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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. will this alter his HOF trajectory?
  2. If it is cutaneous I refer to Derm for Mohs surgery. If it is cyst or lipoma, I would do it other than around nose or mouth (never seen one there).
  3. 2000 Ravens D had the eye...the Offense? No one looking at Tony Banks and Tent Dilfer were seeing that...
  4. Turns out "rehab" was hanging out with famously clean living Bruce Smith at his "lakefront villa"... It's a TV show. There's no known causal relationship, let alone "50%". Most have been found to be "pseudolipomas"--subfascial fat that ruptures through fascia due to traumatic injury to the latter. Also, even the study you cited (read it) found that the mean presentation time from trauma to the appearance of these lipomas in questions is 2 years. Dareus said his appeared 1 week after his hit.
  5. I mean you can’t just take a man’s Pink Champale….
  6. No, he’s not a journalist, he’s a columnist. he’s been writing the same articles for 40 years. I guess some readers need a lot of reassurance.
  7. remember when everyone was applauding him for "entering into rehab"? lol
  8. exactly. He's done. So is the boy genius rep of McVay
  9. He never treads new ground. All are obvious beefs. Anyone still complaining about pro sports league greed should just stop posting/writing. Ditto with sports celebrations. He needs to sit in his barcolounger with his transistor radio earplug in and relax in retirement, listening to the old timey radio calls.
  10. He makes Sully look like Richard Simmons
  11. NYC's most famous crank for decades..lol MORE FROM:PHIL MUSHNICK: NFLPA avoiding its biggest issue shows it only pretends to care about minorities US women's soccer team is incredibly hard to root for MLB's hideous streaming partnerships are filled with arrogant greed Baseball's game-over demonstrations reaching hackneyed levels Sports gambling grossness hits new low with Special Olympics betting controversy
  12. You don’t get a lipoma from a hit, and they don’t burst.
  13. well then Jairus Byrd should get in too
  14. caveat emptor has always applied in any business transaction. Nothing new here. you had an outlier experience. It happens. Might as well start a thread about your ordered food arriving missing an item, or cold
  15. I've never had a problem with them. Blame is on the seller.
  16. File this under “Mike Florio says NFL is considering expanding to 40 teams”
  17. And this is the edited version…
  18. dude just wants to feel what it's like to get to the QB...
  19. he's still a bum so, no.
  20. It would be story nationally for part of a day, locally for a day or two. No firestorm.
  21. The point was that a non charge isn't considered proof of innocence. It means it's a weak case.
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