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Posts posted by Mr. WEO

  1. If any other player in the NFL not named T.O. says this, no one says a thing. You clearly have issues with him, so your filters make this appear to seem like a negative statement.


    T.O. is getting the Dennis Rodman treatment...Dennis Rodman would get a technical foul if he farted on the court because he was Dennis Rodman...T.O. has the same problem that because he is T.O. every statement, no matter how minor, gets manipulated to be some kind of team killer or selfish comment when most the time he is just answering a question honestly and more often than not everyone agrees with his answer. Like in this case, its no secret Romo hasnt stepped up as a leader on that team...

    Damn right.


    TO doen't want all this nonsense. He's just a guy who is hunkering down at the teams' facility, getting ready for camp and all this stuff keeps jumping in front of him, trying to mess with his focus on team success.

  2. Holy Crap...relax everyone. One-We have TO, our camp is going to be watched very closely. Plus-we have the Hall of Fame Game which I understand is the preseason opener? No? There are reasons to post it other than to drive all of you nuts. Small minded....


    PS-This is coming from someone who isnt really a fan of Mort and his trigger happy breaking news stories that are wrong more than they should be from a 'legit' news station



    Sorry, I thought we were supposed to say Mort's a douche.

  3. He could prove it IF it were true, the EXACT SAME way it was PROVEN that the Pats* CHEATED.



    Again, for both of you: he was caught in the act! So....unless he was to catch another team filming it would be impossible for him to "prove it IF it were true, the EXACT SAME way it was PROVEN that the Pats* CHEATED."


    Johnson's admission was well publicized. Why would BB repeat it?

  4. I was surprised last season when we ran the Wildcat and had Fred Jackson in the backfield instead of Parrish. I don't really know if Jackson can throw the ball, but I know Parrish can, and he's so dangerous. Maybe that can be how we get him more involved on offense.



    Parrish can throw the ball?

  5. That doesn't surprise me.

    Great comeback: precise, witty, piercing and brief.


    Anyway, why not answer the simple question? If he doesn't need to be on the show (I assume by that you mean he does not have anything to gain from it) why do you suppose would want to appear on it?


    Hint: this isn't a trick question.

  6. The internet was still in its infancy back when Flutie was with the Bills. No Youtube, no Twitter, no Facebook, no Google even. And back when he was released by 2 NFL teams before taking refuge in the CFL, the internet wasn't even around (at least, not to the public). So all the bad stuff around him wasn't known. But of course you will excuse him being released as being "relegated to the back of the bus," given his enormous talent that was being squandered. Maybe if he'd returned to the NFL after a couple years in the CFL and had a larger body of work while in his prime, we'd have a better sense of just how great he was.


    And I won't make excuses for TO's spitting incident or calling Garcia gay. But consider the TD celebrations as the yin to Jauron's stone-faced yang. At least he didn't try to run over a meter maid or commit DUI manslaughter.



    You've already excused TO's "Garcia's gay" comment---everyone, including you, already knew he was gay!



    You still seem to be under the impression that all of these bad things could not simply be reported in the newspapers, magazines and ESPN--like, how ALL info was disseminated back then. What events transpired involving Flutie could ONLY have been reported through youtube, twitter, or facebook (WTF??). If "all the bad stuff around him wasn't known" then, why isn't it known now?


    You clearly have a list of things that you were somehow able to compile back then, despite the lack of modern internet resources. I'm still waiting to hear them. Are you backing away from that one also? While you're at it, explain why we've come to know about all of TO's poor behavior over the years without the aid of the internet--we simply read the paper and watched TV.

  7. Yeah, because i bet manny didn't start juicing until he joined the dodgers. Funny that bostonfan is whining about this, because the entire '04 sox team that won the pennant was on the juice. Of course, bostonfan is too much of a whining moron to figure this out.


    Can you provide a link or should we just go with you on this one?



    As for belichick*, he cheated for a long, long time. This is further reinforced by the fact that Goodell tried to sweep everything under the rug by issuing a quick penalty and quickly destroying any evidence. If the evidence "didn't show much," than why not show it to team officials so they could make correct steps to prevent cheating? Most likely, the evidence was highly incriminating against the pats*, showed the full extent of their cheating, and would cast a dark cloud over the NFL and that franchise. But Goodell isn't going to nail his buddy and one of his biggest markets, so we're all told, "nothing to see here, move along."


    I think team officials know the "correct steps" to prevent cheating. Step 1: don't cheat. Step 2: repeat Step 1.


    The full extent of their cheating? Like they taped every team for years? I already assumed that, didn't you? What else did they tape, that Mangini sitting down when he pees? And why would it be better for the League to be widely viewed as covering up cheating rather than punishing it? How is it that the other owners went along with this? You will have trouble answering that one.


    Other teams didn't cheat, because they would have gotten caught. If all these other teams cheated, they why didn't belicheat* make any accusations at other teams when he was caught? Oh that's right, because other teams weren't cheating.


    You numbnuts----BB did this for 7 years before he "got caught"! He finally was busted because his former co-conspirator, Mangini, turned him in.




    Here you go, Sage. WEO caught in the act again.


    BB was not going to turn anyone else in if it meant he couldn't continue to cheat, genius. Why would he give up what he considered an advantage that others were partaking in? The league knew teams were taping before the scandal broke. They sent a memo to all teams before the 2007 season to really stop doing this please. And without a tape in hand, what would be the point of BB calling out other teams? After BB was busted, taping was over---at least from the sidelines.

  8. So all of a sudden lifting weights is going to allow him to have a good year? That's what I find most interesting. If the guy has had questionable work ethics in the past, as this report would indicate, can we not also assume that he's had questionable commitment to learning playbooks, running routes, etc. Yet, now all of a sudden, he lifts a few weights and King is convinced he's set for a great year? Maybe, but I'll wait to see it during a game first.


    Actually, if you read the quote you copied, you would understand that King was quoting someone else.


    Anyway, the next day King added this:



    Re: the Roy Williams lack of weight training until this year: I should clarify to say that, obviously, he has lifted weights before. What he hadn't done before this year with the Dallas Cowboys is stay in a program consistently for an entire off-season or be devoted to lifting during a season.
  9. Or maybe most media can recognize that he coach some talent-less teams unlike some of you jokers. This, as sad as it is to say, is the best team Jauron has ever had. But it's always the coaches' fault.





    Bill Belichick pre-Brady

    So DJ is just a Brady away from being Belichick?



  10. The counter argument to the "everyone was cheating" is "why didn't Belichick squeal on them?" We all know it's not because he's too classy or ethical.

    Yeah, another great "argument".


    Maybe he didn't say anything because he didn't want to get caught doing something he thought was beneficial to him. Besides, how would he prove they were doing it?

  11. I watched it to but he said things differently. Faulk said that we have a very good offense, but the OL is the bug question mark since we lost Jason Peters, and didn't have anyone waiting in the wings waiting to replace him.




    Nah, NFLTA should be on your green list. They picked your pats* to be the surprise team this season.

    Ramius at his best. When it's all you've got, guess you gotta use it.

  12. No one is trying to take them away. But when I look back at them, I mostly lament the ST's destroying the Bills' chances in the 1999 playoffs, with the ending of that Titans game.


    And most of the "Flutie haters" are just pointing out that a 56.2% completion rate, 7582 yards, 47 TD's and 36 turnovers in 30 starts and large parts of many other games, isn't "just winning," as many would like to believe. Those numbers are on-par with Trent Dilfer's SB-winning season in 2000. Now I'll give him credit for providing excitement in 1998, after the Kelly years were over and the reality of Todd Collins set-in. But it was largely a team effort.


    And Flutie was as shameless a self-promoter as you believe TO is. It's just that the internet and technology wasn't where it is now back then. Remember that he was cut by 2 teams before fleeing to the CFL, and then cut again with the Bills. And it wasn't because he was "relegated to the back of the bus."


    Are you serious??


    So you're saying that, way back (10 years ago), because the internet didn't have TSW, we will never know about all of Fluties nefarious misdeeds?



    You know, I hear they did have newspapers, sports magazines and the "television" back then. Awesome stuff! Just unbelievable.



    Flutie and TO were equal self-promoters.


    Did Flutie perform endless self serving TD celebrations? Did he spit on another player? Did he disrespect another team and their home crowd by dancing on their logo? Did he call another teammate gay? Did he get suspended for being this bad person you imagine? Was he released by 2 teams, despite playing well?


    I guess we'll never know because the internet wasn't quite up to par and all those "self-promoting" events that you insinuate ware lost forever in the fog of a sports nation's memory. Maybe you can find someone who was alive back than and ask them to tell you all about Flutie's TO moments--so that you can preserve them for posterity----here, on the "internet".

  13. Look pally, just because you're out of touch and/or only believe what you want to believe, it doesn't mean that other people are like that. Garcia being gay has been talked about for years, especially considering the San Francisco tie-in. As I said, TO shouldn't have said it publicly. But that didn't force him to leave. He left of his own volition.


    So let me get this straight. I am supposed to ignore everything that TO has said on the record and on film, because that's the "media" telling me (WTF??) and not the "real TO", yet you can repeat the baseless (and long dead) rumor that Garcia is gay---because TO told you so....in the media?


    Yeah, makes sense. You should have someone proof your posts, bud. You knew nothing about Garcia and his potential gayness until TO blurted this out in the Playboy interview (and which he quickly retracted), so stop trying to claim you knew otherwise "for years". My favorite part is "especially considering th San Francisco tie-in." The what?? Hey, TO was inSF longer than Garcia---"Hmmmmmm".



    I never said that TO agreed to the contract to avoid going to Baltimore. I said that he accepted whatever the Eagles gave him in a "fine, I'll take whatever, just get me out of Baltimore."


    No, this is what you said:



    But mostly this was about his contract. He ultimately got traded to the Eagles, and accepted a below-market contract that was severely backloaded to boot, just to get out of Baltimore.


    Either way, you're wrong. He had already negotiated a deal with the Eagles because he assumed he was a free agent. Then the 49ers said no, you're not and traded him to Baltimore. The teams worked it out before it went to arbitration and settled with eachother (compensation). TO then went to Philly for the money he and the Eagles already agreed upon.




    He more than made-up for it, with the contract he got from the Cowboys.


    Is it Randy Moss money?




    Great, so we're in agreement that Jones possibly made the wrong decision. Therefore TO's getting cut by them wasn't necessarily a reflection on TO. Huzzah!


    Yes, it may have been a mistake. No, it was clear a relection on TO---if you "really" read the article and what Jones Jr. is telling you (through the media).


    I can more easily argue that throwing more passes to Witten hurt the team more than throwing more passes to TO would have done, because Romo has been a disappointment with his decision-making. And as you noted, TO had more yards and TD's despite fewer receptions. Hmmmm.


    You can easily make that argument because you haven't really thought it through. Whitten had even more catches than TO the previous year and it didn't hurt the team too much, did it? And you can stop scratching your head ("Hmmmm"): you apparently would be surprised to learn that WR and TE are actually different positions used differently in the passing game, therfore we would expect a WR to have more Y/R.

  14. Yeah..it says he had the help of a #1 defense and a pack of Hall of Fame players

    Yeah, Flutie really got by because he had Thurman Thomas and Andre Reed in front of him. Flutie outgained Thomas over the two years.


    In 98, the D was ranked 6 in yards allowed and 15th in points allowed. Big deal.

  15. The point about Flutie being better than the poor RJ is a weak argument, but par for the course for a half wit like you, Mr. WEO. Because his time with the Chargers proved that he wasn't responsible for the Bills winning. Otherwise he would have "just won" there. It's not a hard concept, for people with even half a brain.


    And Flutie had 20 TD's and 20 turnovers in 1999, a 55% completion rate, and barely eclipsed 3,000 passing. JP had a similar season in 2006 and people were still ready to run him out on a rail.

    Really? A weak argument? Oh, I get it--because it's true, it doesn't work for you.


    The Chargers were not a very good team. Brees did no better (maybe worse) when he took over.


    Look, nobody here is saying that Flutie did it on his own. But he and the Bills had two winning seasons in a row and the Bills haven't duplicated this with the clown car full of bums that followed him.


    Thise were good times. Why try to take them away?

  16. waitasecond. son of a bleep.

    i wouldn't refer to anyone as a moron, not even you. and the whole pariah thing doesn't exactly jibe when considering that it was TO who helped get the Eagles to the Super Bowl and then, despite numerous doctors and trainers telling him that he shouldn't play, he went off and nearly won the game for them single-handedlly on offense. maybe there is something in the modern definition of pariah that i'm not geting.

    and as for being the "first journalist" to find the "real TO," i don't exactly understand what you're getting at Mr. Pulitzer.

    once again, you bang on your stubburn drum of absolutes, discount everything postive that's ever been written about Owens, dismiss any suggestion that he is nothing but an pariah and then attempt to explain to me how to do my job.


    what high horse are you riding, sir, and who gets the job of cleaning up behind you because there's a lot of stuff that requires being shoveled.


    mother of god, you are so enormously bullheaded that pigs and asses bow down before you.



    Relax, jw. TOs flair for the dramatic seems to rubbing off on you.


    Pariah: outcast.


    Why don't you google Terrell Owens pariah and find out what some of your colleagues have written in thsi regard.

  17. There is a huge difference between on-the-field ego, confidence, and simply being a spoiled self-righteous turd. No NFL player should feel he is guaranteed a starting job, and should be happy and proud to earn it, IMO.


    You paint it as if one has to be either an overwhelming douchebag or a passive pansy. There are plenty of areas between those two.


    This story The Senator likes to tell is preposterous. Flutie DID start for the Bills. His job wasn't taken away from him. As with his previous NFL stops, the football men in the organization decided he wasn't the answer, and decided to try another, younger and more physically talented guy. Did Flutie think he was guaranteed the Bills starting QB job for life? Perhaps he thought is was a Supreme Court appointment.


    EDIT: One more thing. Do you think Frank Reich had a huge ego? Did he complain about playing behind Jimbo? There were some who were calling for Frank to got the starting nod, when he QB'd the team so effectively when Jim was injured. I would say Frank had a far better, and more productive, NFL career than Skin Flutie.


    Frank Reich was playing behind Kelly. Flutie was playing behind Rob Johnson, the worst investment in Bills history. Even "The Dean" should be able to see the difference there.


    I said he did well. Not that he was a "great NFL QB". If you are reduced to arguing agianst points that I haven't made then you can join the challenged VOR in doing so together.


    Also, you can say that Reich had a more productive career, but you would be making that up, too.


    BS, huh?


    Speaking of: "a lockeroom cancer his entire career"? Where do you come up with this stuff?

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