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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. I'm not even going to read it. I'll just let my rage boil....
  2. Tasker today was opining that the MLB has gone the way of the RB, given the way Offenses are managed these days. He's said that's why Beane basically said "good luck" to Edmunds.
  3. Clark, Greenberg, Martin are not reporters. They are paid by ESPN to give their takes in order to inflame you.
  4. Beane didn't think so
  5. Definitely ran out of 1 year contracts. Printer is likely backlogged
  6. ok 1 big catch (6 yards).
  7. He caught 2 passes for 18 yards.
  8. he'll be gone after that contract is up
  9. This isn't true. It's a red zone play and Gabe has good separation while the ball is in the air. Tre is late and then never turns around, runs into Gabe, puts his face in his belly, his left hand on his jersey under his arm and his right arm and hand on the side of Gabe's helmet--all before the ball enters Davis's hands. That's a penalty declined TD PI all day.
  10. Having been beaten, and even with that blatant PI, Tre can't stop my man Gabe from hauling in that catch...
  11. there's a Punter who should have mic'd himself up...
  12. Maybe Tre's caught a fork in his back...
  13. KK got them million dollar abs and tang stacked many feet high. he speaks freely...not fearful of our judgement
  14. if a tree falls in a forest......
  15. This isn't correct. They say that the author split the book's movie rights with them and that they then split that 5 ways.
  16. Big deal. 5 time SB champ and HOF'er Charles Haley was famous for swinging his helmet all the time--in the locker room, at meetings....
  17. The family is saying he knew this for some time.
  18. Certainly I don't think that. It just seemed strange to me that after all these years, a guy who has signed 4 different contracts with 3 different team, signed multiple book deals, etc would suddenly wonder where the film money went from years ago. Now the family is claiming he didn't just "find this out"... More to come i guess...
  19. Where is the monetary benefit for them?
  20. simple: players would refuse to wear them and the NFLPA would demand that they not be mandatory
  21. Every owner has done this. He's just really bad at it.
  22. GM Ray Farmer was a bum anyway. It's not like Haslam (a total moron) overruled Howie Roseman over there... I didn't get that. It is true that if he decided to sign a billion footballs for cash a player today, the NCAA would have nothing to say. A and M sold 45 million Manziel jerseys.
  23. So 12 years after he signed the conservatorship (and 7 years in the league), he retires (7 years ago), then starts "looking into" where the movie/etc movie went.....and 7 years later (this year) hires a lawyer who pretty much finds the document? Writes a book in 2011 called "I Beat the Odds"...then writes another book last year" "Nevermind---It Was All Actually Horrible".
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