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Posts posted by Mr. WEO

  1. Ahhhhhhh.....


    Just sittin back and watching the bullsh***t fly.


    Death penalty? No, son. No need for that. But maybe someday, perhaps after the first game of the season, some of you will see fit to place the blame for ML's absence squarely with the only individual responsible for this sad and completely avoidable situation (hint, it's not Mr. Goodell).

  2. If T.O. has another great year on the football field like he always does, everyone and their mother is in a bidding war for T.O.'s services and the Bills lose. ( especially if T.O. stays in our division)

    TO had a great year last year. There was no bidding war for his services. He signed with the first team to call his agent.

  3. And it's a really good thing that the Bills are planning on slowing down the offense and not getting the plays off quickly, so Langston will have ample time to rest in the huddle between plays and not have to jog up to the LOS immediately after hearing the whistle.

    At least he won't have to fight Peters for the oxygen mask between series.

  4. Kelly has no "syndicate".


    There will never be a purely publically funded stadium.


    TE should get a nice contract if he plays well.


    Ellison shouldn't be starting on any team.


    If TO has a great year, he will hold out for the first team that offers a dollar more than Buffalo.




    1 for 5 dude. You shouldn't drink before you go to sleep---it's giving you crazy dreams.

  5. Fans may have been surprised that Buffalo made the list, but it's because of all the pressure on Trent Edwards. This is what happens when you sign Terrell Owens and take the heat off a very good receiver in Lee Evans. The fans in upstate New York now expect to win while forgetting that Edwards lost his blindside protector in Jason Peters and will be minus all-purpose back Marshawn Lynch for the first three games of the season. That's a recipe for failure for a third-year quarterback earning just $460,000 and wanting a new deal with backup Ryan Fitzpatrick earning a whole lot more.



    All credibility lost after that bolded bit.

  6. Any guy that catches 61 balls for over 1000yds and 13 tds in the SEC deserves a shot in the NFL. The knock on Steve was that he only had one big year, plus he did not have great combine speed numbers. Otherwise he would have been a second round pick by Oakland in 2008. Seems like a very down to earth kid and wants to succeed. I think lik emany do here, if given a shot he could have 30-40 receptions this year. I dont see him every being a elite wr, but definetly the potential to be the 2-3 guy for years.

    Gonna be hard to get him that many catches unless he moves up to number 3.

  7. The biggest thing is to pressure and sack Brady. The Giants showed that if you pressure him he is a totally different QB. IMO, he'll be gun shy after getting injured last year. They need to pound the ball as much as they can and as ans4e64 pointed out they will need to do a lot of shotgun. They need to go to the short passing game to set up the long ball. With Owens and Evans out there they won't be able to stack 8 men in the box.


    Look for NE to set up a lot of blitzes on the first few plays. They'll be testing the new OL. If they can manhandle the line then TE needs to exploit the decreased coverage. If he can burn the blitz enough they'll stop that right quick.

    So they "need to pound the ball as much as they can" and "need to do a lot of shotgun"?

  8. Would love me some Stryker! All I'm saying is compare the guys numbers to Orakpo against a lot of the same competition, and he played though a severe knee sprain as a senior. Then look at his measurables from the combine and they stack up with a lot of the first rounders. He'd be worth a look.


    Scout.com Bio

    But how did they describe his first step?

  9. Greggo was a yeller, how'd that work out? Dungy wasn't a yeller, how'd he work out? Marv wasn't a yeller, how'd he work out? To say a yeller and screamer and bad guy coach would win more often than a more reserved coach who concentrates on fundamentals is not a very well researched conclusion.

    Dungy and Levy each had, for years in a row, some of the most talented, complete teams of their era (especially on offense), yet, combined, have one SB victory between them. This is a direct reflection of their coaching ability.


    So, to answer your question "how'd that work out?": not nearly as well as it should have.

  10. It's a simple statement about a simple concept. This is football. A pasttime, diversion, or in the words of my wife "a waste of time." It's not a marriage. It doesn't really affect you. If you're so GD miserable about the owner, coach, thug players, that the team isn't the Patriots, etc., find another team or stop watching football. Life is too short to be made miserable by something over which you have complete control. And believe me, better people than you have switched allegiances.

    I have no desire to "switch allegiances" and I'm hardly "miserable" (look in the mirror, bro!). Just pointing out how ridiculous it is to scold someone who is not as satisfied with the current Bills as you are. Also, your suggestion that someone who does not toe your company line (there are many here) and would dare voice his/her heretic opinions should not be posting here or even watching the games speaks for itself. Your only comeback is that these (us) people are not "real fans", like you are.


    That's your thing. We get it. Move aside and let the adults have a lively discussion.

  11. Wow. That is really an off the wall statement with no basis in reality. For one, the NCAA is no where near as talented as the NFL but every bit as popular, if not more so, and it could be argued that NCAA football is more pure and higher quality of competition simply because the players are playing to win for the sake of winning, not for the sake of a paycheck. Secondly, if NFL franchises can't afford/are unwilling to cough of the exorbitant sums of money to hire these players, how is some smaller market franchise in an upstart league supposed to be expected to do so (let's face it - any new league simply isn't going to have the same drawing power as the NFL for a very long time, even in major metropolitan areas)? How do you expect an upstart league to pay NFL players their current salaries, or even a fraction of them? Do you think NFL players feel so taken advantage of that they would be willing to play for fractions of their current salaries in an upstart league just to teach NFL owners a lesson? I think not.

    No new league will prosper---this has been proven over and over.


    However, college football is not comaprable for the NFL fan. There are relatively few very good teams and they spend a good portion of their season running up the score against simply bad teams--there is little "competition" there. Unless one of these elite teams is your alma mater------who really cares?

  12. Everyone here will watch scab NFL Bills football. Anyone who says otherwise is simply full of shiiiitt.


    There will be no other league to entice locked out or striking players away from the NFL. There have been at least 5 and they are all defunct. A new one is set to fold soon.


    A significant number of the owners make the majority of their money through their ownership of an NFL team (count Ralphie tops among them). Given what they get now, there will be no public sympathy for players who strike or locked out. Fans are for teams, not players.

  13. Thing is WEO, you're getting into a lot of other issues here. I was addressing two a days and the toughness of the practices. I also said Jauron was getting outcoached pregame and ingame and it was this that was costing us games, not the toughness of the players.


    The stuff on Marv addresses him getting outcoached and it also addresses the curfew issue. The Bills were outcoached and out-talented in those Super Bowls.


    But they were not a soft team. And I don't believe that our current edition is soft either, nor do I believe that training camp is a means of beating the players into a bloody pulp.

    Actually, I'm refuting your contention that Marv's style of coaching was responsible for the 4 SBs. More likely, they are responsible for the losses. Letting "adults take care of themselves" lead to the results we all saw---and that was with a superstar team. Jimmy Johnson (also with a loaded team) did things very differently and destroyed us.


    Jauron has a similar "work ethic" in mind for his team--and he is starting at a massive talent deficit compared to Marv. I don't think these guys play very tough (you may disagree, but I just never saw it last year) because they are never made to.


    But, to get on another issue--an interesting point made in the article concerns Kelly's timing of his exit from the league in regard to HOF voting and eligibility.



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