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Posts posted by Mr. WEO

  1. Didn't LA have a new stadium proposal up for a vote? Seems like this is all playing perfectly for that buyer.

    There is no stadium. There is no buyer.


    Some desolate LA outskirt called City of Industry voted to approve of "plans" for the building of a stadium. Since then, they have been sued by two neighboring towns who don't want a stadium nearby. One of the suits resulted in $20 million in hush money for one town. The other town is awaiting its windfall from City of Industry.


    Yup, things are going great for the "LA stadium project".


    Also, no teams "are in danger of losing their team due to inheritance taxes", except those with a sole owner approaching death with no plans on selling the team premortem.

  2. It's normal for players to do this. TC and the season are so physically demanding that a lot of players lose weight and fall below their optimal size.

    The DJs training camps have the reputation of being anything but demanding. That's no the way he does it.


    Why on earth would the press continue with the inane questions unless they were simply enjoying recording ML's language mangling speech?


    Awyeah, mos def'lee, mos def'lee.

  3. I also know what I see when I watch games (especially these days with the aid of a DVR) and again, I implore a Pats fan to give me just one example of them losing on a controversial call or non-call late in a game, 'cuz I've got a whole bunch in the other direction.


    Go back to your DVR'd copy of the Giants-Pats and count the holding noncalls as the refs just "let them play" and the typical non-nimble Eli Manning somehow manages to get away from the Pats swarming D long enough to throw the greatest pass/catch in SB history. So you see, the Commish gave it to BB right in the heiney at the exact time that would produce the most pain for the Pats. It was an awesome way for the League to punish them---let them go 18-0 and take away the SB in a most painful manner. The Commish is wise, stop your crying.


    Wait, your evidence is Jimmy Johnson and what he claims he heard others did 17 years ago, and what he believes is happening now, without naming names, any other teams being implicated, or anyone else corroborating his claims? That might work for mouth-breathers like Mr. WEO, but it's proof of nothing. Oh and Johnson and Belichick are fishing buddies, which speaks to his credibility.


    Actually, if you bothered to read the interview, he did name names: Obviously Dallas; Schottenheimer and Hatley from the Chiefs; and Howard Mudd, from the Chiefs to, interestingly, the Colts. Notice after a career of futility against the Pats for Manning and Slow Tony Dungy, including 2 playoff losses, the Colts, after trailing 21-6 at the half of the 2006 AFCG, come out of the lockeroom and suddenly rattle off 32 2nd half points to edge the PAts. Nothing suspicious there. Mudd's back with the Colts now.


    So you are now saying that JJ would willfully tarnish his own reputation and place the championships of his Dallas teams in question....because he is "fishing buddies" with another HC??


    Wow. This is primo stuff.

  4. The only thing you made clear with that post is that you dont know anything about football if you believe that to be true. Why do all the DJ blamers over look the fact that Trent went for 3 TD's and 10 Turnovers in his 4 divisional games? Why do they forget JP had a QB rating in the 50's in his two divisional games? Why do you ignore that Trent had 6 HORRIBLE, not even sort of bad, but flat out horrible games in his last 8 of the season?


    Trent finished poorly overall, but what you keep ignoring (the pain over your personal loss is still overwhelming, isn't it? Let him go.) is that, after the nightmarish 1st Q in CLE, he played the rest of the season (19 Q's) with only 1 turnover and 3 sacks. Which is something.


    You think some rookie HC was going to change that using a new system? About as dumb of a statement as I have seen on here.


    Really? Anyway...John Harbaugh, Mike Smith, Tony Sparano were "Some rookie HCs" who changed their teams with a "new system".




    Like someone else mentioned, BEFORE Brady, BB in NE had a very similar record to DJ, in fact DJ has a slightly higher win % over those 8 years as BB had in his 8 years pre Brady. A QB will either KILL your coach or make him a HERO...DJ has never once, not one single season, ever had a QB.


    2006? No?

  5. <Mr. WEO>

    Why the heck can you not admit that the patriots are a better team and they never cheated and you are a jealous, petty, sniveling, homophobic, sad, sad little man?

    </Mr. WEO>

    Just to clarify:


    Even a guy with your abilities should see that the Pats are a better team than the Bills. In fact, I think that's probably a consensus opinion outside of this site.


    Never said they didn't cheat or break the rules. You had to make that one up to prop your point.


    "you are a jealous, petty, sniveling, homophobic, sad, sad little man"--that part you managed to get correct: a bit of self reflection for you.


    You should probably stick with "suck an egg"---it's really your best stuff. Trust me.

  6. I have a great idea. TO should buy a house near the Stadium, fix it up REAL NICE...............................& donate it to a worthy charity when he leaves Buffalo. He not only could afford it, but could probably use the Tax write off.


    Fix it up? You mean, like, pushing the RV and the abandoned cars off the front lawn?


    He should just write off the hotel room.

  7. I would have to say....... TO. It took 13 years and a move to Buffalo before anyone to realized he is actually better than Jerry Rice.



    Largent?? He played in 7 Pro Bowls, was named to the all 1980's NFL team, he retired as the best WR in history, holding all major records at his position and is in the HOF.



    Herman Moore is also a good choice.

  8. What we've picked up on is that you're a Patriots fan who claims to be a Bills fan. Say anything negative about Brady or the Pats and it's Mr. WEO to the defense. :lol:


    Actually, no. But I guess it would make your points more cogent if I was.


    What do I care if "negative" things are said about Brady? I just like to point out the nonsense, that's all. I know you can't handle anyone who doesn't join the mindlessness, but what would it be like here if everybody said he's gay and he cheats and he sucks anyway? You need to do that to feel good about the Bills. I don't.


    See? We are different, you and.


    Anyway, why don't you stick with a topic you are more comfortable with, like forensics, maybe.

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