his team went one and done. No chance Packers get there this year…but I doubt Rodgers cares at this point. He got paid. He was fine with Adams left. He’s happy to be that “im a complex and inscrutable character no one will ever truly understand or appreciate” guy
  13. Obviously a player should walk away from a team he knows is tampering. The other poster kept saying the player "may not" cooperate in any contact with a team that is tampering with him, such as Brady in this case. The rule doesn't say he may not, only that he may not initiate contact himself or through his agent. Not sure what ethics clause is signed.
  14. Yeah not sure what you're stuck on in my response, or how it's "arrogant". "May be true but even when the player clearly engages back and have active, meetings, and open discussions in response?" The answer is "no", if the player didn't initiate the discussion. This didn't happen in this case so bringing up the rule where the player can't initiate tampering doesn't apply to this conversation. The player "may" talk the tampering team without penalty--but we can agree that he shouldn't.
  15. It doesn't. You said "even when the player clearly engages back and have active, meetings, and open discussions in response", after being contacted by a team, he should be liable for punishment because "the player may not" do this. That's not the rule. Only if the player initiates the discussion is he at risk. The rule does not say, if contacted, "players may not" talk to teams , etc. In fact players are not obligated to report this illicit contact by a team to the NFL, but a team is required to notify the league of illicit tampering contact by a player (as you noted above). This is explicitly why the League didn't and can't punish Brady in this case.
  16. lol --that's why hers is an idiotic conclusion. The NFL can't possibly predetermine a list of all possible bad acts that would violate the personal conduct policy.
  17. They could have appointed Slippin Jimmy as their arbitrator, wouldn't matter. She is playing a role in this staged drama and she delivered the performance that was scripted for her: take a headline making case all summer and hear the evidence, take an inordinately long time to come up with the laughably low suspension to produce the necessary (and predicted) public outcry for the NFL to step in and bump it up to where they wanted it---all the while promoting this as a "new" and "improved" system of justice for the players and NFLPA, exactly as bargained for in the last CBA.
  18. You can top feeling that way because it doesn't say that at all. If a team reaches out to a player--the team is tampering and faces penalty. That's it. If a player reaches out to a team, the team is supposed to report it to the NFL. No player in the NFL is bound to report tampering to the NFL. It's the same in the NBA. MLB has the same rule. So does the NHL. Why are people acting as if they have just learned about tampering and its rules?
  19. players don’t get suspended for talking to teams when teams aren’t supposed to be talking to them
  20. She absolutely described it as novel—in fact she said “his pattern of conduct is more egregious than ever before reviewed by the NFL”. Clearly she is also acknowledging more than 4 cases.
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